SAP Reports / Programs | Financial Accounting | Localization(FI-LOC) SAP FI


MJ1IFNF02 is a standard ABAP INCLUDE available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter MJ1IFNF02 into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT MJ1IFNF02. "Basic submit
SUBMIT MJ1IFNF02 AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT MJ1IFNF02 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

Text pool values

Title: Include MJ1IFNF02

INCLUDES used within this REPORT MJ1IFNF02

No INCLUDES are used within this REPORT code!

TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

POPUP_TO_INFORM CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_INFORM' EXPORTING titel = 'Text Control' txt2 = space txt1 = 'Internal Error while creating object'. "#EC NOTEXT

READ_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING * CLIENT = SY-MANDT id = p_tdid language = sy-langu name = tmp_tdname object = 'J1IF' * ARCHIVE_HANDLE = 0 IMPORTING header = thead TABLES lines = tline EXCEPTIONS ID = 1 LANGUAGE = 2 NAME = 3 NOT_FOUND = 4 OBJECT = 5 REFERENCE_CHECK = 6 WRONG_ACCESS_TO_ARCHIVE = 7 OTHERS = 8.

SAVE_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT' EXPORTING * CLIENT = SY-MANDT header = thead insert = insert_mode savemode_direct = space * OWNER_SPECIFIED = ' ' IMPORTING * FUNCTION = newheader = thead TABLES lines = it_lines EXCEPTIONS ID = 1 LANGUAGE = 2 NAME = 3 OBJECT = 4 OTHERS = 5 .

READ_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'READ_TEXT' EXPORTING * CLIENT = SY-MANDT id = p_id language = sy-langu name = p_tdname object = 'J1IF' * ARCHIVE_HANDLE = 0 IMPORTING header = p_head TABLES lines = p_tline.

COMMIT_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'COMMIT_TEXT' EXPORTING * OBJECT = '*' name = p_tdname * ID = '*' * LANGUAGE = '*' savemode_direct = 'X' * KEEP = ' ' * IMPORTING * COMMIT_COUNT = * TABLES * T_OBJECT = * T_NAME = * T_ID = * T_LANGUAGE = .

SAVE_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'SAVE_TEXT' EXPORTING * CLIENT = SY-MANDT header = p_head insert = p_mode savemode_direct = space * OWNER_SPECIFIED = ' ' IMPORTING * FUNCTION = newheader = thead TABLES lines = p_lines * EXCEPTIONS * ID = 1 * LANGUAGE = 2 * NAME = 3 * OBJECT = 4 * OTHERS = 5 .



J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXCISE_RATE CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXCISE_RATE' EXPORTING bukrs = wa_exchdr-bukrs werks = wa_exchdr-werks matnr = wa_excdtl-matnr vendor = wa_exchdr-lifnr kalsm = wa_t005-kalsm mwskz = wa_t001-mwskv tax_date = wa_exchdr-exdat menge = wa_excdtl-rev_qty kawrt = wa_excdtl-rev_exbas unit = wa_excdtl-meins IMPORTING exc_amount = wa_excdtl-rev_exbed add_amount = wa_excdtl-rev_exaed sed_amount = wa_excdtl-rev_exsed * Begin of Budget-2006 program changes EXADDTAX1_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rev_exaddtax1 EXADDTAX2_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rev_exaddtax2 EXADDTAX3_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rev_exaddtax3 * End of Budget-2006 program changes * NCCD changes starts nccd_amount = wa_excdtl-rev_nccd * NCCD changes ends * ECS changes starts ecs_amount = wa_excdtl-rev_ecs * ECS changes ends EXCEPTIONS chapter_id_missing = 1 company_data_not_setup = 2 tax_proc_invalid = 3 excind_missing = 4 vendor_missing = 5 taxcode_invalid = 6 excise_rate_missing = 7 OTHERS = 8.

J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXCISE_RATE CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXCISE_RATE' EXPORTING bukrs = wa_exchdr-bukrs werks = wa_exchdr-werks matnr = wa_excdtl-matnr vendor = wa_exchdr-lifnr kalsm = wa_t005-kalsm mwskz = wa_t001-mwskv tax_date = wa_exchdr-exdat menge = wa_excdtl-rec_qty kawrt = wa_excdtl-rec_exbas unit = wa_excdtl-meins IMPORTING exc_amount = wa_excdtl-rec_exbed add_amount = wa_excdtl-rec_exaed sed_amount = wa_excdtl-rec_exsed * Begin of Budget-2006 program changes EXADDTAX1_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rec_exaddtax1 EXADDTAX2_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rec_exaddtax2 EXADDTAX3_AMOUNT = wa_excdtl-rec_exaddtax3 * End of Budget-2006 program changes * NCCD changes starts nccd_amount = wa_excdtl-rec_nccd * NCCD changes ends * ECS changes starts ecs_amount = wa_excdtl-rec_ecs * ECS changes ends EXCEPTIONS chapter_id_missing = 1 company_data_not_setup = 2 tax_proc_invalid = 3 excind_missing = 4 vendor_missing = 5 taxcode_invalid = 6 excise_rate_missing = 7 OTHERS = 8.

J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXC_YEAR CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I6_DETERMINE_EXC_YEAR' EXPORTING i_bukrs = wa_exchdr-bukrs i_budat = part2-budat IMPORTING excise_year = part2-syear EXCEPTIONS miss_company = 1 OTHERS = 2.

J_1I6_MODVAT_POSTING CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I6_MODVAT_POSTING' EXPORTING i_comp_code = wa_exchdr-bukrs i_currency = wa_exchdr-excur i_ext_ref_doc = modpost-fi_xblnr i_post_date = sy-datlo IMPORTING e_awtyp = modpost-fi_awtyp e_awref = modpost-fi_awref e_aworg = modpost-fi_aworg e_blart = modpost-fi_blart TABLES i_account_info = t_mdvt_posting_tab EXCEPTIONS fiscal_period_error = 1 doc_create_failed = 2 doc_post_failed = 3 fi_posting_error = 4 OTHERS = 5.

POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST CALL FUNCTION 'POPUP_TO_DECIDE_LIST' EXPORTING start_col = 18 start_row = 4 titel = 'Subcontracting' textline1 = 'Accounting Documents ' "#EC NOTEXT TABLES t_spopli = adocoption.

J_1I6_UNIT_CONVERSION CALL FUNCTION 'J_1I6_UNIT_CONVERSION' EXPORTING matnr_imp = exsl_excinv-matnr unit_new_imp = wa_excdtl-meins unit_old_imp = exsl_excinv-meins value_old_imp = exsl_excinv-credit_qty IMPORTING value_new_exp = exsl_excinv-credit_qty EXCEPTIONS overflow = 1 OTHERS = 2.

ENQUEUE_EMMKPF CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_EMMKPF' EXPORTING mblnr = rm07m-mblnr mjahr = rm07m-mjahr EXCEPTIONS foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 OTHERS = 3.

DEQUEUE_EMMKPF CALL FUNCTION 'DEQUEUE_EMMKPF' EXPORTING mblnr = rm07m-mblnr mjahr = rm07m-mjahr.

ENQUEUE_EJ_1IEXHDR CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_EJ_1IEXHDR' EXPORTING mandt = sy-mandt trntyp = '57FC' "trntyp docyr = wa_exchdr-docyr docno = wa_exchdr-docno EXCEPTIONS foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 OTHERS = 3.

DEQUEUE_EJ_1IEXHDR CALL FUNCTION 'DEQUEUE_EJ_1IEXHDR' EXPORTING * MODE_J_1IEXCHDR = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt trntyp = '57FC' "trntyp docyr = wa_exchdr-docyr docno = wa_exchdr-docno EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.


CALL FUNCTION 'ENQUEUE_EJ_1IEXDTL' EXPORTING * MODE_J_1IEXCDTL = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt trntyp = '57FC' "trntyp docyr = wa_excdtl-docyr docno = wa_excdtl-docno zeile = wa_excdtl-zeile EXCEPTIONS foreign_lock = 1 system_failure = 2 OTHERS = 3.

DEQUEUE_EJ_1IEXDTL CALL FUNCTION 'DEQUEUE_EJ_1IEXDTL' EXPORTING * MODE_J_1IEXCDTL = 'E' mandt = sy-mandt trntyp = '57FC' "trntyp docyr = wa_excdtl-docyr docno = wa_excdtl-docno zeile = wa_excdtl-zeile EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1.

DELETE_TEXT CALL FUNCTION 'DELETE_TEXT' EXPORTING * CLIENT = SY-MANDT id = it_stxl-tdid language = it_stxl-tdspras name = it_stxl-tdname object = it_stxl-tdobject savemode_direct = 'X' * textmemory_only = 'X' * EXCEPTIONS * NOT_FOUND = 1 * OTHERS = 2 .


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The contribute/comments section below therefore offer's an opportunity for anyone to add additional information. This can be anything from useful hints, tips and screen shots to relevant SAP notes or anything else you feel is relevant to this report.

This will then be available for everyone to easily find by simply searching on the report name MJ1IFNF02 or its description.