SAP (PMLOC data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/CUM/VIAFKOS - Generated Table for View
/CUM/VIAUFKS - Generated Table for View
/ISDFPS/151ME_NO_HEADER - DFPS: Notification Header - Mobile
/ISDFPS/151PM_EQUI_ADDR - MI PM - Equipment - Location and Address Data
/ISDFPS/151PM_IFLM_ADDR - MI PM - Functional Location - Location and Address Data
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AILOA - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
ALEQUI - Fields Relevant for Change Documents for Equip. (Action Log)
ALIFLO - Action log change documents functional location
ALILOA - ILOA Fields Relevant for Changes (Action Log)
ALMELD - Fields Relevant for Change Documents - Notifications
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BADI_DATA_EQUI - BADI Import Structure for Equipment
BAPI2080_NOTHDRE - BAPI Service Notification Header
BAPIVIQMEL - SM Notification Header Download Structure Mobile Service
BAPI_ALM_ORDER_LISTHEAD_RESULT - ALM Orders: Order List from Selection
BAPI_ALM_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS - ALM Order BAPIs: List of Allowed Selection Options
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCMSEARCH_STRUCT - Search and Display Component - All Fields
COCF_MD_S_TOOLS - Structure for Tools tab
COCF_S_PM_LIST - Maintenance Notifications
COCF_S_PM_ORD_LIST - Maintenance orders
CRM_ISU_DEVLOC_ATTR - Screen Fields: Device Location
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DIAUFKU - PM Sub-Orders
DIEQUZ - EquipUsagePeriod
DIIFLO - FunctLocation
DIIFLOX - Functional location
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EADRDAT - Address Data for Formatting an IS-U Address
EADRDATBANK - Preparation of IS-U Address (Form for Bank Data Change)
EAMI_DEV_CHG_OUT - Outbound process device structure
EAMI_DEV_CHG_OUT - Outbound process device structure
EAMI_DEV_CHG_RQ_OUT - Structure used for device change request outbound process.
...All SAP Tables starting with E

GHO_S_BO_PP - BO : Assign Storage Location and Plant
GHO_S_BO_TO_LOC_DATA - BO: Network Object Location Data
GHO_S_SP_PP - SP : Assign Storage Location and Plant
GHO_S_SP_TO_LOC_DATA - SP: Network Object Location Data
GHO_V_QMEL - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with G

HIKOLA - Generated Table for View
HIKOLA_HIVG - Generated Table for View
HIKOLA_HIVGIFLOS - Generated Table for View
HIKOLA_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
IBAPI_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS - ALM Order BAPIs: List of Allowed Selection Options
IBIP_EQUI_CREATE - IBIP: Create Equipment
IEQINSTALL - IO fields for maintaining equipment InstallLoc (SAPLIEL2)
IEQS_02 - Help Structure: Diverse Data for the Detail Screen
IEQS_04 - Internal Structure: Location Data (Detail Screen)
...All SAP Tables starting with I

MAM_20_INSTALLED_EQUI - Installed Equipment
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_20_TOB_HEADER - Header Data for Technical Object
MAM_20_TOB_HEADER_SD - Header Data of Technical Object for Server Drives
MAM_25_INSTALLED_EQUI - Installed Equipment
...All SAP Tables starting with M

PILOA - Iloa from archive date
PLM_PORTAL_RIHQMEL - Structure for Notifications in PLM Portal (Release-Dep)
REBD_FUNC_LOC - Functional Location (ITOB)
REBD_FUNC_LOC_X - Functional Location + Additional Fields (IFLOT)
REBD_PMREL_FL_S - PM Integration: Detail Data for Functional Location
REGREADEVBS - Registers to be Read for Premise
RFC_VIQMEL - PM/SM/QM Notifications: I/O Data for Creating Notification
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SAAPM2 - Integration FI-AA/PM: Structure of Plant Maintenance
SADDRESS_IDE - IDE: address data
SCUSTOMER_IDE - IDE: structure - customer data
SIDE_ADVICE - IDE: notification
SIDE_ADVICE - IDE: notification
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TSQUM_QIN_MNTNO_POST_MAP - Post mapping structure for QualityIssueNotificationMNTNO_In
VAFILOA - Generated Table for View
VEWAROUTE - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VIAFKOS - Generated Table for View
VIAFKOS_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
VIAUFKS - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WASTE_PRINT_DATA - Additional Fields for Bill Print
WTYBRF_PMCS_NOT_HDR - BRF Data Source: PM/CS Notiification Header
WTY_BAPI_ILOA - BAPI Structure for ILOA Data of Equipment to be Created

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