SAP (KTOPL data element tables) Tables details

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F107_S_PROVISION_DATA - All Fields for Provision

F107_TPROV - Provisions

F107_V_TPROV - Generated Table for View

F107_V_TPROV_RP - Generated Table for View

FAA_SX_TENV_CFG - Configuration

FAA_SX_TENV_CFGDATA - Configuration for a Company Code/Chart of Depreciation

FAA_SX_TENV_CFG_X - Row Structure for Table of Configurations

FAA_SX_TENV_DEPRAREA - Configuration of Depreciation Area

FAA_SX_TENV_LEADOBJ - Configuration for Leading Object of Asset Accounting

FAA_SX_TENV_RDC - Data Collection Called for Creating Test Cases

FAA_SX_TENV_RDCCFG - Called Configuration Data

FAA_S_LEADOBJ_ASSIGNMENT_ERP - Assignments of Leading Object in ERP

FAGLFLEXB - Generated Extraction Struction for Table FAGLFLEXT

FAGLFLEXS - Reporting for Table FAGLFLEXT

FAGLFLEXS - Reporting for Table FAGLFLEXT

FAGLLIBW - BW Fields for LI Extractor: New General Ledger Accounting

FAGLPOSBW - Fields for LI Extractor: New General Ledger Accounting

FAGLPOSR - Additional Data for Line Items: New GL (Reporting Tools)

FAGLPOS_APRE - Payables According to General Ledger Account Assignments

FAGLPOS_ARRE - Receivables According to General Ledger Account Assignments

FAGL_011ZC - Fin. Statement Structure: Assignment FS Items - G/L Account

FAGL_011ZC_XBRL - Fin. Statement Version: Assignment of FS Items to G/L Accts

FAGL_ACC_LINETYPE_CLASS - UI Structure: Classification of G/L Accounts

FAGL_ACC_S_RFUMD001_LIST - Structure for ALV Output of RFUMD001



FAGL_BW_LOG_ITEM - FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Line Items

FAGL_BW_LOG_TOTL - FI-GL: Log for BW Extraction: Totals Records

FAGL_CASH_ACCNT - Cash Ledger: Cash-Relevant Accounts

FAGL_CFR_ASGMT - Cash Flow Reporting: Assignment to E/R Account

FAGL_CLMIG_ASGMT - Cash Ledger Migration: Profit and Loss Acct for Opening Bal.

FAGL_CL_ASGMT - Cash Ledger: Assignment of Income Statemt Accts to B/S Accts

FAGL_CL_CONST - Cash Ledger: Constants for Unassigned Processes

FAGL_DRPROV_ACC - Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Account Determination

FAGL_EXTSTRUCT_LEAD - Extraction Structure for the Leading Ledger

FAGL_GISOURCE_PI - NewGL: Additional Fields for TT Extraction Structure

FAGL_HST_T095 - Old Acct Determin. for Asset Value Adjustment and Portfolio

FAGL_HST_T095_ALV - ALV Display Structure for Old Account Determination in FI-AA

FAGL_MIG_SAK_ALV - Structure: Old and New Accounts in New GL Migration (ALV)

FAGL_MM_ORG - MM Organization Data

FAGL_ORG_INFO - General Ledger: Configuration Information

FAGL_QUEUE_LOG - Log of Delta Queue for Error Analysis

FAGL_R_S_SKV_KONTO - Structure for G/L Account and Cash Discount

FAGL_S_011ZC_XBRL - Fin. Statement Version: Assignment of FS Items to G/L Accts





FAGL_S_CCODE_PROP - Company Code Properties

FAGL_S_DRPROV_ACC - Provisions for Doubtful Receivables: Account Determination

FAGL_S_RFAUDI03_LIST1 - ALV Structure for Report RFAUDI03

FAGL_S_RFAUDI03_LIST2 - ALV Structure for Report RFAUDI03 Company Code - Chart/Accts

FAGL_S_RFSABL00_LIST - RFSABL00_ALV(G/L Account Changes )-Field Catalogue Structure

FAGL_S_RFSKPL00_LIST - ALV Structure for Report RFSKPL00

FAGL_S_RFSKTH00_LIST1 - ALV Structure for Report RFSKTH00

FAGL_S_RFSKTH00_LIST2 - ALV Structure for Report RFSKTH00

FAGL_S_RGSDCS10 - Structure for Report - RGSDCS10_ALV - For ALV Output

FAGL_S_RGUSI100_SET_LIST - Display Set

FAGL_S_SAPF011_LIST3 - ALV Structure for Report SAPF011

FAGL_S_SREP_ACC_COCD_ATTR - Company Code-Dependent Attributes of the Account


FAGL_S_SREP_BALANCES_CUM - Cumulated Balances

FAGL_S_SREP_BSPL - Extraction Structure for Financial Statements

FAGL_S_SREP_BSPL_ADD - Additional Fields for Balance Sheet Extractor

FAGL_S_SREP_DOCUMENTS - Documents, Compact (Entry View)

FAGL_S_SREP_EXTSTRUCT_LEAD - Extraction Structure for the Leading Ledger

FAGL_S_SREP_GET_ACC_ALL_ATTR - All Attributes of the Account

FAGL_S_SREP_LINE_ITEMS - Gen. Ledger: Line Items

FAGL_S_SREP_PLAN_LINE_ITEMS - General Ledger: Plan Line Items

FAGL_T030TR - Customizing for Balance Translation

FAGL_T8A30 - General Ledger: Default Profit Center

FAGL_WZ_SPLIT_CONF_UI02 - UI Structure: Classification of G/L Accounts

FAGL_WZ_SPLIT_CONF_UI05 - UI Structure: Define Zero Balance Clearing Account

FA_ADC_C1_01_A - Generated Table for View

FBICRC001S - Reporting for table FBICRC001T

FBICRC001S - Reporting for table FBICRC001T

FBICRC002S - Reporting for table FBICRC002T

FBICRC002S - Reporting for table FBICRC002T

FBICRC003S - Reporting for table FBICRC003T

FBICRC003S - Reporting for table FBICRC003T

FBIW_S_SREP_SKA1_TDNAME - SAPscript: Standard Texts: G/L Accounts (Chart of Accounts)

FBS_SE_GLACCOUNT_COAX - G/L Account Master Record: Chart of Accounts

FBS_SE_GLACCOUNT_NAMEX - G/L Account Master Record: Descriptions

FBS_SE_T004T_UPD - Structure for Database Update

FBS_SX_ACCOUNT - All Data of a G/L Account

FBS_SX_ACCOUNT - All Data of a G/L Account

FBS_SX_ACCOUNT - All Data of a G/L Account

FBS_SX_ACC_RPLCTN_WORK_STRUC - Internal Structure for Replication of GL Master Data

FBS_SX_ACC_RPLCTN_WORK_STRUC - Internal Structure for Replication of GL Master Data

FBS_SX_ACC_RPLCTN_WORK_STRUC - Internal Structure for Replication of GL Master Data

FBS_SX_COA - Chart of Accounts

FBS_SX_COA - Chart of Accounts

FBS_SX_COAT - Texts for Chart of Accounts

FBS_SX_COAT - Texts for Chart of Accounts

FBS_SX_COA_CHNG_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_CHNG_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_CHNG_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_CHNG_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_JOINT - Chart of Accounts Data (Flat)

FBS_SX_COA_WRK_STRC - Chart of Accounts Master Data for Replication

FBS_SX_COA_WRK_STRC - Chart of Accounts Master Data for Replication

FBS_SX_COA_WRK_STRC - Chart of Accounts Master Data for Replication


FBS_SX_FRS_MAPPING_TGT_ITM - Target Structure for SMT: Items

FBS_SX_FRS_WORK_STRUC_JOINT - All Data as Flat Version

FBS_SX_FRS_WORK_STRUC_JOINT - All Data as Flat Version

FBS_SX_SKA1 - G/L Account (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA1 - G/L Account (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKAT - Texts of an Account

FBS_SX_SKAT - Texts of an Account

FBS_SX_SKA_CHNG_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_CHNG_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_CHNG_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_CHNG_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SKA_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_SX_SMT_GLACCT_MAPPING_TGT - Target Structure for SMT for G/L Account Master

FBS_SX_SMT_GLACCT_MAPPING_TGT - Target Structure for SMT for G/L Account Master

FBS_SX_SMT_GLACCT_MAPPING_TGT - Target Structure for SMT for G/L Account Master

FBS_SX_SMT_GLACCT_MAPPING_TGT - Target Structure for SMT for G/L Account Master

FBS_SX_VERSN_ITEM_JOINT - Item as Flat Version

FBS_SX_VERSN_ITEM_JOINT - Item as Flat Version

FBS_S_COA - G/L Account Master: Chart of Accounts

FBS_S_COAT - G/L Account Master: Chart of Accounts

FBS_S_COAT_KEY - Key for Chart of Accounts Texts

FBS_S_COA_ACC_KEY - Key Fields of a G/L Account (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_S_COA_ACC_NAME_KEY - Key Fields of the Texts of an Account

FBS_S_COA_KEY - Key Fields: Chart of Accounts

FBS_S_FAGL_011ZC - Assignment of Financial Statement Element to G/L Account

FBS_S_FAGL_011ZC - Assignment of Financial Statement Element to G/L Account

FBS_S_SKA1 - G/L Account Master: Chart of Accounts

FBS_S_SKAT - G/L Account Master Record Texts

FBS_S_SKAX_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_S_SKAX_JOINT - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts Part)

FBS_S_VERSN_ITEM_011ZC - Assignment of Financial Statement Element to G/L Account

FBS_S_VERSN_ITEM_011ZC - Assignment of Financial Statement Element to G/L Account


FCINCICA00 - SAP Cons. Integr.: List Output - Chart of Accounts Transfer

FCINCICA10 - SAP Cons. Integr.: List output - Acct/Cons Chart Comparison

FCINTAB - Structure for Screen Fields of FUGR FCIN

FCINTAB - Structure for Screen Fields of FUGR FCIN

FCML_ACCMAP - Alternative Accounts for Material Ledger Postings

FCML_ACCMAP_ACP - Alternative Accounts for Each Accounting Principle

FCOM_EXP_ACTVAL_EXP - Export DS for function modules FCOM_EXP_ACTVAL...

FEBKO - Electronic Bank Statement Header Records

FEBKOIN_BF - Statement/lockbox header - internal information

FEBKO_IF - FEBKO Structure for Interface

FEBS_SAVE_BNKSTMT_RESULT - Result of Bank Statement Upload


FEB_BSPROC_WORKLIST_FE - Bank Statement Postprocessing Worklist

FEB_IF - FEB* for Interface

FERC_R0 - Execution history

FIAACRIT - Characteristic for data transfer from FI-AA and PM to EIS

FIAA_EIS - Structure for data transfer from FI-AA/PM to EIS

FIAPQAC_GLPRVN - Maintain Provision type with g/l acoount

FIAPQAV_GLPRVN - Generated Table for View

FIAPSAC_ACCPYMO - G/L Accounts for Payment Order

FIAPSAC_ACCTBC - Accounts for Check/Cash payment

FIAPSAC_GLCSTD - GL account mapping with custody

FIAPSAV_ACCPYMO - Generated Table for View

FIAPSAV_ACCTBC - Generated Table for View

FIAPSAV_GLCSTD - Generated Table for View

FIAPSA_S_FCBL_HD - Financial Custody Balances: Header

FIAPSA_S_FCBL_PDF - Financial Custody Balances: PDF Form

FIAPSA_S_PYMO - Structure for Payment Order for Initial Screen

FIBKRUC_PAIRACC - List of paired accounts

FIBKRUV_PAIRACC - Generated Table for View

FIBKRU_S_PAIRACC_TREE - Pair accounts Tree fields

FICA_CASH_PAY_STR_ITEMS - Assigned Business Partner Items

FICA_INV_S_ITEM - Invoicing Line Items

FICA_PAY_REC_STR_ITEMS - Assigned Business Partner Items

FIGLQA_S_ITR_ALV - Corporate Tax - Income Tax returns ALV

FILITEXTS_GL - FI Line Item Report: Transfer Structure Header Items

FIOTP_KOFI_BASE - Account Determination Rule

FIWTINV_HKONT - Generated Table for View

FKK033D - Help Structure for Account Determination

FKK2_DYNP_7100_BUKRS - fkk2 Screen Structure 7100: Company Code

FKKINV_COBL - Invoicing Account Assignment Block

FKKINV_POSTACC - Invoicing Account Assignment Block

FKKINV_POSTITEM - Internal Work Structure: Posting Document Data

FLQACC_ACT - Liquidity Calculation - Other Actual Accounts

FLQACC_BURNED - Liquidity Calculation - Other Accounts

FLQACC_INFO - Liquidity Calculation - Accounts with Assignment Information

FLQACC_INFO_APP - Liquidity Calculation - Accounts with Assignment Information

FMBGADH - Screen Structure: PCO Input Tax Adjustment

FMBLCLASS - Classification for BL accounts

FMBLEXCLACCWSHOT - Exclude Accounts from Automatic Offset/Deletion Procedure

FMBUDACT - Classification for BL accounts

FMDT_SKA1_KEY - Keys for table SKA1 - G/L Account Master (Chart of Accounts)

FMEF_WD_KBLD_A - Document data for checking

FMFG_T095 - Contra accounts asset accounting

FMGLFLEXB - Generated Extract Structure for Table FMGLFLEXT

FMGLFLEXS - Reporting for table FMGLFLEXT

FMGLFLEXS - Reporting for table FMGLFLEXT

FMGL_EXTSTRUCT_LEAD - Extraction Structure for the Leading Ledger

FMII1 - Allocation of CO Acct Asst to FM Acct Asst

FMPDH - Screen Structure: Header Data for Payment Distribution

FMSGLCLASS - Classification for SGL accounts

FMUSFGB - BW Transfer Structure: 95 Ledger Total Table

FMUSFGFACTS1B - DataSource Structure: FI-SL Ledger 96 Totals Table

FMUSFGFACTS2B - DataSource Structure: FI-SL Ledger 97 Totals Table

FMUSFGS - Reporting for table FMUSFGT

FMUSFGS - Reporting for table FMUSFGT

FMUSFGW - Generated Extract Structure for Table FMUSFGA

FMUSFGW_ITEMS - FMFG line item extractor

FOTPDTF7300088 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 01

FOTPDTF7300088 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 01

FOTPDTF7300089 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 60

FOTPDTF7300089 - Derivation rule:One Time Postings Acc.Princ. 60

FPIA_S_IOA - Data transfer: Line Item documents

FRBIOA_FPIA_S_IOA - Data Transfer: Customer Items to BW with IoA

FSKAS - Posting structure

FSKAT - Change document structure; generated using RSSCD000

FUSS_MB - Footer: Inventory Management

FUSS_MB - Footer: Inventory Management

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