SAP (BEA_BILL_CATEGORY data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1BEA/BBEA_BDH - Billing Header of application BBEA
/1BEA/BBEA_DLI - Billing Due List Item of application BBEA
/1BEA/CRMB_BDH - Billing Header of application CRMB
/1BEA/CRMB_DLI - Billing Due List Item of application CRMB
/1BEA/FBCB_BDH - Billing Header of application FBCB
...All SAP Tables starting with /


BAPI_IV_BDH_CONTROL - Billing Document Header - Control Fields
BEAC_BCA - Billing Categories of a Billing Engine Application
BEAC_BCA_H - Generated Table for View BEAC_BCA_H
BEAC_BCA_T - Billing Categories - Texts
BEAC_BCA_V - Generated Table for View BEAC_BCA_V
...All SAP Tables starting with B

COMS_AC_ACS_H - Access Communication Structure
COMS_AC_COM_H - Header Communication Structure
COMS_AC_COM_T - Whole Communication Structure
CRMT_COMPL_BEA_HEADER - Billing Doc. Header Data (BE): Wrapper /1BEA/S_CRMB_BDH_WRK
CRMT_IPMO_BEA_BW_DS - DataSource for Billing Documents (Outgoing Royalties)
...All SAP Tables starting with C


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