SAP (PRIOK data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/CUM/CUDESIGN - CU: Design Header Data
/CUM/CUDESIGNI - CU: CU design include
/CUM/DESIGN_LIST - CU: Structure for design list display
/CUM/PRF_ORD - CU: Profile for Order Generation
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AAFIH - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
AFIH - Maintenance order header
AFIHF - PM Order: Fields AFIH w/o Key
AFIHW - PM Order Include Part of Order Header (Fields from AFIH)
ALMELD - Fields Relevant for Change Documents - Notifications
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BAPI20781 - BAPI: Quality notification list
BAPI20783T - BAPI List of Existing Quality Notifications
BAPI2078_NOTHDRE - BAPI Quality Notification Header
BAPI2078_NOTHDRI - BAPI Quality Notification Header for Creation
BAPI2080_1 - BAPI Service Notification List
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CAUFVD - Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVDB - Document table structure of the order header
CAUFVDGET - CAUFVD structure with update indicator
CAUFVDQ - Order header structure
CAUFVD_MOR - Dialog structure for superior order header and item
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DIACL_DLE - Defect Log Entry Structure
DIAUFKU - PM Sub-Orders
DIMPOS - Maintenance item
DIQMEL - PM Notification
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EAMS_S_BO_JOB_ATTR - Job Attributes
EAMS_S_BO_JOB_HEADER - Business Object Job - Header Data
EAMS_S_BO_JOB_WORKITEM_POWL - EAMS - Structure for Joblist POWL in Work Item level
EAMS_S_BO_MPOS - Business Object Mplan Item - Header Data
EAMS_S_BO_NTF - Business Object Notification
...All SAP Tables starting with E

F4VALUES_T356 - F4 Help for Notification Priority
GHO_V_QMEL - Generated Table for View
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCREQ - Hash data for service request
HIKO - Order master data history
HIKOB - Document table structure f.order headers - history
HIKOLA - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with H

IBAPI_HEADER_IN - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_HEADER_OUT - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_ORDER_LISTHEAD_SELOPS - ALM Order BAPIs: List of Allowed Selection Options
IBIPMPOS - IBIP: Maintenance Item
IBIPMVAL - IBIP: Measurement readings
...All SAP Tables starting with I

JKSD_ISMTQ80 - Specific Enhancements to IS-M for TQ80
JKSD_TQ80 - Generierte Tabelle zu einem View
KOMB - Field catalog for condition key: output determination
LWM_S_QI_SELECTED_NOTIF - Structure: Quality Issue Selected Notifications
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_20_ORDER_HEADER - Order header
MAM_25_MEASMNTDOC_2CR - Measurement Document - Structure for Create Module
MAM_25_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_25_ORDER_HEADER - Order Header
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
PHIN_S_MD_TOTEX_CR_BADI - MeasDocument for Setting Total Counter External: BADI update
PLM_PORTAL_NOTIF_LIST - PLM: Structure for Notification List
PLM_PORTAL_NOTIF_LIST_I - PLM: Structure for Notification List (Release-Dependent)
PLM_PORTAL_RIHQMEL - Structure for Notifications in PLM Portal (Release-Dep)
PLM_QM_NOTIF_FIELDS_GENERAL - Mobile Quality Notification: General Fields
...All SAP Tables starting with P

QAS_QMNO_POWL_DETAIL - Structure for Transferring Detail Data
QFFED - Screen fields for defects recording
QFMEL - Qual.notification header - interface for defects record.
QFOBJ - Interface structure for defect record objects
QFOBJM - Interface structure for defect record objects with charac.
...All SAP Tables starting with Q

RCJ_PS_ORDER - PPB: Field Selection for Order Header
RCJ_PS_PM_OBJ - All Fields for the PM Chart in the Project Planning Board
RCLAIM001 - Reporting Structure for Claim Info System
RCLAIM002 - Output Table for Program RCLAIM002
RCLAIM003 - Reporting Structure for Claim Info System
...All SAP Tables starting with R

S305 - WIS: Applicatons PM/QM/SM
S305E - S305 - Structure Information
SCY_AFKO - Subset structure of CAUFVD
SIDE_SERVREQ_DATA - IDE: Interface for Transferring Service Requests (Outbound)
T355E_W - Response times
T356 - Priorities
T356_T - Priority text
TEN399A - Control: Automatic Creation of Maint./Serv. Notification
...All SAP Tables starting with T

U_15651 - Generated Table for View
U_15652 - Generated Table for View
U_15660 - Generated Table for View
U_15705 - Generated Table for View
U_16000 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VAFILOA - Generated Table for View
VBMPOS - Maintenance Item Update
VIAFKOS - Generated Table for View
VIAFKOS_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
VIAUFKS - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WCAAP - WCM: Application
WCAHE - WCM: Work Clearance Document (Header)
WCAW - WCM: Work Approval
WCM_SRN_WCAAP - WCM: Applications for Shift Report
WCM_SRN_WCAHE - WCM: Work Clearance Documents for Shift Report
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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