SAP (CACS_CTRTBU_ID data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1BCDWB/IQG000000000039 - Query YSVMA_QY/YSVMA_UG(G)
A904 - Appl./AgreemntNo/Divis./Contr. no./RemBusTrCt/Version/Status
A905 - Appl./AgreemntNo/Contr. no./RemBusTrCt/Version/Status

CACS00_B_VAR_INV - Variants for Commission Case Participants
CACS00_B_VAR_LIN - Variants for Alternative Commission
CACS00_CACS_SETTLE_RUN_HST_PDF - Commission Documentation
CACS00_DOCINV - Participant in Commission Document
CACS00_DOCRE - Commission Document, Remuneration and Liability
...All SAP Tables starting with C

JVAKOMP - Additional Fields JV
JVKOMP - IS-Oil / Joint Venture / KOMP-structure
JVKOMP - IS-Oil / Joint Venture / KOMP-structure
...All SAP Tables starting with J

KOMG - Allowed Fields for Condition Structures
KOMGF - Allowed Fields for Condition Record Index
KOMGFNEW - Condition Index: New Entries in Index
KOMGFOLD - Condition Index: Old Entries for Index
KOMP - Communication Item for Pricing
...All SAP Tables starting with K

LOGTRM_S_RDP_DOC_ITEM - Communication structure for document item data
LOGTRM_S_RDP_DOC_ITEM - Communication structure for document item data
LOG_HEADER_CONTEXT - Context Data for Log Header
MCACS_P - Generated Table for View
MESSAGE_CONTEXT - Context Data for a Message
OICIL - Second level analysis header line data structure- item
OICIL - Second level analysis header line data structure- item
OIRCPMITEM - Sales Price Calculation: Item
PFOBI_S_EXTR_ZO_0000 - Extraction Structure Table PFO_ZO_0000
PFO_S_CUSTOMER_FIELDS - Field Selection for Construction
PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_ZO0000 - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA
PFO_S_FOA_SEL_ZO0000 - FOA Selection Structure for Assignment Object 0000
PFO_S_ZOCKEY_0000 - Effective Key-Include for Integration Scenario
...All SAP Tables starting with P

STR_KOMG - Structure: Fields Permitted for Condition Structures
TCACS_PCINV - Participation Construction: Participants Template
TPARG - Arguments for Finding Transfer Prices
TRCON_ITEM_DATA - Trading Contract: Transfer Structure With All Item Data
TRCON_ITEM_DATA - Trading Contract: Transfer Structure With All Item Data
TRCON_ITEM_DATA - Trading Contract: Transfer Structure With All Item Data
...All SAP Tables starting with T

VCACS_SESJO_F4 - Generated Table for View
VV_TCACS_PCINV_AK - Generated Table for View
VV_TCACS_PCINV_AL - Generated Table for View
V_CACS_SETTLLOCK - Generated Table for View
V_PFO_ZO0000_SZO - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WB2_EKOMP - Trading Contract: KNUMV Added to Structure KOMP
WB2_EKOMP - Trading Contract: KNUMV Added to Structure KOMP
WB2_KEY_CHANGE - New condition keys
WB2_KOMG - Allowed Fields for Condition Structures
WCB_COND_DISP - Condition Display Structure for ALV
...All SAP Tables starting with W

YCRM01_B_VAR_INV - Variants for Commission Case Participants
YCRM01_B_VAR_LIN - Variants for Alternative Commission
YCRM01_DOCINV - Participant in Commission Document
YCRM01_DOCRE - Commission Document, Remuneration and Liability
YCRM01_DOCSE - Commission Document: Due Dates
...All SAP Tables starting with Y


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