SAP (KTOPL data element tables) Tables details

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GISOURCE - FI-SL: Additional fields for InfoSource structure

GISOURCE_PI - FI-SL: Additional Fields for the TT Extraction Structure

GLACCOUNT_COA - G/L Account Master Record: Chart of Accounts

GLACCOUNT_COA_KEY - G/L Account Master Record: Chart of Accounts - Key

GLACCOUNT_KEYWORD - G/L Account Master Record: Key Word

GLACCOUNT_MASS_DESCR_TEXT_COA - G/L Acct Record: Mass Maintenance: Descr. Transfer Structure

GLACCOUNT_NAME - G/L Account Master Record: Descriptions

GLACCOUNT_NAME_KEY - G/L Account Master Record: Descriptions - Key

GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_CCODE - G/L Account Master Record: Company Code (Screen Fields)

GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_COA - G/L Account Master Record: Chart of Accounts (Screen Fields)

GLACCOUNT_SCREEN_KEY - G/L Account Master Record: Key (Screen Fields)

GLACCOUNT_WEB_ADDITIONAL_DATA - G/L Account Master Change Request: Additional Fields

GLB0 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT0

GLB1 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT1

GLB2 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT2

GLB3 - Generated transfer structure for table GLT3

GLEDGER - Ledger Table Direct Posting

GLE_MCA_STR_BUKRS_KTOPL - Company code and chart of accounts

GLE_MCA_STR_FINSTMT_CLSSC_DATA - MCA: Extraction Structure for Fin. Statement (classic GL)

GLE_MCA_STR_FINSTMT_DATA - MCA: Extraction Structure for Financial Statement (new GL)

GLE_MCA_STR_FINSTMT_DATA_ADD1 - MCA: Add. fields for the fin. stmt. extractor (classic GL)

GLE_MCA_STR_T030H - Overall structure of table GLE_MCA_T030H

GLE_MCA_STR_T030H_KEY_DB - Key structure of table GLE_MCA_T030H

GLE_MCA_STR_TOTALS_CLSSC_DATA - MCA: Extraction Structure for Fin. Statement (classic GL)

GLE_MCA_STR_TOTALS_DATA - MCA: Extraction Structure for Financial Statement (new GL)

GLE_MCA_STR_TOTALS_DATA_ADD1 - MCA: Add. fields for the trans. fig. extractor (classic GL)

GLE_MCA_T030H - GLE MCA Accounts Table

GLE_MCA_TDATLOAD - MCA Data load configuration

GLE_MCA_VBCF - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VCDF - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VDATLOAD - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VFXR - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VFXRA - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VFXRS - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VIFX - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VMAR - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VPLC - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VPLL - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VPLT - Generated Table for View

GLE_MCA_VPOS - Generated Table for View

GLE_STR_ADB_KF_DELTA_EXTR - Extraction Structure for ADB Key Figures (Delta Extraction)

GLE_STR_ADB_KF_EXTR - Extraction Structure for Key Figures for Average Daily Bal.

GLFLEXB - Generated transfer structure for table V_GLFLEXT

GLFLEXS - Flexible General Ledger Reporting

GLFLEXS - Flexible General Ledger Reporting

GLFUNCB - Generated transfer structure for table GLFUNCT

GLFUNCS - Reporting for table GLFUNCT

GLFUNCS - Reporting for table GLFUNCT

GLOFAAJPTSICHK - Annex16: Chk tab for the convination of Type-Structure-Item

GLOFAAJPTSIDEF - Annex16: Default Value for Structure & Item in CSMD

GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_1 - Annex16-1: Communication structure

GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_2 - Annex16-2: Communication structure

GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_4 - Annex16-1: Communication structure

GLO_FAA_S_ANX16_HEADER - Annex16: Communication structure - Header

GLPCACT_STD - Standard fields for V_GLPCA_CT

GLPCA_CT - Profit Center Documents

GLPCTS - Reporting for Table GLPCT

GLPCTS - Reporting for Table GLPCT

GLPCT_B - Generated Extract Structure for Table GLPCT

GLPCW - Generated Extract Structure for Table GLPCA

GLPOSCCT_STD - Standard fields for V_GLPOS_C_CT

GLPOSNCT_STD - Standard fields for V_GLPOS_N_CT

GLPOS_C_CT - FI Document: Entry View

GLPOS_N_CT - New General Ledger: Line Item with Currency Type

GLT0S - Reporting for table GLT0

GLT0S - Reporting for table GLT0

GLU3 - FI-SL drilldown reporting: Superstructure w/all fields used

GLU3 - FI-SL drilldown reporting: Superstructure w/all fields used

GLURECHFIX - FI-SL drilldown reporting: Fixed fields

GLX_ORG_INFO - Organizational Assignment

GLX_REP_STRUCTURE_TEMPLATE - Template for Reporting Structure

GLX_REP_STRUCTURE_TEMPLATE - Template for Reporting Structure

GL_ACCT_CA_KEY - Generated Table for View

GL_ACCT_CA_TEXT - Generated Table for View

GL_ACCT_CC - Generated Table for View

GMCOA - Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for grants mgmt

GMCOUPD - CO Settings for Grants Management Update

GMFIUPD - FI Settings for Grants Management Update

GMGAAP - Special GL accounts in chart of accounts for GM GAAP

GMGAAP_MAPPED - GAAP Customizing Accounts Mapped to Grant

GMIB - Generated transfer structure for table GMIT

GMIDC_GRANT_INFO - GM IDC Grant Information

GMIS - Reporting for table GMIT

GMIS - Reporting for table GMIT

GMIW - Generated Extract Structure for Table GMIA

GOITEM - MMIM Enjoy: Item Data

GOPLANT - MMIM Enjoy: Fields From Tables T001W, T159L, T001K, T001

GRISDES - Reporting for GRISDET Table

GRISDES - Reporting for GRISDET Table

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C1 - Display Structure - TFIMDCOA02C1

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C11 - Display Structure - TFIMDCOA02C1

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C11 - Display Structure - TFIMDCOA02C1

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C11 - Display Structure - TFIMDCOA02C1

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C11_DEF - Display Structure - FIMDCOA_02M1_01

GRPCRTA_S_CTFIMDCOA02C11_SEL - Selection screen for FIMDCOA_02M1_01

GRPCRTA_S_MG3FIMDDIS1005C1 - Output structure for FIMDDIS_1005C1

GRPCRTA_S_MG3FIMDDIS1005C1_SEL - Input structure for GL Postings at Account Level

GRPCRTA_S_MG3FIMDDIS1005C2 - Output structure for FIMDDIS_1005C2

GRPCRTA_S_MG3FIMDDIS1005C2_SEL - Input structure for GL Postings at Account Item Level

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C1 - Display Structure - TFIMDDIS1005C1

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C1N - Output structure for FIMDDIS_1005C1

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C1N_SEL - Input structure for GL Postings at Account Item Level

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C2 - Display Structure - TFIMDDIS1005C2

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C2N - Output structure for FIMDDIS_1005C2

GRPCRTA_S_MGFIMDDIS1005C2N_SEL - Input structure for GL Postings at Account Item Level

GRPDYNP - Screen-/help fields for group maintenance

GRPFLDINFO - Interface structure: Group maintenance (field information)

GRT882 - Generated Table for View GRT882

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