SAP (MATNR data element tables) Tables details

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WB2B_CMM_MTM_TC - MtM per Trading Contract

WB2B_CMM_MTM_TC_A - MtM per Trading Contract - Attributes

WB2WBRKWBRPPRCD - Generated Table for View

WB2_KOMGM_SEL - GTM: Fields for portfolios

WB2_KOMG_SEL - GTM: Fields for master conditions

WB2_RBKPRSEG_1 - Generated Table for View

WB2_S_BVDETAIL_OUTPUT - CCS: Output Detailed Statement for Settlement

WB2_S_BVDETAIL_OUTPUT_KOMLFP - CCS: Output Detailed Statement - Settl Doc Item

WB2_S_CCS_COND_USAGE_DISP - Enhanced Display of Condition Usage

WB2_S_CCS_FLOW_DOC_DYN - Fields for Dynamic Determination of Accruals Reversal Splits

WB2_S_CCS_FLOW_DYN - Set Union of WCOCOF and Fields for Accruals Reversal Split

WB2_S_MAN_DOC_ITEM - CCS: Manual Settlement Document - Item Data

WB2_S_TCHEADER_SEL_EXPND - Selection: TCHeader Expands TCItemGeneral

WB2_S_TCITEMGENERAL - Entity: Item General

WB2_S_TCITEMGENERAL_SEL - Selection: Item General

WB2_S_TPM_CLAIM_ITEM - CCS: Item Data for Claim from TPM

WB2_S_VBRK_VBRP_TPM - Business Volume Data from Billing for TPM

WB2_VAR_COM - Communication Structure Tarding Contract <-> Configuration

WB2_VBRKVBRP_1 - Generated Table for View

WB2_VBRKVBRP_TPM - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_BVB_CONTR2 - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_CCS_ACCREV - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_CCS_MATDOC - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_MATDOC - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_MATDOC_GT - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_WBHKWBHI2B - Generated Table for View

WB2_V_WBHK_WBHIB - Generated Table for View

WBHIV - Change Document Structure for WBHI

WCAT_S_MATSEL_BW - Selection of articles for cost alllocation

WCBCDSCOCOHIST - Generated Table for View

WCBCDSCOCOHIST03 - Generated Table for View

WCBCDSDBWCOCOA - Generated Table for View

WCBCDSDBWCOCOA03 - Generated Table for View

WCBE - Structure for Variant Split screen

WCB_S_COND_KEY_FIELDS - Allowed Condition Key Fields


WCB_TPM_MAT_MAX_CLA_AMT_STY - Maximum Claim Amount per material

WCB_VBRK_VBRP_BV - Generated Table for View

WCB_V_MATDOC - Generated Table for View

WCB_V_MKPF_MSEG - Generated Table for View

WCB_V_RBKP_RSEG - Generated Table for View

WGDS_CONV2VAR_VAR_CHARVALS_ASS - Assigment of Characteristic Values to (new) Variants

WGDS_FOOD_INFORMATION_HEADER - WGDS Food Information Header structure

WGDS_ML_PRICAT_TABLES - Structure consisiting of multiiple PRICAT tables

WGDS_TI_ITEM - Pricat Storage for TI related Simple Attributes

WINT_LISTING_ITEM - Transfer Structure for Listing App. Item

WLFCDSDBWBRKWBRP - Generated Table for View

WLFCDSWBRKWBRP03 - Generated Table for View

WLFCDSWBRKWBRPDP - Generated Table for View

WLFCDSWBRKWBRPNT - Generated Table for View

WLF_KOMLFP_OLD - Item Data Before Change

WLF_KOMLFP_PREV - Positionsdaten Vorgängerbeleg

WLF_S_FDP_SMTDOCITM - Item Data for Settlement Document Print Form

WPOS_SALES_TRANSACTION - POS Sales Transaction Information

WRET_SE_SIBS_GRAPHIC_STY - Data for graphic of cost savings

WRFMATCOPY_HEAD_KEY - Material head key

WRFMATCOPY_HEAD_KEY - Material head key





WRF_ART_CHAR - Input structure for article characteristics

WRF_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE_S - Material Characteristic Values

WRF_DATELINE_PO - Purchase Order Results

WRF_DATELINE_S - Items and Schedule Line Data

WRF_MAPINB_MATNR_DATE_STY - Material Number with Validity Dates

WRF_MAPINB_MATNR_STY - Material Numbers

WRF_MATERIAL_CHARVAL_S - Materail Charateristic and Description

WRF_MATNR_S - Material

WRF_MPA_FSH_STY - Fashion Season Transfer Attributes

WRF_MPA_WORK_AREA_FSH_STY - Profile Assignments: Fashion Season Assignment per item

WRF_PCTR_DATA_POC_MASS_TCHAIN - Reactive PO-Monitor: Mass Maintenance Transportation Chain

WRF_PCTR_S_ALV_TL_SCHED - ALV-Output-Structure Timeline-Scheduling

WRMA_S_REFDATA_EXT - Extended reference data

WRMA_S_REFSEL_BW - Selection of reference data for RMA cost allocation

WRRP_CTRL - RRP: Control parameters for Rapid Replenishment Planning

WRRP_MARA_MARC_DATA - RRP: additional MARA and MARA Data for Rapid Replenishment

WRRP_STRUCT_CTRL - RRP: Control for structured Articles

WSOR_ART_SITE_LISTING_INTV_STY - Article Site combination with listing intervals

WSOR_LST_ERROR_ALV_STY - structure to display listing errors

WTYF4_VBAP - Generated Table for View

WVFI_ITEM - Item Data of Physical Inventory Count

WVFI_ITEM_IN - Item Data of Physical Inventory Count

WVFI_ITEM_IN_INT - Item Data of Physical Inventory Count

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