SAP (STPRS data element tables) Tables details

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MACK1 - Material Master View: Costing

MACK2 - MBEW Fields for Material Valuation: Product Costing

MACK4 - Material Master View: Costing

MACK4_EXTENDED - Costing view extended by material number and valuation area

MACK5 - Material Master Structure for Costing

MACKU - Generated Table for View

MAFIELD - Material structure for order progress report

MARCW - Generated Table for View

MAT_EXP - Released materials

MAWM_EXP_STOCKDIF_DATA - MiniApp: Transmission structure for stock difference display

MB5K_ALV1 - Structure for MB5K ALV Version List 1

MB5K_ALV1 - Structure for MB5K ALV Version List 1

MB61V - Generated Table for View

MBBIWXEBEW - Transfer Structure Evaluation Project Order Stocks by BW

MBBIWXMBEW - Transfer Structure for Material Valuation for BW Content

MBBIWXQBEW - Transfer Structure: Sales Order Stock Valuation for BW

MBBS_S - Structure with EBEW, OBEW, PRPS, Mara fields for TA MBBS

MBEFU - Material Master Record Fields: Inventory Management

MBEW - Material Valuation

MBEWH - Material Valuation: History

MBEWHU - Generated Table for View

MBEWU - Generated Table for View

MBEWUN - Generated Table for View

MBEWV - Generated Table for View

MBEW_E - Auxiliary Structure for Shared Locks (with Relevant Fields)

MBEW_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input

MBEW_UEB - Field TRANC Added to MBEW

MC29S - Material Master Record Table: Bills of Material

MCBCOR - R/2 Receiving Structure: INVCO

MCBCOS - R/2 Sending Structure: INVCO

MCBXEBEW - Transfer Structure of Valuated Sales Order Stock

MCBXMBEW - Transfer Structure: Material Valuation

MCBXQBEW - Transfer Structure of Valuated Project Stock

MCCHAR - Batch Stocks

MDG_BS_MAT_S_MBEW - MDG BS MAT: Material Master Valuation Data Structure

MDG_BS_MAT_S_MBEW_PDF - MDG BS MAT: Material Master Valuation Data Structure

MDTREESTRUC - Fields for Tree in Order Report

MGV_EBEW - Generated Table for View MGV_EBEW

MGV_MBEW - Generated Table for View

MGV_QBEW - Generated Table for View MGV_QBEW

MM60_OUT_S - Output structure for MM60

MM60_OUT_S - Output structure for MM60

MPRO1 - Forecast Structure for Reading Material Master Data

MPRO2 - Forecast Structure for Reading Material Master Data

MT06B - Material Master View: Valuation Data for Purchasing

MT06E - Material Master Fields: Purchasing

MT08B - Material Master View for SAPMM08R (with Ref. to PO)

MT08K - Material Master View for Releasing Costing Data

MT08L - Material Master Data for Material Ledger

MT08M - Material Master View for SAPMM08P

MT08Y - Material Master View: LIFO

MT08Z - View of Inv. Ver. - POs Assigned to Accounts for NLAG etc.

MT61D - Material Master: MRP

MVEW - Material Valuation

MVEWH - Material Valuation: History

MVEWHU - Generated Table for View



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