SAP (/ISDFPS/LOGSYS data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/ALESYSSC - Generated Table for View
/ISDFPS/ALE_OBJ - ALE Objects - Priority Category Assignments for tRFC-ALE
/ISDFPS/ALE_OBJ_PRIORITY - ALE Object Priorities and Indicators
/ISDFPS/ALE_STAT - ALE Systems - Current Connection and Communication Mode
/ISDFPS/ALE_SYS - DFPS System Landscape: Connection Parameters and Flags
...All SAP Tables starting with /



DFPS_FUNCUNT_CORE_FIELDS - Core Structure for Functional Unit Request
DFPS_FUNCUNT_CORE_REQ - Core Structure for Functional Unit Request
DFPS_FUNCUNT_FIELDS - Structure for Functional Unit Confirmation
DFPS_FUNCUNT_FORCE - Return Structure for Defense part of Functional Unit
DFPS_FUNCUNT_FORCE_UPD - Update Structure for Defense part of Functional Unit
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EAMS_S_BO_MP_HEADER - Business Object Measuring Point - Header Data
EAMS_S_BO_USGLIST_HEADER - Structure Gap Header
EAMS_S_SP_USGLIST_HEADER - Business Object Structure Gap - Header
ESO_S_RIHAFVC - Enterprise Search Operations for a order
ESO_S_RIHAUFK_LIST - Enterprise Search Order header
...All SAP Tables starting with E

IMEP_LAST_DOC - Generated Table for View
IMPT - Measuring Point (Structure)
IMPTH - Measuring Point With Hierarchy Level
IMPTT - Measuring Point (Table)
IMPT_LAST_DOC - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with I

MCAFIHB - Order with Reversal Flag
MCAFIH_DFPS - Append for Defense Forces & Public Security
OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
PLM_PORTAL_RIHQMEL - Structure for Notifications in PLM Portal (Release-Dep)
RIHAFVC - Reporting Display Structure PM Order Operations
RIHAFVC_COST - Display Structure Reporting PM Order Operations with Costs
RIHAFVC_LIST - General Display Structure for Order Operation List
RIHAUFK_LIST - Reporting display structure PM orders
RIHEQUI_LIST - Transfer data for equipment lists RIEQUI20 and RIEQUI21
...All SAP Tables starting with R

WTYBRF_MPOINT - BRF Data Source: Measurement Point
WTY_IMPT - Measuring Point (Structure)

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