SAP Reports / Programs | Financial Accounting | Localization(FI-LOC) SAP FI

J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK SAP ABAP Report - Health Check for Migration to EWT

J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK is a standard Executable ABAP Report available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

Transaction Code(s):

Below is a list of transaction codes which are relevant to this SAP report

J1INHC - Health check for migration to EWT

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT J_1IEWT_HEALTH_CHECK VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Selection Text: ZBUDAT = Posting date
Selection Text: REV_INV = List Invoice reversed doc
Selection Text: OBLIG = List obligatory customizin
Selection Text: DOWN_PAY = List DP requests
Selection Text: CY_KEY = Country key
Selection Text: CO_CODE = Company code
Title: Health Check for Migration to EWT
Text Symbol: 132 = Withholding Tax ->Accounts for Withholding Tax ->Define Account for Withholding Tax to be Paid Over
Text Symbol: 133 = Accounts for Withholding tax to be Paid Over not defined.
Text Symbol: 134 =
Text Symbol: 135 = Internal challan numbers groups are not assigned to any Official key Business place & company code.
Text Symbol: 136 =
Text Symbol: 137 = There is no customizing for certificate printing, number groups are not assigned for Official key
Text Symbol: 138 = Business place & Company code
Text Symbol: 139 = No vendors attached for the Company code selected . For the Extended Withholding Tax to
Text Symbol: 140 =
Text Symbol: 141 = deduct TDS from the vendor, atleast one vendor should be attached to the Company code.
Text Symbol: 142 =
Text Symbol: 143 = Withholding Tax Country key not assigned in the Vendor Master.
Text Symbol: 144 =
Text Symbol: 145 = TDS posting and vendor payments are not possible if the Withholding Country is not attached.
Text Symbol: 146 =
Text Symbol: 147 = Vendor master for the company code having Withholding Type, Withholding Code .
Text Symbol: 148 = TDS to be applicable for the vendor, following data have to be checked.
Text Symbol: 149 = 1) LIABLE field should be flagged ( X ) for tax calculation and posting.
Text Symbol: 150 = 2) RECIPIENT TYPE should be filled.
Text Symbol: 151 = IMG ->Logistics - General-> Tax in Goods Movements -> India -> Basic Settings
Text Symbol: 152 = Maintain Company Code Settings
Text Symbol: 153 = The Start date for the excise in company settings for localization has not been entered.
Text Symbol: 154 =
Text Symbol: 155 = The Start date for the excise in company settings for localization in not April.
Text Symbol: 107 =
Text Symbol: 108 = Number Range has to be attached to a Number Group for the Vendor Certificate to function correctly.
Text Symbol: 109 =
Text Symbol: 110 = Other checks
Text Symbol: 111 = Invoice with payment type documents.
Text Symbol: 112 = Recurring documents created with classice tax codes cannot be executed after switching to EWT.

Text Symbol: 113 =
Text Symbol: 114 = These documents have to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 115 =
Text Symbol: 116 = Open Down Payment Request created in classic cannot be executed after switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 117 =
Text Symbol: 118 = These documents have to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 119 =
Text Symbol: 121 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Company Code
Text Symbol: 122 = -> Enter Global Parameters.
Text Symbol: 123 = Company code does not exist.
Text Symbol: 124 =
Text Symbol: 125 = To determine which screen variant to be processed for the Company code
Text Symbol: 126 = Document entry Screen Variant = 2 .
Text Symbol: 127 = Withholding Tax -> Calculation -> Withholding Tax Type -> Define Withholding Tax Type for Payment
Text Symbol: 128 = 1) NO CERT NUMBERING should be flagged ( X ) for CIN certificate Numbering.
Text Symbol: 129 = 2) POST W/TAX should be flagged ( X ) for TDS deduction during payment posting.
Text Symbol: 130 = 3) CENTRAL INV PROP ( 1 ) should be selected in Central Inv for tax refund during DP clearing.
Text Symbol: 131 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax-> Extended
Text Symbol: 156 = As per the tax law it is required that the start date be april.
Text Symbol: 185 = to EWT.
Text Symbol: 186 = These documents have to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 187 =
Text Symbol: 188 = Vendor master checks
Text Symbol: 189 = Down payment with Invoice type documents.
Text Symbol: 191 = FIBF -> Settings -> Identification -> SAP applications
Text Symbol: 192 =
Text Symbol: 193 = A record with fields Application = 'CIN' and it should be Active.
Text Symbol: 194 =
Text Symbol: 195 = FIBF -> Settings -> P/S Function modules -> of an SAP appl
Text Symbol: 196 =
Text Symbol: 197 = A record with fields EVENT = '00001030 , Country = 'IN' and
Text Symbol: 198 = FUNCTION MODULE = ' J_1IEWT_CHALLAN_UPDATE ' needed.
Text Symbol: 199 = FIBF -> Settings -> Process Function modules -> of an SAP appl
Text Symbol: 200 =
Text Symbol: 201 = A record with fields PROCESS = '00001120' , Country = 'IN' and
Text Symbol: 202 = FUNCTION MODULE = ' J_1IEWT_DUEDATE ' needed.
Text Symbol: 251 = W.TAX Formula
Text Symbol: 252 = Please enter the date range
Text Symbol: 253 = Enter valid Country Key

Text Symbol: 254 = No. GROUP
Text Symbol: 255 = W.TAX Form
Text Symbol: 256 = EXEMPTION No.
Text Symbol: 257 = No. GROUP
Text Symbol: 157 = Vendor Master -> CIN Details -> Withholding tax details -> PAN
Text Symbol: 158 =
Text Symbol: 159 = Maintain a PAN No. for each Vendor.
Text Symbol: 160 =
Text Symbol: 161 = Company code should have PAN No. in Additional details for company code Global data.
Text Symbol: 162 =
Text Symbol: 163 = Invoice with Payment Type tax code created in classic cannot be executed after switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 164 =
Text Symbol: 165 = These documents have to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 166 =
Text Symbol: 167 = HEALTH CHECK for Migration complete.
Text Symbol: 168 = Withholding Tax -> Calculation -> Withholding Tax Type -> Define Withholding Tax Type for Invoice
Text Symbol: 169 = Mapping of code from Classic to WT Type & WT code of Extended Withholding Tax.
Text Symbol: 170 =
Text Symbol: 171 = Codes in Classic should be mapped to WT Type & WT Code in EWT.
Text Symbol: 172 =
Text Symbol: 175 = Each WT Type defined has a WT Code.
Text Symbol: 176 = Withholding Tax ->Postings-> India-> Vendor W Tax Certificates -> Assign Number Ranges to Number G
Text Symbol: 178 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax-> EWT ->
Text Symbol: 179 = Calculation -> Withholding Tax Codes -> Define Formulas for Calculating Withholding Tax
Text Symbol: 180 = Formula should be assigned for the WT Code when WT formula field is flagged .
Text Symbol: 181 =
Text Symbol: 182 = 3) EXEMPTION RATE missing for EXEMPTION No.
Text Symbol: 184 = Downpayment with Invoice Type tax code created in classic cannot be executed after switching
Text Symbol: 106 = A Number Group has to be maintained for the Company code, Business place,Official Key and Form.
Text Symbol: 027 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Calculation -> Withholding Tax Type -> Define Withholding Tax Type
Text Symbol: 028 = Withholding tax types contain general attributes of all withholding tax codes. Atleast one
Text Symbol: 029 = withholding tax type should be created. Maintain seperately for Invoice / Payment posting.
Text Symbol: 030 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax-> Extended
Text Symbol: 031 = Withholding Tax -> Calculation -> Withholding Tax Codes -> Define Withholding Tax Codes
Text Symbol: 032 = There should be atleast one WT code per WT type for TDS to be deducted.
Text Symbol: 033 =
Text Symbol: 034 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 035 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Company Code -> Assign Withholding Tax Types to Company Codes
Text Symbol: 036 = EWT types should be assigned to Company code, unless this is done tax types will

Text Symbol: 037 = not be available for posting.
Text Symbol: 038 = Document reversed in classic without TDS posting cannot be executed after switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 039 =
Text Symbol: 040 = These documents have to to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 041 = 1) NO CERT NUMBERING should be flagged ( X ) for CIN certificate Numbering.
Text Symbol: 042 = 2) POST W/TAX AMOUNT should be flagged ( X ) for accounting lines to be created.
Text Symbol: 043 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Calculation -> Withholding Tax Codes -> Define Withholding Tax Codes
Text Symbol: 044 = 1) WT Code should have a Official WT key since challan and certificate printing are based on it.
Text Symbol: 045 = 2) TAXABLE field should be filled in for correct percentage of base amount to be taxed.
Text Symbol: 046 = 3) TAX RATE / TAX FRACTION / W.TAX FORMULA should be filled for tax rates determination.
Text Symbol: 047 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Company Code -> Assign Withholding Tax Types to Company Codes.
Text Symbol: 048 = 1) If RECIPIENT TYPE filled WT Type will be avaliable only for that reipient type.
Text Symbol: 049 = 2) WT Type will be available only between W/TAX obligated FROM and TO dates.
Text Symbol: 050 = 3) Taxes will be deducted and posted only if the WITH/TAX AGENT field is flagged ( X ).
Text Symbol: 051 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 052 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Withholding Tax Type -> Define Rounding Rule for Withholding Tax Type
Text Symbol: 001 = Selection criteria
Text Symbol: 002 = Obligatory customizing only
Text Symbol: 003 = Fiscal year for processing documents
Text Symbol: 004 = Reversed documents
Text Symbol: 005 = Down payment request document
Text Symbol: 006 = Parked documents
Text Symbol: 007 = Recurring documents
Text Symbol: 008 = Migrated tax code mapping
Text Symbol: 009 = Document details
Text Symbol: 010 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 011 = ->Extended Withholding Tax -> Basic Settings -> Check Withholding Tax Countries.
Text Symbol: 012 = Withholding Country ( IN ) should be created for Country key .
Text Symbol: 013 =
Text Symbol: 014 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax ->
Text Symbol: 015 = ->Extended Withholding Tax -> Activate Extended Withholding Tax.
Text Symbol: 016 = Extended Withholding Tax functionality will work only if the company code is activated,
Text Symbol: 017 = Till then Classic mode of withholding taxes will be available.
Text Symbol: 018 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 019 = ->Extended Withholding Tax -> Basic Settings -> Define Official Withholding Tax Codes.
Text Symbol: 020 = Sections of Income tax ( like section 194c) are mapped to official withholding tax keys. Atleast one
Text Symbol: 021 = official withholding should be created for executing challan update and certificate printing.
Text Symbol: 022 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 023 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Basic Settings -> Check Recipient Types.
Text Symbol: 024 = Recipient types should be maintained for each WT types for functionalities like Payment due date
Text Symbol: 025 = calculation and challan update. Suggested 'CO' for companies and 'OT' for others .
Text Symbol: 026 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax->
Text Symbol: 053 = The ROUNDING UNIT has to be maintained for CURRENCY ,WT TYPE for the Company Code.
Text Symbol: 080 =
Text Symbol: 081 = 1) TDS Circle and Range details should be maintained in fields NAME3 and NAME4.
Text Symbol: 082 = 2) TAN No. details should be stored in field SEARCH TERM 1.
Text Symbol: 083 = 3) Information regarding the address should be stored in fields STREET2 and CITY.
Text Symbol: 084 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 085 = Withholding Tax ->Basic Settings-> India ->Assign Factory Calendars to Business Places
Text Symbol: 086 = FACTORY CALENDER or INDICATOR for business place not assigned.
Text Symbol: 087 =
Text Symbol: 088 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 089 = Withholding Tax ->Basic Settings-> India-> Maintain Tax Due Dates
Text Symbol: 090 = Maintain Tax due date for the Country key, Official Key, Recipient Type combination.
Text Symbol: 091 =
Text Symbol: 092 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 093 = Withholding Tax ->Postings-> India->Remittance Challans -> Specify Document Type
Text Symbol: 094 = Document type not assigned for Challan.
Text Symbol: 095 =
Text Symbol: 096 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 097 = Withholding Tax ->Postings-> India->Remittance Challans -> Maintain Number Groups
Text Symbol: 098 = Number group has to be assigned for Challan update to work.
Text Symbol: 099 =
Text Symbol: 100 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 101 = Withholding Tax ->Postings-> India->Remittance Challans -> Assign Number Ranges to Number Groups
Text Symbol: 102 = A Number Range has to be attached for each Number Group so that Challan update works correctly.
Text Symbol: 103 =
Text Symbol: 104 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 105 = Withholding Tax ->Postings-> India-> Vendor W Tax Certificates -> Maintain Number Groups and SAPsc
Text Symbol: 054 =
Text Symbol: 055 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax ->
Text Symbol: 056 = -> Extended Withholding Tax -> Basic Settings -> India -> Define Business Places
Text Symbol: 057 = Atleast one Business Place should be created for a Company code based on TAN Number.
Text Symbol: 058 =
Text Symbol: 059 = Parked documents created in classic cannot be executed after switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 060 =
Text Symbol: 061 = These documents have to be processed before switching to EWT.
Text Symbol: 062 =
Text Symbol: 063 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 064 = Withholding Tax ->Postings -> India -> Provisions for Taxes -> Specify Which Accounts Are Liable
Text Symbol: 065 = Clearing account for the Company Code not specified.
Text Symbol: 066 =
Text Symbol: 067 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 068 = Withholding Tax ->Postings -> India ->Journal Vouchers -> Specify G/L Accounts to Post Withholdi
Text Symbol: 069 = Provisions or Losses account not specified.
Text Symbol: 070 =
Text Symbol: 071 = IMG -> Financial Accounting -> Financial Accounting Global Settings -> Withholding Tax -> Extend
Text Symbol: 072 = Withholding Tax ->Calculation-> India -> Maintain Surcharge Calculation Methods.
Text Symbol: 073 = Company code should have a surcharge calculation method defined .
Text Symbol: 074 =
Text Symbol: 075 = Withholding Tax ->Calculation-> India -> Maintain Surcharge Tax Codes (Separate Tax Codes).
Text Symbol: 076 = Seperate tax codes for Country, WT Type and WT code should be maintained.
Text Symbol: 077 =
Text Symbol: 078 = Withholding Tax ->Calculation-> India->Maintain Surcharge Rates (Surcharges Combined with Basic W
Text Symbol: 079 = For a company code, WT Type, WT code and Recipient type surcharge rate should be maintained.



TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

No SAP FUNCTION MODULES are executed within this report code!

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