SAP (CHAR21 data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/BEV1/EM0LGMTX - Customizing - Empties Calculation
/BEV1/EM0LGMTX - Customizing - Empties Calculation
/BEV1/EM0LGMTX - Customizing - Empties Calculation
/BEV1/EM0LGMTX - Customizing - Empties Calculation
/BEV1/EM0LGMTX - Customizing - Empties Calculation
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ACO_TS_GROUP_D - Display Structure for ACO_GROUP
ACO_TS_GROUP_D - Display Structure for ACO_GROUP
ANONORD_C - Delta Report 3: Char. Container for Data Transfer of Order
ANONPUOR_C - Delta Report: Char. Container Structure for Data Transfer
ANONSLS_C - Delta Report 3: Char. Container for Data Transfer Sales Ord.
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BBPS_BID_EVAL_ITEM - Bid Comparison: General Item Type
BBPS_BID_UI_ITEM - Item Structure Bid Invitation
BBPS_BW_PD_ITEM - Item Structure Procurement Document and Parent Number
BBPS_CF_SCREEN_ITEM - Screen Structure Confirmation
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCMON_ALERT_LIST - List for MiniApp 'Variances on Cost Centers'
CCMON_ALERT_LIST - List for MiniApp 'Variances on Cost Centers'
CCMON_ALERT_LIST - List for MiniApp 'Variances on Cost Centers'
CCMON_ALERT_LIST - List for MiniApp 'Variances on Cost Centers'
CCMON_ALERT_RULE_EXTERNAL - Cost Center Monitor: Rule Definition for Exception Reporting
...All SAP Tables starting with C

E1CVBA2 - SIS - sales order item, second part
E1CVBA2 - SIS - sales order item, second part
E1CVBA2 - SIS - sales order item, second part
E1CVBEP - SIS - sales order, schedule line data
E1CVBR2 - Invoice - item data
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FCOM_S_BUDGETPLAN - Transfer Structure of Budget Plan
FCOM_S_BUDGETPLAN_MON - Transfer Structure of Budget Plan
FCOM_S_BUDGETPLAN_WD - Transfer Structure of Budget Plan
FMD1_F15_DATA - F15 Interface - Documents (Data)
...All SAP Tables starting with F

GIRODK11 - DME: Denmark, GIRO Address record
GIRODK11_14 - DME: Denmark, GIRO Address record
GIRODK12 - DME: Denmark, GIRO Address record 2
GIRODK13 - DME: Denmark, GIRO Address record 3
GIRODK14 - DME: Denmark, GIRO Address record 4
...All SAP Tables starting with G

HCM_RPCATLD0_PERIODEN1_PDF - Structure for Passing the SPALTE Data in Report RPCATLD0
HCM_RPCATLD0_PERIODEN1_PDF - Structure for Passing the SPALTE Data in Report RPCATLD0
HRF_DE_DUVMSG - DEUEV Notifications
HRF_DE_DUVMSG_BV - DEUEV Notifications (Professionals Pension)
HRF_DE_DUVMSG_DS - DEUEV Notifications (Immediate Notification)
...All SAP Tables starting with H

IDATF - Data Fields Table
IDCN_ITEMIZED_REP - Structure for Invoice Usage Report (China)
IKEYF - Key Fields
ISI_CONS_REQ_DATA - structure for consignment requirement data
ISI_CONS_SCHLINE_DATA - Structure for schedule lines for consingment material
...All SAP Tables starting with I

JSTCITYSTATEDETA - IS-M: Rec.Structure for US City State Product File (Cities)
JSTCSPALIAS - IS-M: Rec.Structure for US City State Product File (Aliases)
J_3RFF4PARA - Cash flow statement additional parameters
J_3RFF4PARA - Cash flow statement additional parameters
J_7LDTA_EEF_POS - REA DME: Eco Emballages - Item Records
...All SAP Tables starting with J

KONMATGRPX_TCTRL - Material Grouping: Items - TableControl
LEDSPD_ATOM - Subsequent Delivery Split Request
LEDSPD_ATOM_QUANTS - Subsequent Delivery Split Quantity Fields and Access
MAAVC3 - Structure for Displaying AVC MiniApp - Projects
MAAVC3_OR - Structure for Displaying AVC MiniApp: Orders
MAAVC4 - Structure for Displaying Plan/Actual MiniApp: Projects
MAAVC4_OR - Structure for Displaying Plan/Actual MiniApp: Orders
MCEVENT_TAB - Reference Structure for Auxiliary Table 'Events'
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OPZNB - TR-LO: Open Items Payment Postprocessing
OREXT - CO order fields for external data transfer
OREXT - CO order fields for external data transfer
OREXT - CO order fields for external data transfer
PRU_4FSS_FIPERDOC_TEXT - FI figures by month in T2 and T9 with order number
PRU_4FSS_FIPER_TEXT - FI figures by month in T2 and T9
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
PRU_4FSS_FORM_V1_TEXT - 4-FSS structure of the Form - Text
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RFC_CMB - Commitment: Transfer Item Data
RFC_CME - Commitment: Transfer Payment
RFC_PCB - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Item Data
RFC_PCE - Funds Precommitment: Transfer Payment
RFC_REB - Reservation: Transfer Item Data
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SCBP_LB0 - Passing Structure for Opening Stock Levels
SREXT - COBRB part for Taking Over External Settlmt Rules re Order
T445NK - Storage of decimal points
TDA12 - Loans master data field control
TDA14 - Field Control Loan Master Data Loans for Business Operations
VDZNB_PAYMENT - Payment Postprocessing: Payments for a PPP Activity

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