SAP (WERKS_D data element tables) Tables details

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RANGE_WERKS_D_SRTY - Line of Range Table for Data Element WERKS_D

RANGE_WERKS_D_SRTY - Line of Range Table for Data Element WERKS_D

RATPBSCCONF - Generated Table for View

RATPSELDBSCREQMT - Generated Table for View


RCG_S_MASTB_MFLE - Document table for MAST records (MFLE)

RECON - Document Item: Item of Consignment Settlement

REEX_ASSET_ACC_ASSIGN - Account Assignment Object (Asset)

REEX_EQUI - Equipment (EQUI)

REEX_EQUI_X - Equipment (EQUI) and Additional Fields

REFXCNV_STORE - Generated Table for View

REFXCN_S_STORE_RANGE - Structure for Store range table

REFXCN_S_STORE_RANGE - Structure for Store range table

REOPEX_EX_STY - Interface buffer structure for F&R Exception's transfer

REOPEX_LOCKKEY - Key-structure of IDOC REOPX01

REOPEX_LOC_TYPE_STY - Location's type and time zone

REOPEX_PLANT_STY - Plant packages

REQ_SEG_DET - Structure to determine Requirement segment

RETAIL_SPLANT_ADD - Retail:Site Additional Fields

RETAIL_ST_CHARACTERISTIC - Product characterisitcs

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_DETAIL - FIORI Counting Activity (Detail)

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_DETAIL_ITEM - FIORI Counting Activity (Line Item)

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_ERR_MSG - Fiori Counting Activity (Error Message)

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_HEADER - FIORI Counting Activity (Header)

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_PRODUCT - FIORI Counting Activity Product

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_PRODUCT_GROUP - FIORI Countring Activity Product Group by in store status

RETAIL_ST_CS_CA_RECOUNT_HEADER - InStore Recount Header - Two status

RETAIL_ST_CS_ISEG - FIORI Counting Activity (Product ISEG)

RETAIL_ST_CS_STG_TBL_KEY - Staging Table Key

RETAIL_ST_GM_GBTRANS - Customizing for Fiori Goods Movement

RETAIL_ST_SITE - Site information for UI display


RETAIL_ST_STORAGE_LOCATION - Fiori Retail Store: Storage Location

RETAIL_ST_TS_TRANSFER_SITE - FIORI: Retail Store Transfer Site

RETAIL_ST_TS_TRF_DOC - FIORI Transfer Document (Header)

RETAIL_S_PLANT - retail structure used in ref handling

RFM_ALIGN_DETAIL - Table for storing alignment detail

RFM_ALIGN_DETAIL - Table for storing alignment detail

RFM_ALIGN_MATCHING_PO - Structure for displaying matching POs in alignment

RFM_ALIGN_PO_PR - Structure for Alignment grouping by PO

RFM_ALIGN_PO_PR - Structure for Alignment grouping by PO

RFM_ALIGN_PR_PO - Structure for Structure for Odata - Align PR - PO

RFM_ALIGN_PR_PO - Structure for Structure for Odata - Align PR - PO

RFM_ALIGN_PR_PO_S - Align PR-PO structure for background job

RFM_ALIGN_PR_PO_S - Align PR-PO structure for background job


RFM_PP_PERIODS - Period Structure for Season in PP

RFM_PP_PERIOD_V - Generated Table for View

RFM_PSST_ASSIGN_ITEM_S - Detail Item data of PSST Assignment Monitor

RFM_PSST_VBAP_ENH_S - PSST Visualization - VBAP data enhanced

RFM_PSST_VIS_ARUN_REL_S - PSST Visualization - Material ARUN relevency

RFM_PSST_VIS_VALV_S - Generic item data of psst group

RFM_PSST_VIS_VBAP_S - Detail Item data of PSST Assignment Monitor

RFM_SCC_ALL_ORDERS_SD - SD Order Details With Season Data For Season Completeness

RFM_SCC_ALL_ORDERS_STO - STO Order Details With Season Data For Season Completeness

RFM_SCC_PROPOSED_SEASONS_SD - Manage Season Completeness Proposed Seasons in SD

RFM_SCC_PROPOSED_SEASONS_STO - Manage Season Completeness Proposed Seasons in STO

RFM_SCC_SHARED_SEASONS_SD - Manage Season Completeness Shared Seasons in SD

RFM_SCC_SHARED_SEASONS_STO - Manage Season Completeness Shared Seasons in STO

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_ASSGDPROD - Season Completeness Assigned Products

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_DETAIL - Manage Season Completeness Details

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_MISGPROD - Season Completeness Missing Product

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_SD_ORD - Season Completeness SD All Product

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_SD_PRPSL - Season Completeness SD Proposal

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_SD_SHRD - Season Completeness SD Shared

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_STO_ORD - Season Completeness STO All Product

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_STO_PRPSL - Season Completeness STO Proposal

RFM_SEASN_CMPLTNS_STO_SHRD - Season Completeness STO Shared

RFM_SGT_DEF_OA - Default segmentation: outline agreement

RFM_SGT_DEF_PIR - Default segmentation: planned independent requirements

RFM_SGT_DEF_PO_RCAT - Default segmentation: purchase order requirement segment

RFM_SGT_DEF_PO_SCAT - Default segmentation: purchase order stock segment

RFM_SGT_DEF_PR_RCAT - Default segmentation: purchase requisition req. segment

RFM_SGT_DEF_PR_SCAT - Default segmentation: purchase requisition stock segment

RFM_SGT_DEF_SAFETY_STOCK - Default segmentation: safety stock

RFM_SITE_Q2P_PP - Status Table Retail Site Postprocessing

RFM_SMPP_STATUS - Site maintenance post processing status

RFM_S_FILTER_ARTMAS - Structure for filtering in DRF Outbound Impl. Manual Mode

RFM_S_FILTER_ARTMAS_MARC - Substructure for filtering

RFM_TOTALCONSUMPTION_S - Retail Data Transfer: Total Consumption

RFM_UNPLANNEDCONSUMPTION_S - Retail Data Transfer: Unplanned Consumption

RKSCYCVAL - Cycle Valus

RLMMQ_ENH - Internal table for MM stock figures

RMMPOSUBCOMP - Generated Table for View

RMMPURSUBCOMP - Generated Table for View

RMSERI20 - Lock During MF27 Run

ROIISOCTSM_N - SOC: time dependent assignment SO <-> material (IS-Oil BDRP)

ROIKINVH_N - IS-Oil/TAS Store phys. inventory, header segment

ROIKLIDR_N - TAS LID reference structure

ROIKLIDR_N1 - TAS LID reference structure

ROIKLIDSCR_N - Structure for LID control field maintenance

ROIKLOAD_N - TAS: Loading related data from depot

ROIKSHIP_N - TAS: Loading related data from depot - shipment data

RRP_CORE_DATA_STY - RRP: Data for Rapid Requirement Calculation

RRP_FC_STY - Forecast Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_LP_OPENQUANT_STY - Logistical Product: open quantities of all ProcProds of SP

RRP_PO_STY - Purchase Order Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_PR_STY - RRP: Purchase Requisition Data for Rapid Requirement Pl.

RRP_REQU_DATA_STY - RRP: Components for Rapid Requirement Calculation

RRP_STOCK_STY - RRP: Stock Data for Rapid Requirement Planning

RRP_V_FC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_FC_RLT - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_FC_TRC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_MARC - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_MARD - Generated Table for View

RRP_V_STOCK_SUM - Generated Table for View

RSETDBGDCITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDBLLGDCITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETDCSTSMTITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETDCSTSTITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDEXNSMTITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETDEXNSTITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDMTDCITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDSLRSMTITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETDSMDITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDSMTDCITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETDSPLRBGDITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDSPLRSMTITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDSPRINVCITBC - Generated Table for View

RSETDSRBGDCITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETLDMTDCITANL - Generated Table for View

RSETLDSLRINVCANL - Generated Table for View

RSH_S_EAM_EDIT_OPERATION - Structure for edit screen

RTC_S_ACDOCC - Structure for ACDOCC transaction data

RTC_S_ACDOC_SI_GEN - Universal Journal Entry: Fields for several subledgers

RTC_S_CONS_DOCUMENT_LIST - Structure for Document List

RTC_S_CONS_FS_ENTITY_HISTORY - Structure for FS Entity Report oData

RTC_S_CONS_FS_ENTITY_LINE - Structure for FS Entity Report oData

RTC_S_CT_LOG_DTL - Structure for currency translation detail log alv table

RTC_S_CT_LOG_RAW - Structure for currency translation detail log raw data

RTC_S_CT_SOURCE - Structure for currency translation intermediary result

RTC_S_CT_TARGET - Structure for currency translation intermediary result

RTC_S_JOURNAL_ITEM - Consolidation Journal Item

RTST_CMP_S_PRODUCT - Entity Product

RTST_CMP_S_PRODUCT_IMAGE - Entity Product Image

RTST_CMP_S_RECEIPTS_TODAY - Receipts Today fields for stock correction (BAdi str.)

RTST_CMP_S_STOCK_CORRECTION - Entity Stock Correction

RTST_CMP_S_STOCK_CORR_GM_IN - Goods MVT input fields for stock correction

RTST_CMP_S_STOCK_CORR_GM_OUT - Goods MVT output fields for stock correction

RTST_CMP_S_STORE - Entity Store


RTST_CMP_S_TASK_PRODUCT - Entity TaskProduct

RTST_CMP_S_TASK_PROD_QTY - Task Product Quantity


RTST_CMP_TL_PROD - Task Products

RTST_CPR_COUNT - Store Product RFID Count

RTST_CPR_S_LOG_CONTEXT_HEADER - Context of Application Log

RTST_MPR_MVMNT - Move Products with RFID: Product Movements

RTST_MPR_S_LOG_CONTEXT_HEADER - Context of Application Log

RTST_MPR_S_USER_DEFAULTS - Move Products with RFID: User Default Values

RTST_OP_STATUS - Status information for a store product

RTST_OP_S_EXCEPTION - Entity Exception

RTST_OP_S_FILTER - Entity Filter

RTST_OP_S_FILTER_VALUE - Entity Filter Value

RTST_OP_S_RETAIL_PROMOTION - Entity Retail Promotion

RTST_OP_S_SETTINGS - Entity Store Settings

RTST_OP_S_STORE - Entity Store

RTST_OP_S_STORE_PRODUCT - Entity Store Product

RTST_OP_S_STORE_PRODUCT_WEEK - Entity Week for a Store Product

RTST_OP_S_STORE_PROD_STK_PROJN - Entity Store Product Stock Projection

RTST_OP_S_STORE_WEEK_DISPLAY - Entity Store Week Display

RTST_OP_S_USER - Entity User


RTST_PL_S_LABEL_TYPE - Entity Label Type

RTST_PL_S_LABEL_TYPE_PRINTER - Entity Label Type Printer Association

RTST_PL_S_PRINTER - Entity Printer

RTST_PL_S_STORE_PRODUCT - Entity Store Product

RTST_PL_S_USER - Entity User

RTST_RP_POST_DOC - Status and other processing information

RTST_RP_POST_ITM - Post Documents per Document Item

RTST_RP_STAT_ITM - Status of Document Item

RTST_RP_S_DOCUMENT - Entity Store Document

RTST_RP_S_DOCUMENT_ITEM - Entity Store Document Item

RTST_RP_S_POST_DOCUMENT - Entity Store Post Document

RTST_RP_S_POST_DOCUMENT_ITEM - Entity Store Post Document Item

RTST_RP_S_PRODUCT - Entity Store Product

RTST_RP_S_PRODUCT_GTIN - Entity Store Product Global Trade Item Number

RTST_RP_S_PRODUCT_SUPPLIER - Entity Store Product Supplier

RTST_RP_S_PROD_ORDER_QTY_UNIT - Entity Store Product Order Quantity Unit

RTST_RP_S_PROD_QUANTITY_UNIT - Entity Store Product Quantity Unit

RTST_RP_S_SCAN_INFORMATION - Entity Scan Information

RTST_RP_S_SCAN_INFORMATION - Entity Scan Information

RTST_RP_S_SETTINGS - Entity Store Settings

RTST_RP_S_SUPPLIER - Entity Supplier


RTST_S_FILTER - Entity Filter

RTST_S_FILTER_VALUE - Entity FilterValue

RTST_S_SITE - Entity Site

RTST_S_STORE - Entity Store

RTST_S_USER - Entity User

RTST_TP_HU - Product Transfer Handling Unit

RTST_TP_HUITMEPC - EPCs related to a HU Item in a Product Transfer

RTST_TP_HU_ITEM - Product Transfer Handling Unit Item

RTST_TP_STORAGE_LOCATION - Structure for Entity StorageLocation

RTST_TP_S_LAST_USED_VALUES - Complex Type for UserLastUsedValues

RTST_TP_S_PRINTER - Structure for entity Printer

RTST_TP_S_PRODUCT - Structure for Entity Product

RTST_TP_S_PRODUCT_CHARC_VALUE - Structure for entity ProductCharacteristicValue

RTST_TP_S_PRODUCT_GTIN - Structure for Entity Product Global Trade Item Number

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF - Structure for entity ProductTransfer

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF - Structure for entity ProductTransfer

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF_HU - Structure for entity ProductTransferHandlingUnit

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF_HU_ITEM - Structure for entity ProductTransferHandlingUnitItem

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF_ITEM - Structure for Entity ProductTransferItem

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRANSF_REASON - Structure for entity ProductTransferReason

RTST_TP_S_PROD_TRF_HU_ITEM_EPC - EPC related to an HU Item



RTST_TP_S_SETTINGS - Structure for entity Settings

RTST_TP_S_USER - Structure for entity User

RTST_TP_S_USER_LAST_USED_VALS - Structure for Entity UserLastUsedValues

RTST_TP_S_USER_LAST_USED_VALS - Structure for Entity UserLastUsedValues

RTST_TP_S_USER_LAST_USED_VALS - Structure for Entity UserLastUsedValues

RTST_TP_S_USER_SETTINGS - Structure for (store specific) user settings

RTST_TP_TRANSFER - Product Transfer

RTST_TP_TRANSFER - Product Transfer

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