SAP (ESEDELFLG data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/DG_EXCPT - DG Management: Exception Requests DG Check OBSOLETE
/PLMB/S_SPCFCM_USG_POP_VALA_SP - SP Structure - Usage popup validity areas - DATA
/PLMB/S_SPC_FES_STAT_CONF_SP - Data Structure for Static Node Configuration
/SEHS/BAPI_1119_DN -
...All SAP Tables starting with /

API_EHSBT_APPL_SCOPE - API-RCP: Scopes of Application

BAPI107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
BAPI10770B - EHS: BAPI structure for packaging code approval
BAPI10770D - EHS: BAPI structure for risk classification
BAPI10770F - EHS: BAPI structure for transport classification
BAPI1077APPLSCP - EHS: BAPI Structure Specification Scope of Application
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCGLS_APILSDE - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Language-Dependent Desc.
CCGLS_APILSHD - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Header
CCGLS_APILSRV - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Validity Areas
CCGLS_APILSTG - EHS: API Structure Label Stock - Assigned Transport Symbols
CCGLS_CLBLIOT - EHS: IOTAB Customer-Specific Label Data
...All SAP Tables starting with C

E1ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E2ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
E3ESTRH - EH&S: Substance Header
EHCSMS_SPC_HEADER - Specification Header Structure
EHCSMS_SPC_IDN - Specification Identifier Structure
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FRMLS_API_ARI - RMS-FRM: Formula Identifiers
FRMLS_API_AST - RMS-FRM: Formula Status
FRMLS_API_AVA - RMS-FRM: Value Assignment (Instance)
FRMLS_API_AVH - RMS-FRM: Value Assignment Header
...All SAP Tables starting with F

HSMS_DNAPI - EHS: API Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DNBUF - EHS: Buffer Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DNIO - EHS: I/O Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 2 (Numeric Type)
HSMS_DTAPI - EHS: API Hazardous Substance Addit. Data 1 (Text Type)
...All SAP Tables starting with H

RCBDU_DG_MASTER_KEY - Dangerous goods: Structure for retaining keys
RCBDU_DG_PACK_KEY - Dangerous Goods: Structure for Keys of Packaging Data
RCBUN07IOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Transport Approval
RCBUN0DIOT - EHS: IOTAB for UN-Listed Substance Risk Classification
RCBUNAPICARR - EHS: API Structure Provisions for Carriage
...All SAP Tables starting with R

T7EHS00_VACCH - EHS: Vaccination Data Header Information
TCGTPLI - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Identifiers
TCGTPLP - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Properties
TCGTPLREL - EHS: Inheritance Relationships
TCGTPLU - EHS: Inheritance Templates - Usages
...All SAP Tables starting with T

U_25000 - Generated Table for View
U_25002 - Generated Table for View
U_25005 - Generated Table for View
U_25007 - Generated Table for View
U_25009 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VCCGLT_MTLD - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLS - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCGLT_MTLV - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_ACH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VCCIHT_AD08 - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
...All SAP Tables starting with V


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