SAP (CGPL_EXTID data element tables) Tables details

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DPRCGPL_PROJECT_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPRCGPL_TASK_CD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

DPR_BW_APPROVAL - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Approval Attributes

DPR_BW_BUPA_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Role - Business Partner Links

DPR_BW_CHECKLIST - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Checklist Attributes

DPR_BW_CHECKLIST_ITEM - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Checklist Item Attributes

DPR_BW_DATE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Date Attributes

DPR_BW_DOCUMENTS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Document Attributes

DPR_BW_DOCUMENTS_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Document Links

DPR_BW_HIERARCHY_ATTR - Dev. Projects: Hierarchy Display As Master Data

DPR_BW_HIERARCHY_ATTR - Dev. Projects: Hierarchy Display As Master Data

DPR_BW_HIERARCHY_ATTR - Dev. Projects: Hierarchy Display As Master Data

DPR_BW_IND_APPROVAL - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Individual Approval

DPR_BW_OBJLINK - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Object Link

DPR_BW_OBJ_RESOURCE_LINK - Proj. Mgmt. : Extraction Structure for Res. Assignment

DPR_BW_PARENT_PROJECT - BW cProjects: Project Definition Attributes for Delta Queue

DPR_BW_PART - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Role Attributes

DPR_BW_PART - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Role Attributes

DPR_BW_PART_LINKS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Object Role Assignment

DPR_BW_PHASE - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure Phase Attributes

DPR_BW_PROJECT - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Proj. Def. Attributes

DPR_BW_PROJECT - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Proj. Def. Attributes

DPR_BW_PROJECT_ORG - Dev. Proj.: Extract Structure for Project Attributes (Org.)

DPR_BW_TASK - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Task Attributes

DPR_BW_TASK - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Task Attributes

DPR_BW_TEXTS - Dev. Projects: Extract Structure for Proj. Mgmt. Object Tex

DPR_CATS_ENRICH - Work Structure with Enrich Fields

DPR_CATS_ENRICH - Work Structure with Enrich Fields

DPR_CATS_ENRICH - Work Structure with Enrich Fields

DPR_CPR_ROLE_FIELDS - Project Management role related attributes

DPR_MSP_TASK_FIELDS - MSP Task related attributes

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOCCONTENT_4_GUID - Row for Binary Doc. Content (such as SDOKCNTBIN but w. GUID)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOCCONTENT_4_GUID - Row for Binary Doc. Content (such as SDOKCNTBIN but w. GUID)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOCCONTENT_4_GUID - Row for Binary Doc. Content (such as SDOKCNTBIN but w. GUID)

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOST_EXT_ID - External Key for Processing Bill of Material Items

DPR_R3DMS_TS_DOST_EXT_ID_ERROR - External Key for Processing Bill of Mat. Items Incl.BAPIRET2

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK - Structure for R3DMS Object Link

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK - Structure for R3DMS Object Link

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK_ERROR - Structure for R3DMS Object Link Incl. BAPIRET2

DPR_R3DMS_TS_OBJLINK_ERROR - Structure for R3DMS Object Link Incl. BAPIRET2

DPR_R3DMS_TS_UPPER_ELEMENTS - Superior Project Elements

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_O_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_I_T_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Characteristics in Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_DATA_T - API: Attributes for Control Plan Version in a Template

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_O - API: Structure for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_O_DATA - API: Attributes for Control Plan Version

DPR_TS_API_CNTRL_PLAN_V_T - API: Structure for Control Plan Version in a Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_ITEM_O - API: Structure for Control Plan Characteristics

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_ITEM_T - API: Structure for Control Plan Characteristics in Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_O - API: Structure of Control Plan Header

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_O_DATA - API: Attributes of Control Plan Header

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_T - API: Structure of Control Plan Template

DPR_TS_API_CONTROL_PLAN_T_DATA - API: Attributes of Control Plan Template

DPR_TS_API_EVA_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_EVA_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites Evaluation

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES - API: Structure for Favorites List

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites

DPR_TS_API_FAVORITES_DATA - API: Attributes of Favorites

DPR_TS_API_OBJ_CREATE_W_TEMP - API: Structure for Creating an Object with a Template

DPR_TS_API_PARTICIPANT - API: Attributes of a Role




DPR_TS_APPROVAL_INT - Approval Attributes (Internal)





DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_INT - Checklist Header in Internal Display


DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_DTS - Checklist Item Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_DTS_PRT - Checklist Item Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_CHECKLIST_ITEM_INT - Checklist Item in Internal Display



DPR_TS_CREATE_VERSION - Fields for Creating a Version

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_CHG - Control Plan Header Attributes (Modifiable)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_DAT - Control Plan Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_DAT - Control Plan Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_EXT - Control Plan Header Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_H_INT - Control Plan Definition Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_CHG - Control Plan Characteristic Attributes (Extern. Modifiable)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_DAT - Control Plan Element Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_DAT - Control Plan Element Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_EXT - Control Plan Characteristics Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_I_INT - Attributes of Characteristic Def. in Control Plan (Internal)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_DAT - Control Plan Version Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_DAT - Control Plan Version Data

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_DIS - Control Plan Version Attributes (Not Modifiable Externally)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_EXT - Control Plan: Version Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_CTRLPLAN_V_INT - Attributes for Version Definition in Control Plan (Internal)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_EXT - Structure Type Dashboard (External Display)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_EXT - Structure Type Dashboard (External Display)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_EXT - Structure Type Dashboard (External Display)

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ID - External IDs of Dashboards

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ID - External IDs of Dashboards

DPR_TS_DASHBOARD_ID - External IDs of Dashboards

DPR_TS_DX_CHECKLIST - Excel Upload: Checklist Data

DPR_TS_DX_CHECKLIST_ITEM - Excel Upload: Checklist Item Data

DPR_TS_DX_PHASE - Excel Upload: Phase Data

DPR_TS_DX_PROJECT - Excel Upload: Project Data

DPR_TS_DX_ROLE - Excel Upload: Role Data

DPR_TS_DX_ROLE - Excel Upload: Role Data

DPR_TS_DX_STAFFING - Excel Upload: Staffing Data

DPR_TS_DX_TASK - Excel Upload: Task Data

DPR_TS_EXTERNAL_ID - Structure for External ID of Entities (GUID and External ID)

DPR_TS_EXTERNAL_ID_TEXT - Structure for External ID and Short Text of Entities

DPR_TS_EXTID_SELECT_OPTIONS - Structure for Select Options for External ID

DPR_TS_EXTID_SELECT_OPTIONS - Structure for Select Options for External ID

DPR_TS_FAVOURITES_D - Display Structure for Favorites Lists

DPR_TS_FAVOURITES_D - Display Structure for Favorites Lists

DPR_TS_FAVOURITES_D - Display Structure for Favorites Lists

DPR_TS_FAVOURITES_D - Display Structure for Favorites Lists

DPR_TS_PARTICIPANT - Participant guid

DPR_TS_PART_CHG - Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_DAT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PART_DAT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PART_EXT - Role Attributes (External)

DPR_TS_PART_IMP - Modifiable Role Attributes

DPR_TS_PART_INT - Role Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_PART_PRT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PART_PRT - Project Participant Data

DPR_TS_PC_INT - Project Charter Attributes (Internal)


DPR_TS_PHASE_INT - Phase Attributes (Internal)



DPR_TS_PROJECT_INT - Project Definition Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_PROJECT_PROXY_EXT_ID - Fields for Project Defintion Internal Key


DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_CHKLI - PSS: Structure for Checklists and Open Items in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_CHKLI - PSS: Structure for Checklists and Open Items in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_CHKLI - PSS: Structure for Checklists and Open Items in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_KPI - PSS: Structure for Project KPIs in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_PRJ - PSS: Structure for Projects in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_PRJ_NOACCASSGN - PSS: Structure for Projects in POWL Controlling

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_TSK - PSS: Structure for Tasks in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_TSK - PSS: Structure for Tasks in the POWL

DPR_TS_PSS_POWL_TSK - PSS: Structure for Tasks in the POWL

DPR_TS_RESULT_SHLP_RESPONSIBLE - Fields for Results List for Person Responsible Search

DPR_TS_RESULT_SHLP_RESPONSIBLE - Fields for Results List for Person Responsible Search

DPR_TS_RESULT_SHLP_RESPONSIBLE - Fields for Results List for Person Responsible Search

DPR_TS_SEARCH_FIELDS_DOCUMENT - Fields for Document Search (per Visitor)


DPR_TS_TASK_DAT_FLAT - Task Data (Flat List)

DPR_TS_TASK_DTS - Task Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_TASK_DTS_PRT - Task Data (Only Attribute and Status)

DPR_TS_TASK_INT - Task Attributes (Internal)

DPR_TS_TASK_OF_ROLE - Data of Tasks for Role

DPR_TS_TASK_OF_ROLE - Data of Tasks for Role


DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_H_DATA - Control Plan Header Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_I_DATA - Control Plan Version Item Data; External Format

DPR_TS_UI_CTRL_PLAN_V_DATA - Control Plan Version Detail Data: External Display

DPR_TS_UI_EVA_FAVORITES - Evaluations of Favorites

DPR_TS_UI_PART_DATA - Role Data - External Display

DPR_TS_UI_ROLE_DATA - Role: Attributes and Fields in UI

DPR_TS_XML - Field String for Generating XML Data

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLISTITEM_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistItemType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLIST_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHECKLIST_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_CHKLIST_I_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ChecklistItemDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_EXT - Fields for cProjects XML File

DPR_TS_XML_EXTRA_FIELDS_DIS - Additional Fields to Be Included in DPR_TS_XML_EXT_DIS

DPR_TS_XML_EXT_DIS - Non-Modifiable cProjects Attributes

DPR_TS_XML_PHASE_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type PhaseDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PHASE_TYPE - Complex Data Type PhaseType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_ROLE_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectRoleType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJECT_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_PROJ_ROLE_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type ProjectRoleDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_TASK_DATA_TYPE - Complex Data Type TaskDataType from XML Procedure

DPR_TS_XML_TASK_TYPE - Complex DatentypTaskType from XML Procedure

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