SAP (HRKFT data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/MERP/CO_ACTTYPE_ENTITY_STR - Cost Center Activity Type Entity Type
/MERP/CO_SI_CSLA_STR - Sub-structure CSLA
/MERP/MM_RESV_ITEM_ENTITY_STR - MM Reservation Item Entity Type
/MERP/PM_WOCOMPMNT_ENTITY_STR - PM Work Order Operation Components Entity (Full)
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ACDOCA - Universal Journal Entry Line Items
ACDOCD - Universal Journal: Aged Details
...All SAP Tables starting with A

CALLOCRUNRES - Generated Table for View
CANALACCRPOSTG - Generated Table for View
CCIFS_RESBB_MFLE - Document table for order components (MFLE)
CFICCACTTYPQ0001 - Generated Table for View
CFICOSTCTRACTTYP - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DMC_BAPIACGL09_EXT - BAPIACGL09 extended by customer fields
DRSEG_DATA - Invoice Item (Dialog Processing)
ESH_L_ACCT_SEG_H - Generated Table for View
FAA_S_TDC_DISPOSAL - Transfer Structure for Each TDC Disposal Line
FACDOCA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
FACFIACDOCA - Generated Table for View
FACFIACDOCD - Generated Table for View
FAC_DZAPLNITM - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with F

GLE_ADB_KFC_CALC - Generated Table for View
GLE_ADB_KFC_ITEM - Generated Table for View
IACELINEITM - Generated Table for View
IALLOCRUNRES - Generated Table for View
IANALACCRPOSTG - Generated Table for View
ICOPCCMATVAL - Generated Table for View
ICOSTCOMPASSGMT - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with I

JVA_BROWSER_E - JV Line Items Enhanced
J_1IG_DCS_STR_ITEM - Structure to download dcs data
J_1IG_DCS_STR_ITEM_MM - Structure to download dcs data
J_1IG_DCS_STR_SD_H - Structure to download dcs data
KKAGACDOCA - Generated Table for View
KKAGACDOCATKKAZ - Generated Table for View
KKAGACDOCATKKAZ0 - Generated Table for View
KKAGACDOCATKKAZ1 - Generated Table for View
KKAGACDOCATKKAZ2 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with K

LOMD_00001931 - Segment Type forE1MBEWM
LOMD_00001976 - Segment Type forE1MBEWM
LOMD_00002011 - Segment Type forE1MBEWM
LOMD_00002050 - Segment Type forE1MBEWM
LOMD_00002694 - Segment Type forE1MBEWM
...All SAP Tables starting with L

MBEFM - Obsolete.. Do not use.
MBEW_DQ_STR - Key and Attribute Structure for MBEW
MBEW_PRC - Process Records Of OTC 194, Table MBEW
MBEW_SRC - Source Records Of OTC 194, Table MBEW
MBVEBEW - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with M

NSDM_MIG_EBEW - Generated Table for View
NSDM_MIG_MBEW - Generated Table for View
NSDM_MIG_OBEW - Generated Table for View
NSDM_MIG_QBEW - Generated Table for View
NSDM_S_MBEFU_ASSIGNED_TO_ISEG - Material data assigned to physical inventory items
...All SAP Tables starting with N

OBEWU - Generated Table for View
PACDOCDCOM - Generated Table for View
PACELINEITM - Generated Table for View
PALLOCRUNRES - Generated Table for View
PANALACCRPOSTG - Generated Table for View
PDRCRRBPAYITM - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RKU01JA_CS - CO data transfer: Interface annual costs
SAFM_AP_S_ALV_ITEM_EO - ALV Item data for Expenditure Order
SAFM_AP_S_DOCREADER_ITEM_EO - Document reader Item data for Expenditure Order
SGLPCA_CT - Profit Center Documents
SGLPCA_T_CT - Profit Center Documents
SGLPOS_C_CT - FI Document: Entry View
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TXW_TCJ_POSITIONS - Cash Journal Document Items
UISS_S_FIPOST_ITEM_SHORT_MATNR - G/L account item - with short MATNR
V_EBEW_MD - Generated Table for View
V_GLPCA_T_CT - Generated Table for View
V_GLPOS_C_DEB_CT - Generated Table for View
V_GLPOS_C_GL_CT - Generated Table for View
V_GLPOS_C_VEN_CT - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V


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