SAP (EAPSCO_STATE1 data element tables) Tables details

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EAPSCO_ADDRESS_GROUP1 - Group defined to hold typical Address information

EAPSCO_ADDRESS_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

EAPSCO_CORPORATE_INFO1 - Element grouping that contains information about the contrac

EAPSCO_DOMESTIC_ULTIMATE_POC1 - Entity within the family tree which is the highest-ranking m

EAPSCO_DUN_AND_BRADSTREET_LIN3 - Element grouping to hold information returned from Dun and B

EAPSCO_DUN_AND_BRADSTREET_LIN3 - Element grouping to hold information returned from Dun and B

EAPSCO_DUN_AND_BRADSTREET_LIN3 - Element grouping to hold information returned from Dun and B

EAPSCO_DUN_AND_BRADSTREET_MON2 - Element grouping to hold Dun and Bradstreet monitoring infor

EAPSCO_ELECTRONIC_BUSINESS_AL2 - Alternate to the Electronic Business POC

EAPSCO_ELECTRONIC_BUSINESS_PO3 - Point of contact who is responsible for authorizing individu

EAPSCO_FINANCIAL_INFO1 - Element grouping that contains financial information about t

EAPSCO_GENERAL_INFO1 - Element grouping that contains general information about the

EAPSCO_GENERAL_INFO1 - Element grouping that contains general information about the

EAPSCO_GLOBAL_ULTIMATE_POC1 - The top most responsible entity within the global family tre

EAPSCO_GOVERNMENT_BUSINESS_AL2 - Alternate contact to the Government Business POC

EAPSCO_GOVERNMENT_BUSINESS_PO3 - Point of contact responsible for marketing and sales with th

EAPSCO_GOVERNMENT_PARENT_POC1 - Point of contact for the government parent entity

EAPSCO_HEADQUARTERS_PARENT_PO3 - Point of contact information for the headquarters of the par

EAPSCO_LINKAGE_ADDRESS_GROUP1 - Group defined to hold DNB Linkage Address information

EAPSCO_MAILING_ADDRESS1 - Address able to receive mail. A Post Office box is permissi

EAPSCO_MAILING_ADDRESS_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

EAPSCO_PARENT_ADDRESS_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

EAPSCO_PARENT_POC1 - Point of contact for the parent entity

EAPSCO_PARTY_PERFORMING_CERTI1 - Point of contact for certifying party if 8(a) Program Partic

EAPSCO_PAST_PERFORMANCE_ALTER3 - Alternate contact to the Past Performance POC

EAPSCO_PAST_PERFORMANCE_POC1 - Point of contact in the company responsible for administerin

EAPSCO_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS1 - Physical location of the business

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POC1 - Element grouping that contains Point of Contact records.

EAPSCO_POCADDRESS_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

EAPSCO_PREVIOUS_BUSINESS_NAME3 - Point of contact for the business under a previous name

EAPSCO_PROCEEDING1 - Holds information about a specific administrative, civil or

EAPSCO_PROCEEDINGS1 - Holds information about administrative, civil or criminal pr

EAPSCO_PROCEEDINGS1 - Holds information about administrative, civil or criminal pr

EAPSCO_PROCEEDINGS_ALTERNATE_1 - Primary point of contact for administrative, civil and crimi

EAPSCO_PROCEEDINGS_POC1 - Primary point of contact for administrative, civil and crimi

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD1 - Element grouping that contains the identification and detail

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_RECORD_DETAILS1 - Element grouping that contains all the details of the return

EAPSCO_REMITTANCE_INFO1 - Address to mail a paper check if an Electronic Funds Transfe

EAPSCO_ULTIMATE_ADDRESS_TYPE1 - Proxy Structure (generated)

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