SAP (EAML_LINEAR_UNIT data element tables) Tables details

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/ISDFPS/LM_ORDER_HEADER - Structure for Maintenance Order Header
/ISDFPS/LM_ORDER_OPERATION - Structure for Maintenance Operations
/ISDFPS/TCUPS_HEADER - DFPS: Confirmation - UPS Distribution
/ISDFPS/WOUPS_HEADER - DFPS: Order Header - UPS Distribution
/ISDFPS/WOUPS_OPERATION - DFPS: Order Operation - UPS Distribution
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AEAML_D_LFE_CDOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000

BAPI2080_NOTHDRE - BAPI Service Notification Header
BAPI2080_NOTHDRI - BAPI Service Notification Header for creation
BAPI2080_NOTITEME - Work table for notification item
BAPI2080_NOTITEMI - Notification item for creation
BAPI2088_NOTITEMI - Notification Item
...All SAP Tables starting with B

COMES_S_DRF_EQU_DATA - Data Structure for Equipment
COOI_EAML - Data Transfer Within FGroup BWOMO/BWOMR
COOI_EAML_LINEAR - Data Transfer in Function Group BWOMO/R Linear Data Append
COVP_EAML - Data Transfer Within FGroup BWOMD/BWOMR
COVP_EAML_LINEAR - Data Transfer in Function Group BWOMD/R Linear Data Append
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DATA_BWOM_CST - Data Transfer Within Function Group REOM
DATA_REOM_CST - Data Transfer Within Function Group REOM
DINWATTR - Network Attribute Data, used for multi level network list
EAML_DATA_BWOM_CST - Data Transfer in Func.Group BWOM Linear Data Append
EAML_DATA_REOM_CST - Data Transfer in Func.Group REOM Linear Data Append
EAML_D_AUSP_CDOC - Linear Data for Characteristics
EAML_D_AUSP_LFE - Linear Data for Characteristics - Database table
EAML_D_LFE_CDOC - Linear Data
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FCOM_S_EQM_EQUI_LIST - Equipment Data in Equipment Monitor
GHO_S_GIS_MARKER - Structure for Marker Calculations
GHO_S_GIS_NOTIF - Structure for Notification Storage
GHO_S_GIS_NOTIF_CALC - Structure for Notification Calculations
GHO_S_GIS_ORDER - Structure for Order Storage
GHO_S_GIS_ORDER_CALC - Structure for Order Calculations
...All SAP Tables starting with G

HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL1 - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INSTPT - Hash relevant tructure with fields of an Installation Point
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order
ICORDCST - InfoSource: Orders and Costs
ICORDCSTA1 - DataSource: Actual Costs For Orders From Delta Extraction
ICORDCSTA1_EAML - DataSource: Actual Costs for PM Orders from Delta Extraction
ICORDCSTC1 - Extractor Structure for Commitment-LI Extractor on Requests
ICORDCSTC1_EAML - Extractor Struct.for Commitment LI Extractor to Orders: Lin.
...All SAP Tables starting with I

MCQMEL - Notification
MCQMELB - Communication Structure: Notification
MMSRV_S_BO_ORD_OPER - Business Object Order - Operation Data
SIDE_SERVREQ_DATA - IDE: Interface for Transferring Service Requests (Outbound)
VEAML_D_AUSP_CDOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
VEAML_D_LFE_CDOC - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
WTYBRF_PMCS_NOT_HDR - BRF Data Source: PM/CS Notiification Header
WTYBRF_PMCS_NOT_ITM - BRF Data Source: PM/CS Notification Item
WTYBRF_TOBJ_GEN - BRF Data Source: General Data for Technical Object

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