SAP (STORT data element tables) Tables details

SAP object search results:
Index of SAP Tables Objects

/CEECV/RO_ASCH_ANLAX - Asset Chart Form Romania: Header
/GEP/S_HANDLE_FLEET - Structure for Fleet Handle Screens
/ISDFPS/151PM_EQUI - ME PM - Equipment
/ISDFPS/151WO_HEADER_NEW - DFPS: Order Header - Mobile (Without .include)
...All SAP Tables starting with /

ALM_DOE_LOCATION - Location data in report selection
ALM_DOE_LOCATION - Location data in report selection
ALM_ME_EQUIPMENT_ADDON - Equipment Additional Data
ALM_ME_EQUIPMENT_LIST - Equipment list
ALM_ME_FUNCLOC_ADDON - Header for Functional Location - Additional Data
...All SAP Tables starting with A

BALTD - Interface for Legacy Data Transfer - Asset Accounting
BAPI1022_FEGLG003 - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
BAPI1022_FEGLG003_PID - Logical field group 003 - Time-dependent data
BAPI2080_NOTHDRI - BAPI Service Notification Header for creation
BAPI_ALM_ORDER_HEADERS_E - Export Structure for ALM Order Headers
...All SAP Tables starting with B

CAUFVD - Dialog Structure for Order Headers and Items
CAUFVDB - Document table structure of the order header
CAUFVDGET - CAUFVD structure with update indicator
CAUFVDQ - Order header structure
CAUFVD_MOR - Dialog structure for superior order header and item
...All SAP Tables starting with C

DIWPS_NOTIF_COMP - Structure for Notification Comparison in Order Creation
EAMPIC_SEL_MAINTLOC - Range for Location
EAMPIC_SEL_MAINTLOC - Range for Location
EAMPIC_S_EQUI - Structure of PIC-relevant EQUI Fields
EAMPIC_S_FLOC - Structure of PIC-relevant FLOC Fields
EAMS_S_BO_EQUI_HEADER - Business Object Equipment - Header Data
...All SAP Tables starting with E

FAAT_BSP_AMD_TIMEDPNDNT - Time-Dependent Asset Master Data
FAAT_BSP_ASP_RL - Results List for Asset Cockpit
FAA_S_ASSET_BASIC - Basic Data of an Asset ID
FAA_S_ASSIGNMENTS - Organizational Assignments of Asset
FAA_S_BASIC - Basic Data of Asset
...All SAP Tables starting with F

GHO_S_SP_NETOBJ_HEADER - Business Object Functional Location - Header Data
GLO_FAA_S_ADA_BUFFER - Buffer structure for ADA accessor
HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INDIVMATL1 - Hash Structure for Individual Material
HASH_DATA_FOR_INSTPT - Hash relevant tructure with fields of an Installation Point
HASH_DATA_FOR_SRVCEXEORD - Hash Structure for Service Execution Order
IB0003 - IB: Equipment detail data
IB0014 - IB: Detail Data for Functional Location
IBAPI_HEADER_IN - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBAPI_HEADER_OUT - ALM Order BAPIs: Data Structure for Header Data Changes
IBIPEQUI - IBIP: Equipment
...All SAP Tables starting with I

J_1AAPRNWB - Printview for Am waybills
J_1AAPRNWB - Printview for Am waybills
J_3RF_WW_OPERATIONS - Workwear operations (Issue, Transfer, Write-off)
J_3R_ANLZV - Time dependent Asset data - completed with values
J_5KFH_INV12 - test structure
...All SAP Tables starting with J

MAM_20_ORDER_HEADER - Order header
MAM_25_ORDER_HEADER - Order Header
MAM_30_ORDER_HEADER - Order header
MCAFIHB - Order with Reversal Flag
...All SAP Tables starting with M

OPERATIONS4ME_LIST - List Order Operations
PAMS_S_FLEET - Structure for Handle Screens - Fleet
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUS0010 - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUS0010 (Internal)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUS0010_AF - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUS0010 (External)
PLM_ALM_DISPLAY_BUSEQUI - PLM: Structure for Display MiniApp BUSEQUI (Internal)
...All SAP Tables starting with P

RAIST01 - Transfer Data: Pilot Object -> AuC
RANLZ - Change Document Structure; Generated by RSSCD000
RASPEC - Structure for RASPEC01
RCJ_PS_ORDER - PPB: Field Selection for Order Header
RCJ_PS_PM_OBJ - All Fields for the PM Chart in the Project Planning Board
...All SAP Tables starting with R

S061 - Location and planning
S061E - S061 - Structural Information
SAAPM1 - Integration FI-AA/PM: Structure of Asset Fields
SCY_AFKO - Subset structure of CAUFVD
STR_TECH_LOCATION - Structure: Location Data
...All SAP Tables starting with S

TIMEDEPENDENTDATA - Time-dependent allocations
TXW_ANLZ - Time-dependent asset allocations
V_ANLAB - Generated Table for View
V_ANLAK - Generated Table for View
V_ANLAVS - Generated Table for View
V_ANLAZ - Generated Table for View
V_ANLBAZ - Generated Table for View
...All SAP Tables starting with V

WCSLOC - WCM: I/O Location Data
WCSOBJLST - WCM: I/O Object List
WTYBRF_TOBJ_GEN - BRF Data Source: General Data for Technical Object
WTYSC_WWB_NAVTREE_DATA - Navigation tree Warranty Workbench

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