SAP (COMT_LOGSYST data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/ISDFPS/AUTO_FW_OBJLIST - DFPS: ALV Display for Collective Run Auto Forwarding Objects
/ISDFPS/PM_CP_DISP_HIST_ALV - DFPS-PM: ALV Structure for Displaying Change-Auth. History
/ISDFPS/RIHAFVC - DFPS - Additional Fields
/ISDFPS/RIHAUFK_LIST - DFPS - Additional Fields
/ISDFPS/RIHEQUI_LIST - DFPS - Additional Fields
...All SAP Tables starting with /


BBPS_CM_CATEGORY_F4_TEXTS - Category texts
BBPS_CM_CATEGORY_GUIDS - Category GUIDs for retrieveal of vendor list
BBPS_CM_POCA_D - Program-Objective-Category assignment
BBPS_SEARCH_CATEGORY - Search Criteria for Product Categories
BBP_CATEGORY_F4_GUID - F4 Help Structure for Categories
...All SAP Tables starting with B

COML_PROD_CAT_REL_F4 - Structure for F4 Help
COMT_PRLGTEXT_DYNP - UI Structure for Long Texts
COMT_PRLGTEXT_MAINT_UI - UI Transfer Structure for Product Long Texts
COMT_PRLGTEXT_UI_DATA - UI Fields for Product Long Texts
COMT_PRODUCT_OBJECT_SELECT - Structure for Selecting a Product/Individual Object
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DPE_CATEGORY - Get category
EAMS_S_BO_USGLIST_HEADER - Structure Gap Header
EAMS_S_SP_USGLIST_HEADER - Business Object Structure Gap - Header
ESO_S_RIHAFVC - Enterprise Search Operations for a order
ESO_S_RIHAUFK_LIST - Enterprise Search Order header
...All SAP Tables starting with E

OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
PLM_PORTAL_RIHQMEL - Structure for Notifications in PLM Portal (Release-Dep)
RIHAFVC - Reporting Display Structure PM Order Operations
RIHAFVC_COST - Display Structure Reporting PM Order Operations with Costs
RIHAFVC_LIST - General Display Structure for Order Operation List
RIHAUFK_LIST - Reporting display structure PM orders
RIHEQUI_LIST - Transfer data for equipment lists RIEQUI20 and RIEQUI21
...All SAP Tables starting with R


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