SAP (ESEESTNAM data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
/PLMB/S_RCP_SEA_CRIT_MCLASS - Enterprise Search: Spec. Mult. Class. search criteria
...All SAP Tables starting with /


CCIHV_IH11 - Generated Table for View
CCRCS_EHS_SVT_MAP - Mapping Data from EHS to SVT
CCRCS_ESTCAT - Value Assignment Types

EHPRCS_PROPTREE_DISPLAY - RCS: Structure for display of property tree in ALV
EHPRCS_SVT_SUB_MAP - SVT-Struktur für stoffabhängiges Mapping
EHPRCV_EC1MAP - Generated Table for View
EHPRCV_EC2MAP - Generated Table for View
EHPRCV_EXPL_P - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with E

H_TCG11 - Generated Table for View
QMIPS_SOURCE_CHAR_EHS - Structure of EH&S Source for Creation of Master Insp. Char.
RCG11F4 - EHS: Structure for F4 Help for Value Assgmts (ESTCAT)
RCG11IOT - EHS: IOTAB for Value Assignment Types
RCG66IOT - EHS: IOTAB for maintenance of TCG66
RCGCOMWIOT - EH&S: Expert Data Exchange Structure for COMW (Char.)
RCGGENPOSDRG - EHS: Structure for User Exit Rec. Item Repeating Groups
...All SAP Tables starting with R

TCG12 - EHS: Language-Dependent Description for Value Assignmt Type
TCGRULPOSMREST - EHS: Easy Expert Set of Rules, Characteristic Restrictions
U_25012 - Generated Table for View

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