SAP (MVGR5 data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1CADMC/01000465 - TVM5
/1CADMC/01000466 - TVM5T
/1MD/MM_MATERIAL - Source Structure for Entity Type MATERIAL
/1MD/MM_MATERIAL - Source Structure for Entity Type MATERIAL
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ADBOSSDITM - Communication Fields: Sales and Distribution Document Item

BAPICMS_VBRP - CMS BAPI structure for Billing Item data from R/3
BAPIDELICIOUSREQUEST - Interface for Creating Deliveries
BAPIDLVITEM - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIPS
BAPIE1MVKE - Sales Data
BAPIE1MVKERT - Retail Data Transfer: Sales Data
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CFB_BINCO_MASTER - CFB Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit Master
CIFSLITMSO - APO Inbound Item Data
CRMT_DLV_ITEM_R3 - Item Data: Delivery
CRMT_SPL_BAPISDITM - Communication Fields: Sales Document Item
CRM_REBATE_OPEN_AMOUNT - Open Payment Value of Selected Rebates
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DB_WBHK_WBHI - Generated Table for View
DB_WBHK_WBHI_ITM - Generated Table for View
DB_WBHK_WBHI_NEW - Generated Table for View
DIVEDA - Service Contract
DMVKE - Structure MVKE Without Client or Mat. No.
...All SAP Tables starting with D

E1CVBRP - Invoice - item data
E1MVKEM - Master material sales data (MVKE)
E2CVBRP - Invoice - item data
E2MVKEM - Master material sales data (MVKE)
E3CLIPS - SIS - delivery item, first part
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FICA_INV_S_SD_ITEM - Line Item of SD Invoicing Document
FICA_INV_S_VBRP - SD Billing Document Item Data
FRM_LIPSVB_EXTENDED_T - Extended Structure for SLS Use in Shipping
FRM_VBAPVB_T - Sales Order Items with Open Delivery Quantities
H_TVM5 - Generated Table for View
INVOICE_S_PRT_ITEM_DETAIL - Items Detail for PDF Print
INV_S_PRT_TM_ERP_ITEM_DETAIL - Item details for PDF print with TM data
ISH_VBRP_CANC - IS-H: VBRK with Indicator for Added Items
ISH_VBRP_DETAIL - IS-H: VBRK with Extra Information
ISH_YS_CASE_VBRPVB - Case Number with vbrpvb Structure
...All SAP Tables starting with I

KKR_SD_ORDER_DATA - Grouping of VBAK and VBAP into Sales Order Data
KOGA - Fields allowed for warranty condition structures
KOMB - Field catalog for condition key: output determination
KOMDLGN - General Delivery Interface: Communication Table
KOMGH - Batch Determination: Communication Block (Dialog)
...All SAP Tables starting with K

LEDLV_IT_GEN - Delivery Item: General Data
LEDSPD_VTRLP - Delivery Split VTRLP Extension (Delivery in Shipment)
LEINT_LIPSVB - Reference structure for XLIPS/YLIPS
LEINT_LIPS_MON - Delivery item attributes
LEINT_YDELIVERY_ITEMS - Delivery items fields
...All SAP Tables starting with L

MAAPV - Material Master View: Sales Screen 1
MAPOV - Generated Table for View
MASSCONTVBAP - Generated Table for View
MASSQUOTVBAP - Generated Table for View
MASSVBAP - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OIB_V60A_ALIPS - Special form of LIPS in function group V60A
OIGS_LIPSR - Delivery item for TD SAPScript output
PCASUB - EC-PCA: Substitution in Sales Order
PRSS_DMRP - Prof Serv: VBAP + PRS data
PRSS_DMRP_BIL - Engagement mgmt: Structure for Billing
PRSS_DMRP_DLI - Engagement mgmt: Structure VBAP and DLI data
PRSS_DMRP_GRP - Engagement mgmt:Struct for VBAP and Value change screen
...All SAP Tables starting with P

QCERT_TS_BATCH - Quality Certificate Data at Batch Level
QCERT_TS_BATCH_PDF - Quality Certificate Data at Batch Level PDF
QCERT_TS_CERT - Certificate Data: Header Level
R2RLEDLV_IT_GEN - Delivery Item: General Data
RDGVBDPL - DG: Enhanced Document Item View Delivery Note
REFLIPS - Structure for creating alloc tbl with ship. notif. ref.
...All SAP Tables starting with R

S260 - SD - Sales order
S260BIW1 - SD - Sales order
S260BIW2 - SD - Sales order
S260BIWS - S260BIWS * SD - Sales order
S261 - SD - Delivery note
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TDS_ITEM_COM - Lean Order - Item Data
TDS_ITEM_COMV - Lean Order - Item Data (Values)
TDS_RFC_ITEM_COMV - Lean Order - RFC - Item Data (Values)
TRCON_ITEM_DATA - Trading Contract: Transfer Structure With All Item Data
TRCON_ITEM_DATA_SD - Trad.Contr.: Transfer Structure With All Item Data; Customer
...All SAP Tables starting with T

ULIPS - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
UVBAP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
U_16003 - Generated Table for View
U_16054 - Generated Table for View
U_16075 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VBAP - Sales Document: Item Data
VBAPKOM - Communication Fields for Maintaining SD Document Items
VBAPKOM_WE - Communication Fields: Issue SD Document Item: WWW
VBAPKOM_WW - Communication Fields: Create SD Document Item: WWW
VBAPVB - Document Structure for XVBAP/YVBAP
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WB2_ALV_DELIVERY_ITEM - Display Structure for ALV Delivery (Item)
WB2_ALV_SI_ITEM - ALV Display of Customer Billing Documents (Item)
WB2_ALV_SO_ITEM - ALV Display of Sales Orders (Item)
WB2_ALV_TC_ITEM - Display Structure for ALV Trading Contract: Item Data
WB2_DELIVERY_DATA - Delivery Data
...All SAP Tables starting with W

XDMVKE - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

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