SAP CCRCE_YEAR Data Element Type Monitoring Year ABAP dictionary fields

CCRCE_YEAR is a standard DATA Element within the SAP ABAP dictionary and is associated with fields that store Purchasing Document information.

Below is the list of data element attribute values including length, data type, description, domain, search help etc... also check the Contribute section for any additional notes that have been added You could also view this information on your SAP system if you enter the data element CCRCE_YEAR into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE11 or SE80.

Data element guide details

  • Data Element CCRCE_YEAR Attributes
  • Domain details
  • All SAP tables with fields that use this Data Element
  • Contribution section

Attributes of SAP Data Element CCRCE_YEAR

Data element (semantic domain): More details...CCRCE_YEAR
Activation Status of a Repository Object: More details...Entry activated or generated in this form
Language Key: More details...E
Version of the entry (not used): More details...
Domain name: More details...JAHR
Length (No. of Characters): More details...
Short Description of Repository Objects: More details...Monitoring Year
Heading: More details...Year
Get/Set parameter ID: More details...
No parameter ID is assigned to this data element so the ABAP statements GET PARAMETER ID and SET PARAMETER ID can't be used to store and retrieve values from memory
Flag for writing change documents: More details...No
Change document history is not recorded for this FIELD and no entries will be made in tables CDHDR and CDPOS.
Short Field Label: More details...Year
Medium Field Label: More details...Year
Maximum length of heading: More details...4
Long Field Label: More details...Year
Max. length for short field label: More details...10
Max. length for medium field label: More details...15
Max. length for long field label: More details...20
Activation flag: More details...Start of activation or activation successful
Application class for DD objects (not used): More details...
Activation type: More details...No classification
Original Language in Repository objects: More details...D
SDIC: Reserve for data elements (not used): More details...
Flag for private DD objects (not used): More details...
Name of a Search Help: More details...
Name of a search help parameter: More details...
Default name for components using the data element: More details...
Data Type in ABAP Dictionary: More details...NUMC
Length (No. of Characters): More details...4
Number of Decimal Places: More details...
Output Length: More details...4
Allow lowercase letters or NOT: More details...No
As this is set to No all text stored within a field associated with domain CCRCE_YEAR will be converted to uppercase irrespective of case entered by the user.
Field contains negative values: More details...Yes
Basically saves the first position of the field so that a + or -sign can be displayed when output. Only valid for floating point,Quantity, Decimal and Currency data types
Conversion Routine: More details...
Converts the field value between the display and internally stored format. The 5 char ID (i.e. ) associates this field with the underlying ABAP function modules that perform the conversion.
Domain contains fixed values: More details...No
Value table: More details...
Category of Dictionary Type: More details...D
Type of Object Referenced: More details...
Not relevant as this field is an Elementary Domain Type rather than a reference type.
DD: Is a generated proxy object: More details...
Force write direction to be LTR: More details...
If this flag is set the field content is always displayed using the left to right writing direction, even if the write direction of the screen/user is right to left. Maybe useful for digit based data such as phone numbers which may be un-readable using RTL direction. See OSS note 1291845
DD: No Filtering of BIDI Formatting Characters: More details...
DD: Flag for Deactivating Input History in Screen Field: More details...

SAP tables using Data Element CCRCE_YEAR

Tables with field using data element CCRCE_YEAR

Related Data Elements in SAP

CCRCE_YEAR - Monitoring Year
CCRCE_YEAR_FROM - Valid-From Date
CCRCE_YEAR_TO - Valid-To Date

List of SAP data elements

Other CCRCE_YEAR SAP Data Element objects
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