SAP Reports / Programs

/BEV4/PLPANFRU SAP ABAP Report - Update Entered Sales

/BEV4/PLPANFRU is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter /BEV4/PLPANFRU into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

Transaction Code(s):

Below is a list of transaction codes which are relevant to this SAP report

/BEV4/PLKM - Update

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT /BEV4/PLPANFRU. "Basic submit
SUBMIT /BEV4/PLPANFRU AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT /BEV4/PLPANFRU VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: ALV_ANZ = Display as ALV Output
Selection Text: DET_LIST = Print List
Selection Text: FEH_ANZ = Display Only Errors
Selection Text: SA_SIM = Simulation Order Creation
Selection Text: SC_SIM = Update Simulation
Selection Text: SR_INKDN = Customer:
Selection Text: SR_OBJN = Object:
Selection Text: S_OBJBIS = to :
Selection Text: S_OBJVON = from:
Selection Text: S_SPART = Division:
Selection Text: S_VERL = Wholesaler:
Selection Text: S_VKORG = Sales Organization:
Selection Text: S_VTWEG = Distribution Channel:
Title: Update Entered Sales
Text Symbol: 121 = Sls.Req.
Text Symbol: 122 = Sales Organization Invalid
Text Symbol: 123 = Distr.Chnl. Invalid
Text Symbol: 124 = Div. Invalid
Text Symbol: 125 = More Incorrect Sales Reports Exist
Text Symbol: 126 = Confirmation Failed for a Material from an Assortment That Must Be Confirmed
Text Symbol: 127 = Confirmation of Material from Assortment That Must Be Confirmed
Text Symbol: 128 = UoM for Material not Allowed
Text Symbol: 131 = Error in Order Creation
Text Symbol: 132 = At Least One Serious Error Occurred in Simulation Run
Text Symbol: 133 = Wholesaler:
Text Symbol: 134 = Object:
Text Symbol: 135 = Cust.:
Text Symbol: 140 = No Function Module Stored for Order Creation
Text Symbol: 141 = Material Has Wrong Unit of Measure: Actual-Target
Text Symbol: 142 = Material Convers. - Incrct Matl. Assignment
Text Symbol: 200 = Converted Request Data
Text Symbol: 201 = Confirmations Transfer
Text Symbol: 202 = DetailScrn
Text Symbol: 203 = Error Message
Text Symbol: 204 = Msg. Type
Text Symbol: 120 = Conf.
Text Symbol: 119 = Conf.
Text Symbol: 118 = ZERO

Text Symbol: 117 = GR
Text Symbol: 116 = Customizing Error: Default Currency ID Is missing
Text Symbol: 115 = Customizing Error: Default Unit of Measure Missing
Text Symbol: 114 = Correction of Already Reported Sales
Text Symbol: 113 = Data Records with Reported Sales Before
Text Symbol: 112 = Currency ID Missing
Text Symbol: 111 = Confirmation of Material from an Assortment That Need not Be Confirmed Has Failed
Text Symbol: 110 = Division Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 109 = Division Must Exist
Text Symbol: 108 = Distr. Channel Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 107 = Distribution Channel Must Exist
Text Symbol: 106 = Sales Organization Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 105 = Sales Organization Must Exist
Text Symbol: 104 = Customer Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 103 = Object Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 102 = Wholesaler Must not Exist
Text Symbol: 101 = Customizing Error: Key Error Type Missing
Text Symbol: 100 = Restrictions
Text Symbol: 817 = Update Entered Sales
Text Symbol: 816 = Details:
Text Symbol: 815 = Simulation:
Text Symbol: 814 = for display
Text Symbol: 813 = No data available
Text Symbol: 812 = These options are called directly using the ALV display
Text Symbol: 811 = Can only be output in the list display
Text Symbol: 810 = Display Option: Incorrect Data & Print List
Text Symbol: 808 = Display Option: Incorrect Data, Print List & Simulation Runs
Text Symbol: 807 = Information
Text Symbol: 806 = ALV tree could not be created
Text Symbol: 805 = Flush Error
Text Symbol: 804 = Container cannot be created
Text Symbol: 803 = has caused an error.
Text Symbol: 802 = Calling a method
Text Symbol: 801 = Internal Error:
Text Symbol: 230 = Inactv.
Text Symbol: 229 = Update Selection
Text Symbol: 228 = Update
Text Symbol: 227 = DetailScrn
Text Symbol: 226 = Confrmation

Text Symbol: 225 = to update the entered sales?
Text Symbol: 224 = Do you really want
Text Symbol: 223 = Information
Text Symbol: 222 = Warning
Text Symbol: 221 = Error
Text Symbol: 220 = No data found for selection
Text Symbol: 219 = Show Information
Text Symbol: 218 = Hide Information
Text Symbol: 217 = Show Warnings
Text Symbol: 216 = Hide Warnings
Text Symbol: 215 = Show Errors
Text Symbol: 214 = Show
Text Symbol: 213 = Hide Errors
Text Symbol: 212 = Hide
Text Symbol: 211 = Simulation Run
Text Symbol: 210 = Display Options
Text Symbol: 209 = MajorCust
Text Symbol: 208 = Sales Area
Text Symbol: 207 = Display Log
Text Symbol: 206 = Log/Sales Area/Major Customer
Text Symbol: 205 = Error Log
Text Symbol: 099 = No SOrg Assignment Possible
Text Symbol: 026 = Origin :
Text Symbol: 027 = Zero Report:
Text Symbol: 028 = Object Number Unknown
Text Symbol: 029 = Int. Object Number Copied from Conversion
Text Symbol: 030 = Description
Text Symbol: 031 = Orig.
Text Symbol: 032 = Customer Number Invalid
Text Symbol: 033 = Int. Customer Number Copied from Conversion
Text Symbol: 034 = Assortm.
Text Symbol: 035 = MBEG
Text Symbol: 036 = Int. Material Number Copied from Conversion
Text Symbol: 037 = MEND
Text Symbol: 038 = Dy
Text Symbol: 039 = Mn
Text Symbol: 040 = Wholesaler:
Text Symbol: 041 = Int. Material:
Text Symbol: 042 = No Valid Wholesaler Number

Text Symbol: 043 = Year
Text Symbol: 044 =
Text Symbol: 045 = Reporting Interval Does not Start/End with a Date from a Reporting Period
Text Symbol: 046 = Qty
Text Symbol: 047 = Period Was Already Entered and Updated
Text Symbol: 048 = UM
Text Symbol: 049 = Date Is Outside the Reporting Interval
Text Symbol: 025 = Material
Text Symbol: 001 = Sales Area
Text Symbol: 002 = No Sales Area Found
Text Symbol: 003 = Sales Area Copied from Update Determination:
Text Symbol: 004 = Int. Customer Number not Available:
Text Symbol: 005 = Int. Object Number not Available:
Text Symbol: 006 = Int. Customer Number Copied:
Text Symbol: 007 = Int. Object Number Copied:
Text Symbol: 008 = Request Is in Confirmed Interval
Text Symbol: 009 = Sequence No.:
Text Symbol: 010 = Simulation
Text Symbol: 011 = TAB
Text Symbol: 012 = SOr
Text Symbol: 013 = DC
Text Symbol: 014 = Report. Interval Start Later than Report. Interval End
Text Symbol: 015 = Error in Period Key Evaluation
Text Symbol: 016 = Dv
Text Symbol: 017 = Wholesaler
Text Symbol: 018 = Object
Text Symbol: 019 = No Partner Function Assgnment in Pendulum List
Text Symbol: 020 = Cust.
Text Symbol: 021 = No Valid Sales Area Exists for Wholesaler
Text Symbol: 022 = No Valid Partner Function Assignment Exists
Text Symbol: 023 = Wholesaler Does not Exist in This Sales Area
Text Symbol: 024 = Customizing Error: Function Modules not Assigned
Text Symbol: 075 = Log: Converted Request Data:
Text Symbol: 076 = Error in Text Assignment
Text Symbol: 077 = Int. Material Unknown in System
Text Symbol: 078 = Currency Does Not Correspond to Master Record
Text Symbol: 079 = Incorrect Unit of Measure
Text Symbol: 080 = There are
Text Symbol: 081 = Do You Want to Edit Them First?
Text Symbol: 082 = Correction of Incorrect Records
Text Symbol: 083 = Customizing Error: Sales Organization Assignment Missing
Text Symbol: 084 = Invalid Wholesaler
Text Symbol: 085 = Confirmation of Materials from Wholesaler That Need not Be Confirmed
Text Symbol: 086 = Customizing Error: Default Update Determination Missing
Text Symbol: 087 = Incorrect Records. They Will Be Deleted.
Text Symbol: 088 = Error in Writing the Data -> Rollback
Text Symbol: 089 = Customizing Error: Definition of the Check /BEV4/PLDANFZEIT not Maintained
Text Symbol: 090 = Customizing Error: Default Key Period ID Missing
Text Symbol: 091 = Error in Period Key Evaluation
Text Symbol: 092 = Invalid Customer/Object/Material in Sales Area
Text Symbol: 093 = No Sold-To Party Created
Text Symbol: 094 = Customizing Error: Chck for Dist. Chnnl not Maintained
Text Symbol: 095 = Wholesaler Must Be Entered
Text Symbol: 096 = Object Must Be Entered
Text Symbol: 097 = Customer Must Be Entered
Text Symbol: 098 = No Higher-Level SOrg Found
Text Symbol: 074 = Log: Copy Confirmations:
Text Symbol: 050 = Net
Text Symbol: 051 = Error Occurred in Data Record:
Text Symbol: 052 = No Detailed Information Available
Text Symbol: 053 = Gross
Text Symbol: 054 = Sales Organization:
Text Symbol: 055 = Int. Object:
Text Symbol: 056 = Distribution Channel:
Text Symbol: 057 = Day:
Text Symbol: 058 = Division :
Text Symbol: 059 = Int. Cust. :
Text Symbol: 060 = Confirmation Copied Successfully
Text Symbol: 061 = Confirmation Added
Text Symbol: 062 = Confirmation of a Material in an Assortment That Does not Need to Be Confirmed
Text Symbol: 063 = Error in Confirmation
Text Symbol: 064 = Rep. Interval from:
Text Symbol: 065 = to :
Text Symbol: 066 = Confiration for Materials from an Object that Need not Be Confirmed
Text Symbol: 067 = Month:
Text Symbol: 068 = Year:
Text Symbol: 069 = Confirmations:
Text Symbol: 070 = Quantity:
Text Symbol: 071 = Net:
Text Symbol: 072 = Gross:
Text Symbol: 073 = Int. Material found via EAN Number


No INCLUDES are used within this REPORT code!

TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

POPUP_TO_INFORM CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_INFORM' EXPORTING titel = 'Information'(807) txt1 = text1 txt2 = 'können nur in der Listen Anzeige ausgegeben werden'(811) txt3 = 'Über die ALV Ausgabe werden diese Optionen direkt angesteuert.'(812).


POPUP_TO_INFORM CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_INFORM' EXPORTING titel = 'Information'(807) txt1 = 'Es stehen für die Anzeige'(813) txt2 = 'keine Daten zur Verfügung'(814).

Contribute (Add Comments)

Although this basic information may have limited use it does provide an easy to find location to store any knowledge about this program/report.

The contribute/comments section below therefore offer's an opportunity for anyone to add additional information. This can be anything from useful hints, tips and screen shots to relevant SAP notes or anything else you feel is relevant to this report.

This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name /BEV4/PLPANFRU or its description.