SAP (RBLVS data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/AD_FRM_IF_EPA_INFO - DFPS: Additional EPA Info on Delivery Item
/SPE/V_T3211 - Generated Table for View /SPE/V_T3211
/VSO/M_TRLIPOS - Shipment Number with Assigned Delivery Items

BAPIDLVITEM - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIPS
BAPIIBDLVITEM - Inbound Delivery Item
BAPILEDLITEM - Sales Document: Delivery Item Data
BAPIOBDLVITEM - Outbound Delivery Item
BWAC - Movement Types - Customizing
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CFB_BINCO_MASTER - CFB Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit Master

DICS_T156SC - Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
DM07M - Dialog Control Fields for Module Pool SAPMM07M
DM07M2 - Dialog Control Fields for Module Pool SAPMM07M
FRM_LIPSVB_EXTENDED_T - Extended Structure for SLS Use in Shipping
FUSS_MB - Footer: Inventory Management
I156SC - Data Part T156SC
KOMDLGN - General Delivery Interface: Communication Table
LEDLV_IT_GEN - Delivery Item: General Data
LEINT_DLDAT - Delivery Data
LEINT_LIPSVB - Reference structure for XLIPS/YLIPS
LEINT_LIPS_MON - Delivery item attributes
LEINT_VBLKP - Delivery Item View for Picking
...All SAP Tables starting with L

MCLIPS - Delivery: Item Data
MCLIPSB - Reference Structure from MCLIPS for Function Module
OIB_V60A_ALIPS - Special form of LIPS in function group V60A
OIGS_LIPSR - Delivery item for TD SAPScript output
OPS_RVADEK01_SRLNO_PDF - item_serial_no_Strucure
R2RLEDLV_IT_GEN - Delivery Item: General Data
REFLIPS - Structure for creating alloc tbl with ship. notif. ref.
ROIGSII_J - TD Shipment delivery items
SAPI_IBD_ITEM - Step API: Item Data For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_IBD_ITEM_CTRL - Step API: Item Control For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_OBD_ITEM - Step API: Item Data For Outbound Delivery
SAPI_OBD_ITEM_CTRL - Step API: Item Control For Outbound Delivery
SHP_VL10_DELIVERY_SINGLE_SEGM - Complex Structures that Contain one Segment per Key
...All SAP Tables starting with S

T156S - Movement Type: Quantities/Value Posting (Until Rel. 4.5B)
T156SC - Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.6A
T321 - Assignment MM Movement Type --> MM-WM Movement Type
TXI_T156SC - Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.
TXW_T156SC - Mvt Type: Qty/Value Posting: Customer Table; as of Rel. 4.
...All SAP Tables starting with T

ULIPS - Change Document Structure; generated by RSSCD000
V156S - Generated Table for View
VBLKP - Delivery Item View for Picking
V_156SC_VC - Generated Table for View V_156SC_VC
V_156S_WM - Generated Table for View V_156S_WM
V_CM04_OPT - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WB2_ALV_DELIVERY_ITEM - Display Structure for ALV Delivery (Item)
WB2_DELIVERY_DATA - Delivery Data
WB2_LIPS - Delivery Items
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS - Generated Table for View
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS2 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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