SAP BP_JANEI Domain Yes/No indicator (four possible entries for transfer) elementary ABAP data type

SAP DOMAIN BP_JANEI is an elementary data type object within the dictionary that stores Yes/No indicator (four possible entries for transfer) information.

Below is the list of domain attribute values including length, data type, description, value list, search help etc... also check the Contribute section for any additional notes about this object. You could also view this information on your SAP system if you enter the data element BP_JANEI into the relevant SAP transaction such as SE11 or SE80.

SAP Domain BP_JANEI attributes


Domain name: More details...BP_JANEI
Activation Status of a Repository Object: More details...Entry activated or generated in this form
Language Key: More details...E
Version of the entry (not used): More details...
Data Type in ABAP Dictionary: More details...CHAR
Short Description of Repository Objects: More details...Yes/No indicator (four possible entries for transfer)
Length (No. of Characters): More details...1
Output Length: More details...1
Number of Decimal Places: More details...
Allow lowercase letters or NOT: More details...No
As this is set to No all text stored within a field associated with domain BP_JANEI will be converted to uppercase irrespective of case entered by the user.
Field contains negative values: More details...Yes
Basically saves the first position of the field so that a + or -sign can be displayed when output. Only valid for floating point,Quantity, Decimal and Currency data types
Flag for language-dependent values(not used): More details...
Domain contains fixed values: More details...Yes
Value LowValue HighDescription
Value table: More details...
Conversion Routine: More details...
Converts the field value between the display and internally stored format. The 5 char ID (i.e. ) associates this field with the underlying ABAP function modules that perform the conversion.
Template (not used): More details...
Template length (not used): More details...
Activation flag: More details...Start of activation or activation successful
Application class for DD objects (not used): More details...FVV
Activation type: More details...No classification
Original Language in Repository objects: More details...
Reserve for domains (not used): More details...
Flag for private DD objects (not used): More details...
Domain name: More details...
DD: Indicator that at least one domain append exists: More details...
DD: Is a generated proxy object: More details...
DD: Output Style (Output Style) for Decfloat Types: More details...Normal
AM/PM time format is required: More details...
Time is displayed using the 24-hour format by default but if this checkbox is set, SAP will use the time format specified in the user master record. These can be either 24 Hour Format (i.e. 12:05:10), 12 Hour Format (i.e. 12:05:10 PM/pm) or Hours from 0 to 11 (i.e. 00:05:10 PM/pm).

Language support for domain BP_JANEI within the SAP system

Indicator da/nu (patru intr#ri posibile pt.transfer) ( Romanian)
Da/ne indikator (štirje možni vnosi za prenos) ( Slovenian)
Pokazatelj Da/Ne (#etiri mogu#a unosa za prijenos) ( Croatian)
Znak ano-ne (pro p#echod 4 možností zadávání) ( Czech)
Ja-Nein-Kennzeichen (für Übergang 4 Eingabemöglichkeiten) ( German)
Yes/No indicator (four possible entries for transfer) ( English)
Code oui/non (4 entrées possibles pour transfert) ( French)
Igen/nem-kód (átmenet négy lehetséges bevitele) ( Hungarian)
Codice sì/no (4 possibilità inserimento per trasferimento) ( Italian)
Ja-/nej-indikator (4 mulige input for overgang) ( Danish)
Wsk. Tak-Nie (dla 4 mo#liwo#ci wprowadzania) ( Polish)
Ja/nee-teken (4 invoermogelijkheden voor overgang) ( Dutch)
Ja-/nei-indikator (fire mulige verdier for overføring) ( Norwegian)
Código sim-não (p/transferência 4 possíveis entradas) ( Portuguese)
Znak áno/nie (pre prechod 4 možností zadávania) ( Slovakian)
Indicador sí/no (para transferencia de 4 posibles entradas) ( Spanish)
Evet/hay#r göstergesi (aktar#m için 4 olas# giri#) ( Turkish)
Kyllä/ei-tunnus (siirrolle 4 syöttömahdollisuutta) ( Finnish)
Ja-nej-ind. (4 möjliga värden för övergång) ( Swedish)
Yes/No indicator (four possible entries for transfer) ( Customer reserve)
Pokazatelj da/ne (#etiri mogu#a unosa za prenos) ( Serbian (Latin))

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