SAP (CCOAA data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/TLUPS_PLKO - DFPS: Task List Header - UPS Distribution
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_BO - Routing BO: Header data
/PLMB/S_RTG_HDR_INS - Routing BO: Header data for new entry
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_ALL - Object Management Record - All - BO structure
/PLMI/S_ECN_OMR_API - Object Management Record API
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AEOI - ECH: Object Management Records for Change Master
AEOIB - Object Indexes for Change Master - Document Table
AEOIB - Object Indexes for Change Master - Document Table
AEOIS - AEOI - Details
AEOIT - Log of Change Objects
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BAPI1012_TSK_C - Task list header data in CREATE-BAPI for routings
BAPI1191_TSK_C - Task List Header Data in CREATE-BAPI for Inspection Plans
BAPI_ES_TASK_MAINT_TSK - Maint. Task List: Task Lists
CAPP_TSK - Data for Plans
CCAEOIM - Structure AEOI for updating from IDoc
CCAERL - Change master obj. mgmt records for revision level
CCAERLM - Structure AERL for booking from IDoc
CCALE_AEOI - ALE: Object Management Records
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DIPLKO - Task list header
EAMS_S_BO_TL_HEADER - Business Object Task List - Header Data
EAM_S_PLKOD - Task List API: Header data
EAM_S_PLKOD_EXT - Task List API: Header data with technical objests IDs
EDESK_ECM_RECORD - Obj. Management Records of Chg. No. Incl. Type Descriptions
ESO_S_AEOI - Enterprise search node: object management record
...All SAP Tables starting with E

J_7LBAPI_PLAN_HEADER - REA BAPI Readout Planning Data: Header Data
PLKO - Task list - header
PLKOB - Structure for record table for task list headers
PLKOD - I/O table for task list headers
PLKO_DI - Header structure for direct input
PLKO_EXIT - Structure: Routing header table in user exit
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RC29A - ECM: EATAB Engineering Change Management
RMXMS_PLKO - RMXM-TRF: Master Recipe Header
RMXMS_PLKO_MR - RMXM-TRF: Master-Recipe-Specific Data - Master Recipe Header
TCA41 - Default values for standard networks and profiles
TCC13 - ECM: change types (object management record)
TCC14 - Object Change Type Texts
TSK_CLASS_DATA - Data for the class of task lists
TSK_CLASS_DATA_INTERFACE - TL header data (int. format) for Direct Input in the EWB
...All SAP Tables starting with T

U_15318 - Generated Table for View U_15318
VAEOI - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000
V_TCA41_C - Generated Table for View

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