SAP (BNFPO data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/BEV1/NEXMEPOITEM - Empties Management: Purchase Order Communication Structure
/EAM/EAMS_ORDER_COMPONENT - Order Component structure
/ISDFPS/BAPIEBAN_GETDETAIL - Read Detailed Data from ISDFPS from Table EBAN Using BAPI
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ADPIC_S_EXCHG_INFO - Material, quantity information for exchange of material
ADPIC_S_POITEM - PO Item with identifier for the parsing to BAPI_PO_CHANGE
ADPIC_S_POSCHEDULE - Sch. Lines with identifier for the parsing to BAPI_PO_CHANGE
ALM_ME_BAPI2088_COMPONENT - Component assignments
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BADI_EKP - EKP declaration for use in BADI
BADI_POT - POT declarations
BANF_COMM - Change Document Structure
BANF_KEY - Help structure: Key of purchase requisition
BAPI2001_COMP - PS@BBP: Component (Master Data)
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCGLS_ARESB - EHS: Reservation/Dependent Requirement - Old
CCRCS_CHK_RESULT - Result for Quantity Check
CFB_S_RMC_DOC_PR - RMC Fields Purchase Requisitions
CFB_S_RMC_LIST_PR - RMC Document View: Purchase Requisitions
CFB_S_RMC_NAV - Auxiliary Structure for Navigation
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DCFLS_MOCK_EBAN_KEY - Decoupling: Key Parameter for Mocking Structure EBAN
DIRESB - PM Materials
DIRESB - PM Materials
DISERX1 - Serial Number History
DISUBCON_ALV_CATALOG - Field Catalog for DI Subcontracting Monitor ALV Tree
...All SAP Tables starting with D

E1CVBEP - SIS - sales order, schedule line data
E1EBKN - Purchase Requisition/Reservation: Account Assignment Data
E2CVBEL - Schedule line data for delivery
E2CVBEP - SIS - sales order, schedule line data
E2EBKN - Purchase Requisition/Reservation: Account Assignment Data
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FDM2 - Cash management line items from MM purchase requisition
FEBAN - Transfer Structure: Requisition to Update Program
FLQITEMPR_FC - Liquidity Calc. Forecast - Line Items, Purchase Requisitions
FMEF_WD_KBLD_A - Document data for checking
FMFG_MM_PR_ACCOUNTING - Update PR accounting structure
...All SAP Tables starting with F

IFMFG_ECATT_MM - eCATT: Structure for MM items in PRs and POs
IFMFG_MM_PRPO - Structure for new PR PO Screen
IFMFG_MM_PRPO_HEADER - Header for fund assignment screen in PR/PO
IFMROPOS - Recurring amounts: editing structure
...All SAP Tables starting with I

KBLD - Screen fields for SAPMKBLD
KBLD_PRINT - Form Data for Earmarked Funds
KBLE - Document Item Processing: Manual Document Entry
KBLE_REF - Reference Fields for Development Records
KOMKBMD - Output Determination Communication Area Header Appl.MD
...All SAP Tables starting with K

LINE_CHNG - Information on Changes to the Sales Order Item
MAM_25_ORDER_COMPONENT - Maintenance Component
MAM_30_ORDER_COMPONENT - Maintenance Component
MASSEKPO - Generated Table for View
MASSEKPOCONTRACT - Generated Table for View
MASSEKPOSCHAGREE - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OI0_IFEKPOOAITEM - Outline Agreement Item Data (Internal Structure)
OLPROXY_TS_FICO_INT_ID - Combined FICO ID attributes
OLR3_RESBI - PSIS - Individual Overviews: Components
OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
ORDCOMP - Component for Order
...All SAP Tables starting with O

PDM_MCDOKOB - Key Fields for Objects Linked to Documents
PDM_OBJECTS - Objects in Product Structure Browser that are not Classes
PEG_EBAN - Pegging: Purchase Requisition - next higher assembly
PEG_MDRS - Pegging: Reservation Information
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RCJ_PS_MAT - Object Structure for Project Reporting
RCJ_RESBD - Structure material components for PPB
RCJ_RESBD - Structure material components for PPB
RCNCOMP - Component data for the planning board
REFEKPO - Structure for Creating Alloc Tbls Referencing POs/Contracts
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SAPI_PO_ITEM - Step API: Item Data For Purchase Order
SAPI_PO_ITEM - Step API: Item Data For Purchase Order
SAPI_PO_ITEM_CTRL - Step API: Item Control For Purchase Order
SDBANF01 - Structure for the Program SDBANF01
SDOHNEAUF1_ALV - Structure for Program BANF_OHNE_KDAUF
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TDS_ORDTRACK - Structure: Order Tracking
TDS_RFC_SLINE_COMR - Lean Order - RFC - Schedule Line Data (Values, Read-Only)
TDS_SLINECOM - Communication Structure: Lean Order - Schedule Line
TDS_SLINECOMT - Info Structure: Lean Order - Schedule Line Data
TDS_SLINECOMTC - Interface: Lean Order - Schedule Line Data (Info)
...All SAP Tables starting with T

UAS_BAPIMEOUTITEM - Item Data of Contract
UEBAN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
UEBKN - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
UEKET - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
UEKPO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VBEP - Sales Document: Schedule Line Data
VBEPEK - Communication Fields for Updating Purchasing Data in Order
VBEPVB - Structure of Document for XVBEP/YVBEP
VIEBKN - Generated Table for View
VKBLE - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WB2_ALV_PO_ITEM - ALV Output, Purchase Orders (Item)
WB2_EKET - Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines
WB2_EKPO - Purchasing Document Item
WB2_PO_DATA - Purchase Order Data
WB2_VBEP - Sched. Lines
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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