SAP (MSGFN data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/CPD/S_SD_BILL_PLAN - structure for bill plan structure BAPISDBPL
/CPD/S_SD_BUSOUT - Sales Document VBKD
/CPD/S_SD_DOCFLOW - Sales Document Flow
/CRMMW/BOM_UPL_SAVE_ALLTRANS - Transfer structure for business task ALL_BOM_UPL_SAVE
/CRMMW/BOM_UPL_SAVE_ALLTRANS - Transfer structure for business task ALL_BOM_UPL_SAVE
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AFS_BAPIMATCONF - Product Master Data Communication Fields: AFS Configuration
ALM_ME_PUSH_KEYS - Object keys to push for server driven objects
ALM_ME_R3KEYS_SD - R/3 Keys for Transfer to Server Drives
ASCECHADEP - SCECHADEP key fields - transfer IDoc
ASCECHAINP - SCECHAINP key fields - transfer IDoc?
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BAPI1001004_QMAT - Insp. Setup for Material (QMAT) ALE Distribution with BAPI
BAPI107707 - EHS: BAPI Structure Transport Approval
BAPI10770B - EHS: BAPI structure for packaging code approval
BAPI10770D - EHS: BAPI structure for risk classification
BAPI10770F - EHS: BAPI structure for transport classification
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCDECO - Decouple Fields in Development Class CC
CIFHCTXT - Confirmation for Sales Schedule Agreement: Text
CIF_E1CUV1M - Master characteristics of table line
CIF_E1CUVAM - Master value assignment alternatives in variant table
CIF_E1CUVCM - Master characteristics in variant table
...All SAP Tables starting with C

E1ASMDM - Service master basic data
E1ASMDT - Service master short texts
E1AUSPM - Distribution of Classification: Assigned Char. Values
E1CABTM - Master Characteristic Language-Dependent Name
E1CAWNM - Master characteristic value
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FDM_MIRR_E1KNA1M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNA1M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNB1M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNB1M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNB5M - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNB5M
FDM_MIRR_E1KNBKM - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNBKM
FDM_MIRR_E1KNVKM - FSCM-COL: Fields for Transfer of E1KNVKM
...All SAP Tables starting with F

IBBSI_CIC_ALV_STRUC - Structure for Displaying IBase in ALV CIC
IBKK_DI_NOTICE - Fields for Communication: Sales Texts
ISM_E1MARCM - IS-M: Transfer for MARC Data
ISM_E1MVKEM - IS-M: Transfer for MVKE Data
...All SAP Tables starting with I

KOMLFKCTX - Agency Business: Header Text For Change Case
KOMLFKTX - Agency Business: Header Text, Create Case
KOMLFKTXT - Communication Structure: Change Texts using BAPI
KOMLFPCTX - Agency Business: Item Texts, Change Case
KOMLFPTX - Agency Business: Item Texts, Create Case
...All SAP Tables starting with K

LTEXT_KEY - Layout Object Long Text Lines - Key Fields
MATL_GROUP_KEY - Table with Key Fields for Distribution of Material Groups
MAT_RT_CRT_BAPI_STY - Appl parameter Retail material basic data Create Request In
MAT_RT_FEH_BASICDATA_CREATE_RQ - Application parameter for Material Basic Data Create RQ
MDG_BS_MAT_DRF_S_PLNT_KEY_DATA - Structure for storing plant key data
MDG_BS_MAT_DRF_S_SLS_KEY_DATA - Structure for storing sales key data
...All SAP Tables starting with M

ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_ATTR - Travel on Demand: IDOC Table for Cost Center Attributes
ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_ATTR_ALV - Travel on Demand: IDOC Table for Cost Center Attributes: ALV
ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_ATTR_ALV - Travel on Demand: IDOC Table for Cost Center Attributes: ALV
ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_ATTR_ALV - Travel on Demand: IDOC Table for Cost Center Attributes: ALV
ODTF_S_COST_CENTER_DATA - Travel on Demand: IDOC Structure for Cost Center Data
...All SAP Tables starting with O

PIE1OILKV - Plug-In Copy of IDoc Segment E1OILKV (from IS-Oil)
PRICAT_K005B_VB - Copy of structure Bapie1mamrt for posting till receipt texts
PRICAT_K005K_VB - Copy of structure Bapie1maktrt for posting short texts
PRICAT_K005_VB - Copy of structure Bapimltxrt for posting texts
PRICAT_K006_VB - Copy of structure Bapie1ausprt for posting characteristics
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RCGHEXBAPI1077DF - EHS: BAPI Structure Value Assignment User-Defined Texts Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077FL - EHS: BAPI Struct. User-Def. Txts (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077IL - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (SAPscript Long Texts) Hex.
RCGHEXBAPI1077RI - EHS: BAPI Structure Identifiers (Hexadecimal)
RJGBP_E1KNB1M_KUNNR - IS-M: E1KNB1M Customer Number
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SMOACTTYP - Cost Center to Activity Type Allocation
SMOWRKCNT - Work Center to Cost Center Allocation
TWGLVT_KEY - Layout area description - key fields
TWGLV_KEY - Layout area - key fields
TWGVT_KEY - Layout description - key fields
TWGV_KEY - Layout - key fields
...All SAP Tables starting with T

VKKACONDIT - Gen. Condition Transfer: Condition Key
WCOND_KEY - Layout Area Item Condition
WISO_TEXT - SAP Retail Store Sales Order: Texts
WISO_TEXT_INP - SAP Retail Store: Sales Order: Texts Input Fields
WLAY_STORE_LAYT_ELMNT - Layout Module data
WLBM_KEY - Layout area item - key fields
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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