SAP (BKGRP data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ACCGO/CMN_S_EKKO_DATA - Structure for ekko details
/ACCGO/OE_S_PO_HEADER_API - PO header data for API
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ACNTRLPCTRH - Generated Table for View
ACNTRLPCTRID - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BBP_ES_S_C_QTEQOUT_RFQ - Structure for CDS View of RFQ
CACTPURCTR - Generated Table for View
CALCTBLSTOBPPURO - Generated Table for View
CALCTBLSTOBPSTO - Generated Table for View
CAPPFPOITEMVH - Generated Table for View
CAPPFPURCHORDER - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DRSEG_DATA - Invoice Item (Dialog Processing)
EAMS_S_BO_EAM_USER - Data Structure for EAM_USER Customizing
EAMS_S_SP_EAM_USER - Data Structure for EAM_USER Settings
EDI_MM_PO_IDX - Standard index table
EDI_MM_SAR_IDX - Standard index table
...All SAP Tables starting with E

F3MMIMPOVH - Generated Table for View
FACRA_POACACCR - Generated Table for View
FACRA_POAC_WORKLIST - Purchase Orders Accruals Worklist For New Accrual Engine
FACRA_S_ACCRUAL_ITEM_POAC - Purchase Order Accruals WorklistItem
FACRA_S_ACCRUAL_ITEM_POAC_FLDS - Accruals for purchase orders
...All SAP Tables starting with F

IACTPURCTR - Generated Table for View
IALIGNAAPRCORE - Generated Table for View
IALIGNPOHITMSCHE - Generated Table for View
ICHGIMPPOSTATUS - Generated Table for View
ICNTRLPCHDRDISTR - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with I

MEWIEINE - Displ./List Transfer Struct.: Purch. Info (Purch. Org. Data)
MEWIEINE_TY - Purch. Info (Purch. Org. Data) for multiple PIR maintenance
MMIMINBDELITEMS - Generated Table for View
MMIMINBDELIVVH - Generated Table for View
MMIMPURDOCVH - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with M

NMMPOHDRSTATUS - Generated Table for View
OIJ09_TS_COST_TVFP_DB - Structure for Assignment of Purch Data for Shipment Cost
OIT01_TPAC_ACCDET - Structure with Fields for Account Determination
OUTLINE_AGREEMENT_HEADER - Outline Agreement Header
OUTLINE_AGRMNT_HEADER - Header structure for Outline Agreement
OUTLINE_AGRMNT_HEADER_DATA - Outline Agreement Header
...All SAP Tables starting with O

PABOPFCSTO - Generated Table for View
PABOPFC__TEXT - Generated Table for View
PABOPHRFSTO - Generated Table for View
PABOPSTOEXT - Generated Table for View
PAVCPURGDOC - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RFMSCCSTOORD - Generated Table for View
RFM_PSST_EKPO_ENH_S - PSST Visualization - EKPO data enhanced for STO
RFM_PSST_STO_V - Generated Table for View
RFM_PSST_VIS_EKKO_S - PSST Visualization - Purchasing Document Header for STO
RFM_PSST_VIS_VALV_STO_S - Variant STO item data of psst group
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SESLEANROW - Generated Table for View
SHSMEINA - Generated Table for View
SHSMEKKO - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with S

T16F_CRITERIA - Release Criteria
T16F_PROCESSORS - Processors for PO Release Steps
UEKPO_DISTR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VFCLMMMEKKO - Generated Table for View
VFCLMMMEKPO - Generated Table for View
VFCLMMMPDDCOST - Generated Table for View
VFCLMMMPDITALL - Generated Table for View
VFCLMMMPHIALL - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WRF_PCTR_DATA_POC_MASS_TCHAIN - Reactive PO-Monitor: Mass Maintenance Transportation Chain

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