SAP (GRULG data element tables) Tables details

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Index of SAP Tables Objects

/1CADMC/01000449 - TVLG
/1CADMC/01000450 - TVLGT
/DSD/RP_LOAD_FOR_ONE_STOP - Loading for One Stop in Dynamic Transportation Planning
/ISDFPS/BI_EXT_DLY - BW Extractor Structure for Delivery Document Data
/ISDFPS/SHPVSTOSTRUC - Structure for Relocation Documents
...All SAP Tables starting with /

AV03V - Structure of the Transfer Table for the Avail.Checkk

BAPIDLVHDR - BAPI Structure Delivery Header Analog LIKP
BAPILEDLHEAD - Sales Document: Delivery Header Data
BAPILEDLHEAD_CRM - Sales Document: Header Data for Delivery
CFB_BINCO_MASTER - CFB Field Catalog for Batch Information Cockpit Master
CIF_SDLSS073_DEL_DATA - S073 Delivery-Related Date for CIF
CRMT_DELIVERY_BDOC - Delivery BDoc - Delivery/Service Data (Appl Part)
CRMT_DLV_HEAD_R3 - Header delivery data
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DELSCHED_ST_VBFA - Delivery-related data in scheduling agreements
E2CLIKP - SIS - delivery header data
E3CLIKP - SIS - delivery header data
ENT6032 - Generated Table for View
ENT6347 - Generated Table for View
ENT6350 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with E

H_TVLG - Generated Table for View
ISU_POSITIONEN_GENERIEREN - IS Enhancement Structure - Form Use Parameter
JITDIALIKP - JIT: Dialog Structure for Selecting a Delivery
LEINT_LESHP_DELIVERY_S - Delivery, All Data for the Delivery Header
LEINT_LIKP - Delivery header
LEINT_LIKPVB - Reference structure for XLIKP/YLIKP
LEINT_LIKP_MON - Delivery attributes
LEINT_SHRDFLD_DELIVERY - Delivery fields(likp) to be included in other structures
...All SAP Tables starting with L

MCCOMVTRLK - BW Communication Structure Delivery in Shipment: Header
MCLIAK - Shipping notification header
MCLIAKB - PURCHIS: Communication structure: Shpg notification header
MCLIKP - Delivery: Header Data ;
MCLIKPB - Reference Structure from MCLIKP for Function Module
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OI0_XMCLIKP - Structure for MCLIKPB
OIGS_LIKPR - Delivery header for TD SAP Script layout
PARM_SD_SCHEDULING_IMP - Function Module SD_SCHEDULING Import Parameter Analysis
QCERT_TS_CERT - Certificate Data: Header Level
ROIGSIH_J - TD Shipment delivery headers
SAPI_IBD_HEADER - Step API: Header Data For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_IBD_HEADER_CTRL - Step API: Header Control For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_IBD_ITEM - Step API: Item Data For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_IBD_ITEM_CTRL - Step API: Item Control For Inbound Delivery
SAPI_OBD_HEADER - Step API: Header Data For Outbound Delivery
...All SAP Tables starting with S

T630R - Delivery Scheduling: Pick/Pack Time for Materials
TROLZ - Routes: Determination in Deliveries
TVLG - Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries
TVLGT - Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries: Texts
TVLGZ - Routes: Weights per Weight Group
...All SAP Tables starting with T

UVBEP - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
U_15048 - Generated Table for View
U_26148 - Generated Table for View
V56IDLNT - Transportation Planning: Data from the Delivery
V56I_DLNT_PART - Transportation Planning: Data from the Delivery
V56I_DLNT_VIEW - Transportation Planning: Shipment + Delivery Header
VBDKL - Document Header View for Delivery Note
VBEPD - Schedule Lines: Dynamic Division
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WB2_ALV_DELIVERY_HEAD - Display Structure for ALV Delivery (Header)
WB2_DELIVERY_DATA - Delivery Data
WB2_LIKP - SD Document: Delivery Header Data
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS - Generated Table for View
WB2_V_LIKP_LIPS2 - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with W


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