SAP (MATNR data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

B084 - Material/Plant/Supplier/Movmt Type

B085 - Material/Plant/Sold-To/Movmt Type

BAD_CUBIN - BAD - Configuration Values

BAD_CUBIN_MESS - Messaging Structure CUCFG

BAD_CUCHARTXT - BAD - Configuration Values

BAD_CUCHARTXT_MESS - Messaging Structure CUVAL

BAD_CUVALTXT - BAD - Configuration Values

BAD_CUVALTXT_MESS - Messaging Structure CUVAL

BAPE_PRODUCT - Product Mapping

BAPE_PRODUCT_PLANT - Product Plant Mapping

BAPE_PRODUCT_SALES - Product Sales Mapping

BAPE_PRODUCT_STORAGELOC - Product Storage Location Mapping

BAPE_PRODUCT_UOM - Product Unit of Measure Mapping

BAPE_PRODUCT_VALUATION - Product Unit of Valuation

BAPE_PROD_PLANT_KEY - Product Plant Mapping Key

BAPE_PROD_SALES_KEY - Product Sales Mapping Key

BAPE_PROD_STORAGELOC_KEY - Product Storage Location Mapping Key

BAPE_PROD_UOM_KEY - Product UOM Mapping Key

BAPE_PROD_VALUATION_KEY - Product Valuation Mapping Key

BAPI1022_GLO_RUS_GEN - FI-AA: Russia - Time-Independent General Data (BAPI-struct)

BAPICCACCR - Condition Contract: Accruals

BAPIFSHMARM - Retail Data Transfer: Fashion Units of Measure

BAPIMATVARCUCFG - Creation of configuration for material variants

BAPIMATVARCUCFG - Creation of configuration for material variants

BAPIMAT_IPM_IPSMAT - IPM: BAPI structure for download interlinkage IPSMAT

BAPI_TE_WAKP2 - Customer-Specific Fields - Promotion Item Data (Material 40)

BATCH_DET_S - Structure for Batch Determination

BATCH_S_MASTER_INFORMATION - Master information for archiving batches

BATCH_S_RECORDS_SELECTED - Selected batch groups

BBP_CNTRL - Structure to store material details

BCFV_HIST_ALLB - Generated Table for View

BCFV_HIST_PER0 - Generated Table for View

BCFV_HIST_PER0B - Generated Table for View

BCFV_HIST_PRFYB - Generated Table for View

BCFV_PRFY_BS - Generated Table for View

BCFV_PRFY_PL - Generated Table for View

BCFV_UNION_ALLB - Generated Table for View

BDIFSHSEASONS - Transfre Structure: FSH_SEASONS_MAT Key fields

BDIFSHSGTMADKA - Transfre Structure: SGT_MADKA Key fields

BDIFSHSGTMARM - Transfre Structure: SGT_MARM Key fields

BDIFSHSGTMLGN - Transfer Structure: SGT_MLGN key fields

BDIFSHSGTMLGT - Transfer Structure: SGT_MLGT key fields

BDIFSHSGTMRP - Transfre Structure: SGT_MRP Key fields

BDIFSHSGTMRPGN - Transfre Structure: SGT_MRP_GN Key fields

BDIFSHSGTMVKE - Transfer Structure: SGT_MVKE key fields

BIW_SKU_TEXT - Extractor Structure for SKU Text

BOM_S_HDR_CR_TYPE - BOM Header Details with its Object Type

BOM_TY_NEW_PROD_VERSION - Structure for new production version

BOM_TY_PRODVER_DATCS_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration date customizing

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MAST_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mast entries

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MATPL_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mat plant entry

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MKAL_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mkal entries

BOM_TY_PROD_VERSION_OUT - Output structure for new production versions

BOM_TY_PROD_VERSION_OUT_MIG - Output structure for new production versions

BOR_BUS1241KEY_STY - include for keyfields of BUS1241

BOR_BUS1241_KEY - GUID table for BUS1241 key mapping



BSIM_BCK - Secondary Index, Documents for Material

BWTRM - Material Master View on Valuation Records MD

BWTYM - Copy of Structure BWTTY with master data only fields

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