SAP (BINRELTYP data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/151ME_NO_HEADER - DFPS: Notification Header - Mobile
/ISDFPS/ME_NO_HEADER - DFPS: Notification Header - Mobile
/ISDFPS/NOTIF_HEADER2 - Notification Header DFPS PM Notification
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ACRELATION - Relationships in Accounting
ADBOS_ECP_REL - Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links
ALM_ME_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header

BAD_DOC_FLOW - BAD - Structure object reference
BAD_DOC_FLOW_MESS - Messaging Structure DOC_FLOW
BAPI2078_NOTHDRI - BAPI Quality Notification Header for Creation
BAPI2080_NOTHDRI - BAPI Service Notification Header for creation
BAPIBUS20001_DOC_FLOW_DIS - BO BusProcessND: Object references
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCMBINREL_CCMA - Object Relationship Service: generic binary links
CDBD_BINREL - Interlinkages Between CRM Application Objects
CDBD_BRELVONAE - CDB Table - Additional Attributes: Object Interlinkage VONA
CDBD_BRELVONAI - CDB Table: Item Interlinkages - Object Interlinkage VONA
CDBD_DOC_FLOW - Predessor-successor table for Order and it's Confirmation
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DOCUMENT_FLOW_ALV_STRUC - Display Structure for the Document Flow
ECRM_CRMCONTRACT_LINK - Transfer Structure: Contract Status from CRM to IS-U Item
EECRM_CRMCONTRACTPOS - Transfer Structure: Contract Status from CRM to IS-U
EECRM_CRMCONTRACTPOS_22 - Transfer Structure: Contract Status from CRM to IS-U
...All SAP Tables starting with E

GBINREL - Object Relationship Service: generic binary links
GTRT_CRM_BAD_DOC_FLOW - Grantor: BAD - Structure object reference
GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_DOC_FLOW - CRM Grantor: Recipient Document Flow for PSM Integration
IDOCREL - Links between IDoc and application object
INTERNE_VBFA_DOCUMENTFLOW - Internal YVBFA: Determines Relationships in Document Flow
IST_NLM_NOTIFICATION - Structure for Notification Data
IST_NLM_NOTIFICATION_HEADER - Structure for Notification Header
...All SAP Tables starting with I

JPOBJLINK - Generic Binary Object Linking for IS-M/PD
JPTTITLELINK - Generic Binary Object Link for By Title
JPTTTLLNKATTR - Attributes for Generic Title Object Relationship
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_25_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_30_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MDOBLREL - Model Data: Relationship Types
MSAM10_ATTACHMENTS - MSAM structure to store attachment data
...All SAP Tables starting with M

NREL_S_OT - Line Structure for the Outtab of the New Model Rel.
OBL_S_ARCH - SOBL: Archive Storage of Relationship Records
OBL_S_LINK - SOBL: Runtime Relationship Record
OBL_S_OLDR - Old Relationship Domains
OBL_S_PLNK - SOBL: Relationship with Attribute References
...All SAP Tables starting with O

PPESBINREL - Object Relationship Service: Generic Binary Links
PSBOS_TRANSFER_DETAILS_REC - BOSPS Integration: Transfer Record for one Costing Item
QAMS_RFC_RIQS5 - RFC Structure I/O Data for Notification Creation (RIQS5)
REFOBJKOM_SUB - CAS: Further Data of Reference Object
RELGRAPHLK - Object Relationship: Link of Network for Links
RFC_VIQMEL - PM/SM/QM Notifications: I/O Data for Creating Notification
RIQS5 - PM/SM/QM Notifications: I/O data for creating notification
RQM08 - Structure of the internal table for notif. document flow
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SDMEMBERREF - Object Relationships
SMDOBLREL - Line Type of mdoblrel (Without Primary Key)
SMODOCLINK - Document Linkage
SMW0REL - Links between BDoc and application object
SMW3_LIROW - Link and Bdoc
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TCM_PFREL - Data storage for generic object links
TDS_DOCFLOW - Display Structure for the Document Flow
TEDNOLINKS - IDoc: Negative List for IDoc/Application Object Link
TOA_OFFICE - Hit List Structure of SAP Office Documents
...All SAP Tables starting with T

VBAKKOM_REF - Reference Object Data
VBAKOM_REF - Reference Object Data
VBFAL_ALV - Sales Document Flow with ALV Tree / Copy of VBFAL + Extras
VBKAKOM - Communication Structure for Creating / Changing Sales Activ.
VBKAKOM_CREATE - Communication Fields for Creating Sales Activities
...All SAP Tables starting with V


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