SAP (IWERK data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1BCDWB/IQ000000000377 - Query ZVIMHIO/SYSTQV000116(800)
/1CADMC/01000315 - T024I
/CUM/BAPI_CU_ITEMS - CU: Compatible unit item list
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AAFIH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ACC_CYDETAIL - Detail list in leveling
ACC_CYDETAIL_STY - Details Capacity Evaluation
ACC_RC65EIND - Fields of the detailed capacity list
...All SAP Tables starting with A

B060 - PM Message - Plant Maintenance
BADI_DATA_EQUI - BADI Import Structure for Equipment
BAPI2080_NOTCREATE - PM/SM/QM Notifications: I/O data for creating notification
BAPI2080_NOTHDRE - BAPI Service Notification Header
BAPI2080_NOTHDRI - BAPI Service Notification Header for creation
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CAPP_TSK - Data for Plans
CAUFVD - Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVD - Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVDB - Document table structure of the order header
CAUFVDB - Document table structure of the order header
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DETAILABG - Detail list for evaluation in leveling
DIACL_DLE - Defect Log Entry Structure
DIAUFKU - PM Sub-Orders
DIEAPL - Maintenance Task List or General Maintenance Task List
...All SAP Tables starting with D

E1T001W - Segment for plants
E2T001W - Segment for plants
E3T001W - Segment for plants
EAMI_DEV_CHG_OUT - Outbound process device structure
EAMI_DEV_CHG_OUT - Outbound process device structure
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FCOM_S_EQM_EQUI_LIST - Equipment Data in Equipment Monitor
GHO_S_NETOBJ_COMP_MASS_DATA - structure for compressor in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_CO_GD_MASS_DATA - structure for the common fields in the general data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_DEHY_MASS_DATA - structure for dehydrator in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_FLARE_MASS_DATA - Structure for flare in mass data
GHO_S_NETOBJ_HTR_MASS_DATA - Structure for heater mass data
...All SAP Tables starting with G

HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL1 - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INSTPT - Hash relevant tructure with fields of an Installation Point
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order
HIKO - Order master data history
...All SAP Tables starting with H

IB0003 - IB: Equipment detail data
IB0014 - IB: Detail Data for Functional Location
IBAPI_HEADER_OUT - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_HEADER_PARAMS - ALM Order BAPIs: Special Header Data
IBAPI_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS - ALM Order BAPIs: List of Allowed Selection Options
...All SAP Tables starting with I

J_7LBAPI_PLAN_HEADER - REA BAPI Readout Planning Data: Header Data
KOMB - Field catalog for condition key: output determination
LMHIS - Dates history table --> Delete
MAM30_VAR_USER - Order variant users : MAM customizing data for DOE
MAM_20_INSTALLED_EQUI - Installed Equipment
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_20_ORDER_HEADER - Order header
MAM_20_TOB_HEADER - Header Data for Technical Object
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
OPS_RIPRMP00_PICKLIST_PDF - Structure For Printing Picklist
PAMS_NEED - Graphical Planning Board: Requests (Objects to Schedule)
PAMS_SPLIT - Graphical Planning Board: Splits (Scheduled Objects)
PAMS_S_0100 - Data Structure for Screen 0100
PAMS_S_0200 - Screen Structure - Structure for Split
PAMS_S_0300 - Screen Structure: Structure for Request
...All SAP Tables starting with P

QMIH - Quality message - maintenance data excerpt
RC271 - Fields in screen for the selection of task lists
RC273 - Dialog table structure for equipment allocation to task list
RC27E - PM Object Master View Task List
RC65EIND - Fields of the detailed capacity list
RCJ_PS_ORDER - PPB: Field Selection for Order Header
...All SAP Tables starting with R

S061 - Location and planning
S061E - S061 - Structural Information
S114 -
S114E -
S116 - Customer Analysis
...All SAP Tables starting with S

T001W - Plants/Branches
T003O_BC - MCB Budget check parameter for PM Work order
T003O_DS - Digital Signatues for Order Operations
T003O_SC - Status Change Control For PM Orders
T024I - Maintenance planner groups
...All SAP Tables starting with T

U_11017 - Generated Table for View
U_15650 - Generated Table for View
U_15651 - Generated Table for View
U_15652 - Generated Table for View
U_15653 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VAFIHST - Generated Table for View
VAFILOA - Generated Table for View
VBMHIS - Updating of scheduling records
VBMPOS - Maintenance Item Update
VEREGPLANT - Generated Table for View VEREGPLANT
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WCAAP - WCM: Application
WCACD - WCM: Operational Class <-> PM Object
WCACE - WCM: Operational Condition <-> Operational Class
WCACH - WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Time-Frame)
WCACI - WCM: (Temporary) Log for Tagging/Untagging (Conflict Check)
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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