SAP NSDM_MIG_MBEW Table in S/4 HANA - Generated Table for View

NSDM_MIG_MBEW is a standard SAP Table which is used to store Generated Table for View data and is available within S/4 HANA SAP systems depending on the version and release level. Below is the technical details and the list of fields specifically relevant for an SAP S/4 HANA system

Even using an S/4 Hana system you can still view further information about the SAP NSDM_MIG_MBEW table and the data within it using standard SAP GUI transactions such as SE11, SE80 or SE16. Or you can use the ADT (ABAP development tools within eclipse).

Delivery Class:
Display/Maintenance via SM30: Display/Maintenance Allowed but with Restrictions
Enhancement category: Not classified
Dictionary Type: Table view
Database Table: NSDM_MIG_MBEW

NSDM_MIG_MBEW table structure field list

Below is the full NSDM_MIG_MBEW field list that makes up the SAP database table structure, including key fields, description, data type and other technical details of each field

Field Description Data Element Data Type length (Dec) Check table Conversion Routine Domain Name MemoryID SHLP SHLP Field
LVORMDeletion flag for all material data of a valuation typeLVOBACHAR1(0) XFELD
LBKUMTotal Valuated StockLBKUMQUAN13(3) MENG13V
SALK3Value of Total Valuated StockSALK3CURR13(2) WERT13N
VPRSVPrice control indicatorVPRSVCHAR1(0) VPRSV
VERPRMoving Average Price/Periodic Unit PriceVERPRCURR11(2) WERT11V
STPRSStandard priceSTPRSCURR11(2) WERT11V
SALKVValue based on moving average price (only with price ctrl S)SALKVCURR13(2) WERT13N
VMKUMTotal valuated stock in previous periodVMKUMQUAN13(3) MENG13V
VMSALValue of total valuated stock in previous periodVMSALCURR13(2) WERT13N
VMVPRPrice Control Indicator in Previous PeriodVMVPRCHAR1(0) VPRSV
VMVERMoving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price in Previous PeriodVMVERCURR11(2) WERT11V
VMSTPStandard price in the previous periodVMSTPCURR11(2) WERT11V
VMPEIPrice unit of previous periodVMPEIDEC5(0) PACK3
VMBKLValuation Class in Previous PeriodVMBKLCHAR4(0) T025BKLAS
VMSAVValue based on moving average price (previous period)VMSAVCURR13(2) WERT13N
VJKUMTotal Valuated Stock in Previous YearVJKUMQUAN13(3) MENG13V
VJSALValue of total valuated stock in previous yearVJSALCURR13(2) WERT13N
VJVPRPrice Control Indicator in Previous YearVJVPRCHAR1(0) VPRSV
VJVERMoving Average Price/Periodic Unit Price in Previous YearVJVERCURR11(2) WERT11V
VJSTPStandard price in previous yearVJSTPCURR11(2) WERT11V
VJPEIPrice unit of previous yearVJPEIDEC5(0) PACK3
VJBKLValuation Class in Previous YearVJBKLCHAR4(0) T025BKLAS
VJSAVValue based on moving average price (previous year)VJSAVCURR13(2) WERT13N
LFGJAFiscal Year of Current PeriodLFGJANUMC4(0) GJAHRGJAHR
LFMONCurrent period (posting period)LFMONNUMC2(0) MONAT
BWTTYValuation CategoryBWTTY_DCHAR1(0) T149BWTTY
STPRVPrevious priceSTPRVCURR11(2) WERT11V
LAEPRDate of the last price changeLAEPRDATS8(0) DATUM
ZKDATDate as of which the price is validDZKDATDATS8(0) DATUM
BWPRSValuation price based on tax law: level 1BWPRSCURR11(2) WERT11
BWPRHValuation price based on commercial law: level 1BWPRHCURR11(2) WERT11
VJBWSValuation price based on tax law: level 3VJBWSCURR11(2) WERT11
VJBWHValuation price based on commercial law: level 3VJBWHCURR11(2) WERT11
VVJSLValue of total valuated stock in year before lastVVJSLCURR13(2) WERT13N
VVJLBTotal valuated stock in year before lastVVJLBQUAN13(3) MENG13V
VVMLBTotal valuated stock in period before lastVVMLBQUAN13(3) MENG13V
VVSALValue of total valuated stock in period before lastVVSALCURR13(2) WERT13N
ZPLPRFuture planned priceDZPLPRCURR11(2) WERT11
ZPLP1Future Planned Price 1DZPLP1CURR11(2) WERT11
ZPLP2Future Planned Price 2DZPLP2CURR11(2) WERT11
ZPLP3Future Planned Price 3DZPLP3CURR11(2) WERT11
ZPLD1Date from Which Future Planned Price 1 Is ValidDZPLD1DATS8(0) DATUM
ZPLD2Date from Which Future Planned Price 2 Is ValidDZPLD2DATS8(0) DATUM
ZPLD3Date from Which Future Planned Price 3 Is ValidDZPLD3DATS8(0) DATUM
PPERZPeriod for future standard cost estimate (deactivated)PPERZACCP6(0) BUPER
PPERLPeriod for current standard cost estimate (deactivated)PPERLACCP6(0) BUPER
PPERVPeriod for previous standard cost estimate (deactivated)PPERVACCP6(0) BUPER
KALKZIndicator: standard cost estimate for future periodKAXKZCHAR1(0) XFELD
KALKLStandard Cost Estimate for Current PeriodKALKLCHAR1(0) XFELD
KALKVIndicator: standard cost estimate for previous periodKALKVCHAR1(0) XFELD
KALSCOverhead key (deactivated)KALSCCHAR6(0) KALSC
BWPH1Valuation price based on commercial law: level 2BWPH1CURR11(2) WERT11
BWPS1Valuation price based on tax law: level 2BWPS1CURR11(2) WERT11
ABWKZLowest value: devaluation indicatorABWKZNUMC2(0) NUMC2
PSTATMaintenance statusPSTAT_DCHAR15(0) PSTAT
KALN1Cost Estimate Number - Product CostingCK_KALNR1NUMC12(0) CK_KALNRKNE
KALNRCost Estimate Number for Cost Est. w/o Qty StructureCK_KALNRNUMC12(0) CK_KALNRKNR
BWVA1Valuation Variant for Future Standard Cost EstimateCK_BWVA1CHAR3(0) TCK05CK_BWVAR
BWVA2Valuation Variant for Current Standard Cost EstimateCK_BWVA2CHAR3(0) TCK05CK_BWVAR
BWVA3Valuation Variant for Previous Standard Cost EstimateCK_BWVA3CHAR3(0) TCK05CK_BWVAR
VERS1Costing Version of Future Standard Cost EstimateCK_TVERS1NUMC2(0) CK_VERSIONVSN
VERS2Costing Version of Current Standard Cost EstimateCK_TVERS2NUMC2(0) CK_VERSION
VERS3Costing Version of Previous Standard Cost EstimateCK_TVERS3NUMC2(0) CK_VERSION
HRKFTOrigin Group as Subdivision of Cost ElementHRKFTCHAR4(0) TKKH1HRKFT
KOSGRCosting Overhead GroupCK_KOSGRCHAR10(0) TCK14CK_KOSGR
PPRDZPeriod of Future Standard Cost EstimateCK_PPRDZNUMC3(0) POPERBUP
PPRDLPeriod of Current Standard Cost EstimateCK_PPRDLNUMC3(0) POPER
PPRDVPeriod of Previous Standard Cost EstimateCK_PPRDVNUMC3(0) POPER
PDATZFiscal Year of Future Standard Cost EstimateCK_PDATZNUMC4(0) GJAHRGJAHRGEJ
PDATLFiscal Year of Current Standard Cost EstimateCK_PDATLNUMC4(0) GJAHRGJAHR
PDATVFiscal Year of Previous Standard Cost EstimateCK_PDATVNUMC4(0) GJAHRGJAHR
EKALRMaterial Is Costed with Quantity StructureCK_EKALRELCHAR1(0) XFELD
VPLPRPrevious planned priceVPLPRCURR11(2) WERT11
MLMAAMaterial Ledger Activated at Material LevelCK_ML_MAACCHAR1(0) XFELD
MLASTMaterial Price Determination: ControlCK_ML_ABSTCHAR1(0) CK_ML_ABST
LPLPRCurrent Planned PriceCK_LPLPRCURR11(2) WERT11
VKSALValue of Total Valuated Stock at Sales PriceVKSALCURR13(2) WERT13N
HKMATMaterial-related originHKMATCHAR1(0) HKMAT
SPERWPhysical Inventory Blocking IndicatorSPERRCHAR1(0) SPERR
KZIWLPhys. inventory indicator for value-only materialKZIWLCHAR3(0) INVKZ
WLINLDate of Last Posted CountDLINLDATS8(0) DATS
ABCIWPhysical Inventory Indicator for Cycle CountingABCINCHAR1(0) ABCIN
BWSPAValuation marginBWSPADEC6(2) PRZ32V
LPLPXFixed Portion of Current Planned PriceCK_LPLPXCURR11(2) WERT11V
VPLPXFixed Portion of Previous Planned PriceCK_VPLPXCURR11(2) WERT11V
FPLPXFixed Portion of Future Planned PriceCK_ZPLPXCURR11(2) WERT11V
LBWSTVal. Strat. for Current Plan Price, Sales Order/Proj. StockCK_LBWSTCHAR1(0) CK_BWST
VBWSTValuation Strategy for Previous Plan Price, Special StockCK_VBWSTCHAR1(0) CK_BWST
FBWSTValuation Strategy for Future Planned Price, Special StockCK_ZBWSTCHAR1(0) CK_BWST
EKLASValuation Class for Sales Order StockEKLASCHAR4(0) T025BKLAS
QKLASValuation Class for Project StockQKLASCHAR4(0) T025BKLAS
MTUSEUsage of the materialJ_1BMATUSECHAR1(0) J_1BMATUSE
MTORGOrigin of the materialJ_1BMATORGCHAR1(0) J_1BMATORG
OWNPRProduced in-houseJ_1BOWNPROCHAR1(0) XFELD
XBEWMValuation based on the batch-specific unit of measureXBEWWCHAR1(0) XFELD
BWPEIPrice unit for valuation prices based on tax/commercial lawBWPEIDEC5(0) PACK3
MBRUEMBEWH rec. already exists for per. before last of MBEW per.MBRUECHAR1(0) XFELD
OKLASValuation Class for Special Stock at the VendorOKLASCHAR4(0) T025BKLAS
DUMMY_VAL_INCL_EEW_PSMD Product valuation extension field elementVAL_INCL_EEWCHAR1(0) VAL_INCL_EEW
OIPPINVPrepaid Inventory Flag for Material Valuation Type SegmentJV_PPINVCHAR1(0) JV_PPINV

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