SAP (GEWRK data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/CUM/CUDESIGN - CU: Design Header Data
/CUM/CUDESIGNI - CU: CU design include
/CUM/DESIGN_LIST - CU: Structure for design list display
/CUM/IBAPI_ORDER_TL_I - CU: Parameter for Integrating Task Lists
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AAUFK - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ACC_CYDETAIL - Detail list in leveling
ACC_CYDETAIL_STY - Details Capacity Evaluation
ACC_RC65EIND - Fields of the detailed capacity list
AD02AUFK - Work Center
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BAPI2088_ACTIVITY_TYPE - Activity Types for Work Center
BAPI2088_CLUSTER - Temporary Storage for Completion Confirmations
BAPI2088_CONFIRMATION_DOC - Time Confirmation
BAPI2088_HEADER - Service Order Header
BAPI2088_OPERATION - Operation for Service Order
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CAUFV - Generated Table for View
CAUFVD - Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVDB - Document table structure of the order header
CAUFVDGET - CAUFVD structure with update indicator
CAUFVDQ - Order header structure
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DETAILABG - Detail list for evaluation in leveling
DIACL_DLE - Defect Log Entry Structure
DIAFRU - PM Completion Confirmation
DIAFVC - Maintenance Operations
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EAMPIC_S_EQUI - Structure of PIC-relevant EQUI Fields
EAMPIC_S_FLOC - Structure of PIC-relevant FLOC Fields
EAMS_S_BO_EQUI_BASIC_DATA - Business Object Functin Location Basic Data
EAMS_S_BO_EQUI_HEADER - Business Object Equipment - Header Data
EAMS_S_BO_EQUI_HIERARCHY - Equipment Hierarchy information
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FCOMS_GROUP_ORDER_ATTR - order attribution in group display
FCOMS_ORDER - Order (AUFK + Texts)
GHO_S_NETOBJ_COMP_MASS_DATA - structure for compressor in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_CO_GD_MASS_DATA - structure for the common fields in the general data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_DEHY_MASS_DATA - structure for dehydrator in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_FLARE_MASS_DATA - Structure for flare in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_HTR_MASS_DATA - Structure for heater mass data
...All SAP Tables starting with G

HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order
HIKO - Order master data history
HIKOB - Document table structure f.order headers - history
HIKOLA - Generated Table for View
HIKOLA_HIVG - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with H

IB0003 - IB: Equipment detail data
IB0014 - IB: Detail Data for Functional Location
IBAPI_HEADER_IN - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_HEADER_OUT - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS - ALM Order BAPIs: List of Allowed Selection Options
...All SAP Tables starting with I

J_3R_INVC_S6 - Repair costs
J_3R_OS3_CONTROL - OS3 Control Structure
KKR_ORDER_DATA - Grouping of AUFK, AFKO, AFPO, MARA for Order Data
LOCATION_WPS - WPS: Location for Slot Planning
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_20_OPERATION_SPLIT - Maintenance Operation Split (KBED)
MAM_20_ORDER_HEADER - Order header
MAM_25_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_25_OPERATION_SPLIT - Maintenance Operation Split (KBED)
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OPS_RIPRMP00_PICKLIST_PDF - Structure For Printing Picklist
ORDER_OUTPUT_TAB - Output Table for Orders
ORDER_OUTPUT_TAB_CPRO - Output Table for Acc. Ass. Objects (Incl. cProjects Characs)
ORDER_OUTPUT_TAB_CRM - Output Table for Orders (Including CRM Characteristics)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUS0010 - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUS0010 (Internal)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUS0010_AF - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUS0010 (External)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUSEQUI - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUSEQUI (Internal)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUSEQUI_AF - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUSEQUI (External)
PLM_ALM_SEARCH_BUS0010 - PLM: Structure for Search MiniApp BUS0010 (Internal)
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RAIA1 - General structure for appropriation requests
RC65EIND - Fields of the detailed capacity list
RCJ_PS_ORDER - PPB: Field Selection for Order Header
RCJ_PS_PM_OBJ - All Fields for the PM Chart in the Project Planning Board
REEX_FL_ORDER_L - Orders for Functional Locations - List Fields
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SCY_AFKO - Subset structure of CAUFVD
STRNO_TPLNR - Output Fields for Function Module FUNC_LOCATION_GET_LIST
STR_AUFK - structure aufk for pspel-wbs
STR_TECH_ORG - Structure: Equipment Organization Data
T352R - Maintenance revisions
T352R - Maintenance revisions
T352R_API - Revision Structure for Program Communication
T352R_B - Buffer Structure for Table T352R
T352R_B - Buffer Structure for Table T352R
...All SAP Tables starting with T

VEREGPLANTWC - Generated Table for View
VIAUFKST - Generated Table for View
VIAUFKST_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
VIAUFK_AFVC - Generated Table for View
VIAUFK_AFVCIFLOS - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WTYSC_WWB_NAVTREE_DATA - Navigation tree Warranty Workbench

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