SAP (BBP_CATEGORY_GUID_RAW data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/SAPPSSRM/BO_HEADER - Header data of a procurement document for BO layer

/SAPPSSRM/BO_ITEM - Item data of a procurement document


/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_INDXSEARCH - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Parameters for SOS

/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_CTR - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - CTRs found in Sourcing

/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_FIND - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - Search criteria f. SOS

/SAPPSSRM/S_OPTIONS_SOS_PO - (P)ublic (S)ector/'Options'-project - POs found in Sourcing

/SAPPSSRM/S_PDLIST_BO - Structure for Getlist along with Status

/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_ITEM_LIST - Selective Release Structure for List output

/SAPPSSRM/S_PD_SP_PDLIST - Selective Release Procdoc List Structure

/SAPPSSRM/S_REF_CONTRACT - Contract data of Contract F4 search help

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_HDR_BD - ASL header data in CLL

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_ASL_H_IDENT - Structure for Identification data of ASL

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUC_HEADER - Channel-layer specific structure for AUC Header Basic data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_AUC_IDENT - AUC Identification Data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BEV_H_ID - Bid Comp Identification Data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BIDDER_SAGS - CLL structure for display Bidder table incl. service agents

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_BP_DOC_BID - Bidding Docs used by BP

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_CONF_STS - CLL structure for service timesheet

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_CONTRACT - UI Structure to pass the Contract data to the line item

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_ITEM - Limit structure to include the Customer fields

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_LIMIT_OVL_REM - Structure to get data for overall and remaining limit item

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PM_PO_DATA - Structure for PO search fields required for Post Master SO

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_PO_SOS - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_HDR_BD - QTA Header structure for CLL

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_H_BD - CLL and UI structure for Quota Arrangement Header Basic Data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_QTA_IDENT - Quota Arrangement Identification Area Structure

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_HEADER - Channel-layer specific structure for RFx Header Basic data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_RFQ_IDENT - RFQ Identification Data

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SL_H_BD - Header Basic data structure in CLL layer.

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SL_H_IDENT - ASL header identification's CLL specific strutcture

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCH_LIST_CTR - Select Contracts to Append

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SRCH_LIST_CTR_MU - Select contract for update and append

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_SUSPD_LIST - Structure for listing Documents of PD

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_ARC_RESULT - CLL Search result for archived documnets


/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_DS_SPL_RESULT - CLL search results for Supplier List

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SEARCH_AVL - AVL search criteria

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_DRFT_ITM - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Draft Items

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_SEARCH - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Search

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_SOS - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit SOS

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WD_SOCO_WORKAREA - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit Workarea

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WKL_SEARCH - Structure for the search criteria for workload redistributio

/SAPSRM/S_CLL_WKL_SEARCH - Structure for the search criteria for workload redistributio

/SAPSRM/S_CTR_SOS_DISP - SRM Contract structure for display

/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CONFI - Confirmation item modeling structure

/SAPSRM/S_ESO_CTRI - Modeling structure for Central Contract Item

/SAPSRM/S_ESO_POI - Purchase order item modeling structure

/SAPSRM/S_ESO_SCI - Modeling structure for Shopping Cart Item

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_APP_SOS_VEN - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_ASL_HDR - Header data display structure

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BEV_H_ID - Structure for Bid and Award Ident UI Data

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_BP_USED_IN_BID - Bidding Docs used by BP

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CFIV_ITEM_GROUP - CFIV Structure with Griup Guid

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_CRA_H_ID - The structure for Convert RFQ to Auction Ident UI Data

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_DO_STS - Structure for Service Timesheet


/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_AO_SOCO_ITM - Meta Data Configuration Fields for SoCo Items

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AUC_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Auction Header

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_AVL_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Vendor List Header

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_BO_BID_HD - Meta Data Configuration Fields for Bid Invitation Header

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_LIMIT - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Limit

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_MDF_DO_SOS - Meta Data Configuration Fields for DO Source of Supply

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_HDR - Structure created for Quota arrangement header details

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_QTA_HDR_D - Header data display structure

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_RFQ_HEADER_U - RFQ header structure for update

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_BIDDER_LIST - Service Procurement: List of possible bidder

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC - Service Procurement: Item

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_LIMIT - Service Procurement: Limit item

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SCR_TREC_SOS - Service Procurement: Source of Supply

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOS_DATA - Structure for Sourcing Cockpit SOS data

/SAPSRM/S_PDO_SOS_LIST - SRM Export structure for Source of Supply

/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_CFI - Search Result Structure of Confirmation Status Report

/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_CTRI - Search Result Structure for Contract Item (Product)

/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_ITEM - Search Result Structure of Document Item Report

/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_POI - Search Result Structure of Purchase Order Details Report

/SAPSRM/S_REPO_SR_SCI - Search Result Structure of Shopping Cart Item Report

/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_FIELDS_R_ASL - Search Field References for ASL

/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_ARCH - Line of the search result for archived documnets

/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_AVL - Line of the search result for Vendor Lists

/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_BID - Line of the search result for Bid Invitations

/SAPSRM/S_SEARCH_RESULT_PR - Line of the search result for Purchase Requisitions

/SAPSRM/S_SOCO_ITEM - Items in Sourcing Cockpit for Workarea

/SAPSRM/S_UI_ACTIVE_SUPPLIER - UI Structure for active suppliers

/SAPSRM/V_REPO_1 - Generated Table for View

/SAPSRM/V_SPO_SR - Generated Table for View

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