SAP (VLC_PDATUM data element tables) Tables details

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VLCACTDATA - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Header and Items)

VLCACTDATA_ASSIGNMENT - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Assignment)

VLCACTDATA_HEAD_S - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Header Data)

VLCACTDATA_ITEM_S - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Item Data)

VLCACTDATA_VMS_HEAD_S - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Header Data)

VLCACTDATA_VMS_ITEM_S - VELO: Transfer Structure for Actions (Item Data)

VLCBATCHACT - VELO : Variant for Action Execution in Batch

VLCDIAVEHI - VELO: Dialog Structure for Vehicles

VLCDIAVEHI_CONF - VELO : Dialog Structure for Vehicles (with Configuration)

VLCDIAVEHI_MARK - VELO : Dialog Structure for Vehicles (with Selection Box)

VLCDISPLALV - VELO : Data Displayed in Grid ALV

VLCDISPLALV_VEHI - VELO: Vehicle Data in ALV Grid (Assignment)

VLCIDACTDATA - VELO : Transfer Structure for Actions with Reference to IDOC

VLCMVEHE - VELO: Output Structure: Monitoring Confirmations Header

VLCSELVEHI - VELO : Fields for Selecting Vehicles

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