SAP Reports / Programs | Financial Accounting | Travel Management | Travel Planning(FI-TV-PL) SAP FI

MFITPF2000_OK SAP ABAP INCLUDE - Form Routines Screen 2000

MFITPF2000_OK is a standard ABAP INCLUDE available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter MFITPF2000_OK into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT MFITPF2000_OK. "Basic submit
SUBMIT MFITPF2000_OK AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT MFITPF2000_OK VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Title: Form Routines Screen 2000

INCLUDES used within this REPORT MFITPF2000_OK

No INCLUDES are used within this REPORT code!

TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

FITP_QUICKTRIP_INIT CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_QUICKTRIP_INIT' TABLES io_t_qt_qtrip = t_qt_qtrip io_t_qt_item = t_qt_item io_t_qt_flight = t_qt_flight io_t_qt_car = t_qt_car io_t_qt_hotel = t_qt_hotel io_t_qt_bprofile = t_qt_bprofile io_t_qt_altern = t_qt_altern.

FITP_QUICKTRIP_SET CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_QUICKTRIP_SET' EXPORTING iwa_variant = wa_variant iprofile_name = profile_name * iactivity_type = ftpt_plan-activity_type "QSC iactivity_type = 4100_activity_type "QSC TABLES io_t_item = t_item io_t_flight = t_flight io_t_car = t_car io_t_hotel = t_hotel io_t_qt_qtrip = t_qt_qtrip io_t_qt_flight = t_qt_flight io_t_qt_hotel = t_qt_hotel io_t_qt_car = t_qt_car io_t_qt_item = t_qt_item io_t_qt_altern = t_qt_altern io_t_qt_bprofile = t_qt_bprofile EXCEPTIONS qt_set = 1 qt_cancel = 2 qt_abort = 3 OTHERS = 4.

FITP_INIT_PNR CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_INIT_PNR' EXPORTING p0002 = p0002 wa_variant = wa_variant TABLES t_pnr_name = t_pnr_name t_pnr_phone = t_pnr_phone t_pnr_address = t_pnr_address.

FITP_EDIT_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_EDIT_TEXT' EXPORTING title_text = text-v07 mode = transaction_mode TABLES edit_text = t_text EXCEPTIONS no_text = 1 canceled = 2 OTHERS = 3.

FITP_INIT_PNR CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_INIT_PNR' EXPORTING p0002 = p0002 l_p0006 = p0006 l_p0475 = p0475 wa_variant = wa_variant sw_portal = false TABLES t_pnr_name = t_pnr_name t_pnr_phone = t_pnr_phone t_pnr_address = t_pnr_address.

TP_1A_PNR_DISPLAY * CALL FUNCTION 'TP_1A_PNR_DISPLAY' * EXPORTING * recloc = wa_variant-rec_locator * username = t_pnr_name-surname * EXCEPTIONS * call_error = 0.

FITP_PNR_DISPLAY CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_PNR_DISPLAY' EXPORTING recloc = wa_variant-rec_locator traveler_name = t_pnr_name-surname resys = ptrp_resys EXCEPTIONS call_error = 1.

FITP_INIT_PNR CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_INIT_PNR' EXPORTING p0002 = p0002 l_p0006 = p0006 l_p0475 = p0475 wa_variant = wa_variant sw_portal = false TABLES t_pnr_name = t_pnr_name t_pnr_phone = t_pnr_phone t_pnr_address = t_pnr_address.


FITP_EDIT_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_EDIT_TEXT' EXPORTING title_text = title_text mode = transaction_mode TABLES edit_text = t_text EXCEPTIONS no_text = 1 canceled = 2 OTHERS = 3.

FITP_FLIGHT_REQUEST_POPUP CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_FLIGHT_REQUEST_POPUP' EXPORTING variant = wa_variant p0002 = p0002 p0006 = p0006 p0475 = p0475 profile = profile_name * activity = ftpt_plan-activity_type "YWWK043662 activity = wa_req_head-activity_type "YWWK043662 flight_dep_default = p0471-defap * ziel = ftpt_plan-destination "YWWK008264 ziel = wa_req_head-location_end "YWWK024758 user_cat_for_f4 = user_cat "YWWK002205 user_group_for_f4 = ptrp_userg "YWWK002205 proposal_req_head = wa_req_head "YWWK016346 IMPORTING flight_scheme = flight_scheme ptrp_aaa_workarea = ptrp_aaa_workarea "YWWK000563 paf = g_paf "QSC_PAF TABLES t_item_request_in = t_item_request_in t_item_request_out = t_item_request_out t_pnr_name = t_pnr_name t_pnr_phone = t_pnr_phone t_pnr_address = t_pnr_address t_flight_avai = t_flight_avai t_item = t_item t_item_status = t_item_status t_flight = t_flight t_text_to = t_text_to t_text_back = t_text_back EXCEPTIONS input_cancelled = 1 OTHERS = 2.

FITP_SET_PNR_LINENUMBER CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_SET_PNR_LINENUMBER' EXPORTING "QSCK012899 trvof = ptrp_userg"QSCK012899 * EXPORTING * SYNC_FARE = ' ' TABLES * T_PLAN = item = t_item item_status = t_item_status flight = t_flight flight_pref = t_flight_pref * FLIGHT_LEG = * FLIGHT_FARE = * FLIGHT_TST = * HOTEL = * HOTEL_PREF = * CAR = * CAR_PREF = pnr = t_pnr "YWWK043662 * PNR_PHONE = pnr_address = t_pnr_address pnr_remarks = t_pnr_remarks * PNR_OSI = * PNR_SSR = * FARE_COMP = * FARE_NOTE = * INFO = head = t_head "QSC perio = t_perio "QSC CHANGING * PLAN = variant = wa_variant * TRANSACTION_MODE = EXCEPTIONS service_for_line_not_found = 1 line_for_service_not_found = 2 OTHERS = 3 .


FITP_FLIGHT_FARE_NOTES CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_FLIGHT_FARE_NOTES' EXPORTING provider = ptrp_resys variant = wa_variant TABLES flight = t_flight flight_tst = t_flight_tst flight_fare = t_flight_fare fare_comp = t_fare_comp fare_note = t_fare_note.

FITP_DISPLAY_HOTEL_DETAILS CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_DISPLAY_HOTEL_DETAILS' EXPORTING provider = ptrp_resys variant = '20' htl_provider = wa_hotel-hotel htl_loc = wa_hotel-loc property_code = wa_hotel-property check_in = wa_hotel-date_arr check_out = wa_hotel-date_dep catalogue_id = wa_hotel-catalogue_id EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

FITP_HRS_GET_HOTEL_DETAILS CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_HRS_GET_HOTEL_DETAILS' EXPORTING language = sy-langu wa_ta23hrs = wa_ta23hrs wa_hotel = wa_hotel.

FITP_XI_GET_HOTEL_DETAILS CALL FUNCTION 'FITP_XI_GET_HOTEL_DETAILS' "QHK_XI EXPORTING "QHK_XI language = sy-langu "QHK_XI wa_ta23xi = wa_ta23xi "QHK_XI wa_hotel = wa_hotel. "QHK_XI

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