SAP (QMOBJNR data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/151ME_NO_HEADER - DFPS: Notification Header - Mobile
/ISDFPS/151PM_NOTIF_TASK - ME PM: Notification Task as of MDS151
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ALM_ME_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
ALM_ME_NOTIF_TASK - Notification Task

BAPI1175_SOLHDRE - BAPI Solution Header
BAPI20783T - BAPI List of Existing Quality Notifications
BAPI2078_NOTHDRE - BAPI Quality Notification Header
BAPI2078_NOTTASKE - Work Table for Tasks
BAPI2080_NOTHDRE - BAPI Service Notification Header
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CCIFS_NOTI_RFC - EHS-INT: Transfer Structure Notifications EHS to PM
CCIFS_QMSM_RFC - EHS-INT: RFC Transfer Structure for QMSM
CCIFS_WQMSM_RFC - EHS-INT: RFC Transfer Structure for WQMSM
CCIHS_NOTIIHPM - EHS: Transfer Notification Data EHS - PM
CLAIM_IS1 - Reporting Structure for CLAIMIS1
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DIACL_DLE - Defect Log Entry Structure
DIQMEL - PM Notification
DIQMELX - PM Notification
DIQMSM - Notification Tasks
DIQMSMX - Tasks for notification item
...All SAP Tables starting with D

EAMS_S_BO_NTF - Business Object Notification
EAMS_S_BO_NTF_HEADER - Business Object Notification - Header Data
EAMS_S_BO_NTF_TASK - Business Object Notification - Task Data
EAMS_S_BO_ORD_OPER - Business Object Order - Operation Data
EAMS_S_BO_ORD_OPER_SUBOPER - Business Object Order - Suboperation Data
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FCOM_ISR_DATA - Structure for Display of Service Requests - Web Dynpro
GHO_V_QMEL - Generated Table for View
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCREQ - Hash data for service request
ICOMPLETION - Completion data
ICOMPLETION - Completion data
INOTIF_TASK - Notification Task structure for IDOC processing
IORDER_COMPLETION - Completion data
ISMP - SDB: Symptom table
...All SAP Tables starting with I

JKSDQMSG - Quality Notification
MAM_20_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_20_NOTIF_TASK - Notification Task
MAM_25_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
MAM_25_NOTIF_TASK - Notification Task
MAM_30_NOTIF_HEADER - Notification Header
...All SAP Tables starting with M

PIQCA_NOTIFM - Value Structure for Notification
PLM_PORTAL_NOTIF_LIST - PLM: Structure for Notification List
PLM_PORTAL_NOTIF_LIST_I - PLM: Structure for Notification List (Release-Dependent)
QAS_QMNO_POWL_DETAIL - Structure for Transferring Detail Data
QISR_LIST - Structure for List Display of Notifications (IAC)
QISR_LIST_EXTENDED - Extended Structure for List Display Notifications (MiniApp)
QIS_QMNO_IT_POWL_DETAIL - Structure for Transferring Detail Data
QIS_QMNO_POWL_DETAIL - Structure for Transferring Detail Data
...All SAP Tables starting with Q

RCLAIM001 - Reporting Structure for Claim Info System
RCLAIM002 - Output Table for Program RCLAIM002
RCLAIM003 - Reporting Structure for Claim Info System
RFC_VIQMEL - PM/SM/QM Notifications: I/O Data for Creating Notification
RIHQMAM - Display Structure Reporting for QMMA - Notif. Activities
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SIDE_SERVREQ_DATA - IDE: Interface for Transferring Service Requests (Outbound)
U_15650 - Generated Table for View
U_15651 - Generated Table for View
U_15652 - Generated Table for View
U_15653 - Generated Table for View
U_15705 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with U

VIQMAML - Generated Table for View
VIQMAML_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
VIQMEL - Generated Table for View
VIQMEL_IFLOS - Generated Table for View
VIQMEL_RIQS0_S - Structure of IQS0_WAQM
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WQMSM - Work Table for Tasks
WTYBRF_PMCS_NOT_HDR - BRF Data Source: PM/CS Notiification Header
WTYBRF_PMCS_NOT_TSK - BRF Data Source: PM/CS Notification Task
WTYBRF_QNOT_HDR - BRF Data Source :Notification Header
WTYBRF_QNOT_TSK - BRF Data Source : Quality Notification Task
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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