SAP (ISH_VK_UNKNOWN_GBDAT data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISHFR/RNCV_INSREL_ASSIGN - IS-H FR: Screen Assignment Carte Vitale


ISH_NIRA_DISPLAY - IS-H: Display Structure for Patient-Related IRs
ISH_YS_INVOICE_DATA - IS-H: Data for Invoice Printing
NCIR - IS-H: Insurance Relationships of a Case
NIPP - IS-H: Provisional Insurance Relationship of Preregistration
NPIR - IS-H: Insurance Relationship Proposal Pool
RNBADI_PAI_NIRA - IS-H: PAI BAdI Insurance Relationship Structure (New)
RNBADI_PAI_NIRA_DETAIL - IS-H: PAI BAdI Insurance Relationship Structure (New)
RNBADI_PAI_NIRA_TC - IS-H: PAI BAdI Insurance Relationship Structure (New)
RNCIR - IS-H: Changes to Case-Related Insurance Relationships
RNIPP2_ATTRIB - IS-H: Attributes of 2nd Provisional Insurance Relationship
...All SAP Tables starting with R

VNCIR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VNPIR - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

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