SAP (TB_EFF_RATE_YEAR data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

AVZZKOKO - Change Document Struct. for Table VZZKOKO; Created Manually

CAPTR_NON_CAPTR - CAPTR: 'Collection' of Non- Captr States Required
CAPTR_NON_CAPTR - CAPTR: 'Collection' of Non- Captr States Required

FVD_TYP_CAPTR_MAINTAIN - CAPTR: Data States of a Capital Transfer
FVD_TYP_CAPTR_MAINTAIN - CAPTR: Data States of a Capital Transfer
FVD_TYP_IOA_MAINTAIN - Data Status for an Interest on Arrears Calculation
FVD_TYP_LOCAC_INTERFACE_UI - Structure of Data Statuses Loan Core Account
FVD_TYP_LOCAC_INTERFACE_UI - Structure of Data Statuses Loan Core Account
...All SAP Tables starting with F

RCONDAD_CONDHEAD - Condition Adapter: Condition Header
RFVD_CAP_DETAILS - Correspondence: Capitalization of Overdue Items
RFVD_CAP_DETAILS - Correspondence: Capitalization of Overdue Items
RFVD_CORR_CAPTR_CONDITION - Conditions (Header/Item)
RFVD_CORR_CL_DEFCAP_CONDITION - Conditions (Header/Item)
...All SAP Tables starting with R

SECURITY_DB - Update securities
TBCO_SE - Output Structure: Securities Order Confirmations
VDSCRKO - IS-IS: Transfer table VDKOKO/VDKOPO to SAPScript
VDVZZKOKO - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VDZZKOKO - Condition header for loans
VZZKOKO - Table condition header
WVZZKOKO - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

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