SAP (WLF_IDOBJ_TYPE_CUSTOMER data element tables) Tables details

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WB2_AGENCY_DATA - Agency Document Data

WB2_AGENCY_LST_DATA - Agency Document (List) Data

WB2_ALV_AGENCY_HEAD - Display Structure for ALV Agency Business (Header)

WB2_EXP_WBRK_LIST - List structure for WBRK

WB2_WBRK - Agency Business: Header Data

WBRK - Agency business: Header

WBRKVB - Vendor billing document: save billing doc. header data

WBRK_D - Agency Business: Header Data for Creating Forms

WCB_TMP_VBD_DATA - WCB: Auxiliary Structure for Creating VBDs from Sls Invoices

WCB_TMP_VBD_DATA - WCB: Auxiliary Structure for Creating VBDs from Sls Invoices

WLF_AGENCY_DATA_FORM - Agency Business: Data For Message Output

WLF_AGENCY_DATA_FORM - Agency Business: Data For Message Output

WLF_AGENCY_DATA_NAST - Agency Business: Data For Message Output

WLF_AGENCY_DATA_NAST - Agency Business: Data For Message Output

WLF_COPY_LIST_PARAMETERS - AB: Parameter Table for Copying Settlement Request Lists


WLF_FEH_INVC_CNC_CONF - AB: Application params for Invoice Cancellation Confirmation

WLF_FEH_INVC_CNC_REQUEST - AB: Application params for Invoice Cancellation Request

WLF_FEH_INVC_CNC_REQUEST - AB: Application params for Invoice Cancellation Request

WLF_FEH_INVC_CONF - AB: Application parameter for Invoice Confirmation

WLF_FEH_INVC_REQUEST - AB: Application parameter for Invoice Request

WLF_FEH_INVC_REQUEST - AB: Application parameter for Invoice Request

WLF_INVC_API_DATA_SSR - Agency Business: AB document API data - hierarchical

WLF_INVC_API_DATA_SSR - Agency Business: AB document API data - hierarchical

WLF_INVC_API_FEH_SSR - Agency Business: SSR API data for FEH

WLF_INVC_API_FEH_SSR - Agency Business: SSR API data for FEH

WLF_INVC_API_IN_SSR - Agency Business: API Inbound for Single Settlement Request

WLF_INVC_API_IN_SSR - Agency Business: API Inbound for Single Settlement Request

WLF_INVC_API_IN_VBD - Agency Business: API Inbound for Vendor Billing Document

WLF_INVC_API_IN_VBD - Agency Business: API Inbound for Vendor Billing Document

WLF_INVC_API_OUT - Agency Business: API Outbound

WLF_KOMLFK_PREV - Header Data from Preceding Document

WLF_PARTNER_CHANGE_IDOBJ - AB: Partner Change: Data Identification Object



WZRE_S_HEADER_FIELDS - Header Fields Needed to Create an Agency Document

WZRE_S_HEADER_FIELDS - Header Fields Needed to Create an Agency Document

WZRE_S_PACKAGE - Package of agency business data

WZRE_S_PACKAGE - Package of agency business data

WZRE_S_POSTING_ITEM - Posting item for external posting via agency business

WZRE_S_POSTING_ITEM - Posting item for external posting via agency business

WZRE_WBRK_WBRL - Generated Table for View

WZRE_WBRK_WBRP - Generated Table for View

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