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MKEI2F01 SAP ABAP INCLUDE - documentation and ABAP source code

MKEI2F01 is a standard ABAP INCLUDE available within your SAP system (depending on your version and release level). Below is the basic information available for this SAP report including which OBJECTS it interacts with such as TABLES, FUNCTION MODULES, INCLUDES ETC. Also check out the submitted Comments related to this SAP report or see any standard documentation available.

If you would like to execute this report or see the full code listing simply enter MKEI2F01 into the relevant SAP transactions such as SE38 or SE80

ABAP code to call this SAP report using the submit statement

This report can be called from another progam/report simply by using the ABAP SUBMIT statement, see below for example ABAP code snipts of how to do this.

SUBMIT MKEI2F01. "Basic submit
SUBMIT MKEI2F01 AND RETURN. "Return to original report after report execution complete
SUBMIT MKEI2F01 VIA SELECTION-SCREEN. "Display selection screen of submitted report to user
    See more syntax options for the ABAP SUBMIT statement

INCLUDES used within this REPORT MKEI2F01

No INCLUDES are used within this REPORT code!

TABLES used within REPORT and the associated SELECT statement:

No SAP DATABASE tables are accessed within this REPORT code!

Function Modules used within report and the associated call statement:

COPA_GET_ERK call function 'COPA_GET_ERK' importing erkrs = p_erkrs ok_code = ok_code.

RKE_READ_ERKRS_MESSAGE call function 'RKE_READ_ERKRS_MESSAGE' exporting i_erkrs = i_erkrs importing e_v_tkeb = g_v_tkeb et_v_tkebl = gt_v_tkebl et_v_tkelt = gt_v_tkelt.

RKE_CURRENCIES_GET call function 'RKE_CURRENCIES_GET' exporting i_erkrs = i_erkrs i_paledger = g_v_tkebl_erkrs-paledger importing et_v_curr = gt_v_curr.

COPA_GET_ERK call function 'COPA_GET_ERK' importing erkrs = e_erkrs ok_code = l_ok_code.

RKE_FILL_FIELD_TABLE call function 'RKE_FILL_FIELD_TABLE' exporting erkrs = e_erkrs pa_type = '1' i_sorted = rkea1_on tables fieldtab = gt_fieldtab et_dependencies = gt_dependencies.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_LOSS_OF_DATA' exporting textline1 = text-002 titel = text-001 importing answer = answer.

POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP * call function 'POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_STEP' * exporting * defaultoption = 'N' * textline1 = text-002 * titel = text-001 * cancel_display = ' ' * importing * answer = answer.

RKE_CONVERT_DATE_TO_LOGNR call function 'RKE_CONVERT_DATE_TO_LOGNR' exporting erkrs = g_erkrs date = cest1-budat perspec = cest1-perde importing perio = cest1-perio perio2 = cest1-altperio exceptions i_perspec_invalid = 9.

RKE_READ_ERKRS_MESSAGE call function 'RKE_READ_ERKRS_MESSAGE' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs importing e_v_tkeb = g_v_tkeb.

KEDR_TRACE_REFRESH call function 'KEDR_TRACE_REFRESH'." Löschen der Ableitungsinfo

RKE_INTEGRATION_SHOW call function 'RKE_INTEGRATION_SHOW' exporting line_item = cest1.

RKE_READ_ERKRS call function 'RKE_READ_ERKRS' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs importing e_tkebb = l_tkebb.

COPA_READ_VALUE_FIELD_GROUP call function 'COPA_READ_VALUE_FIELD_GROUP' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_record_type = cest1-vrgar tables et_vfields = lt_val exceptions invalid_value_field_group = 1 no_value_field_group_assigned = 2 others = 3.

COPA_READ_CHARACTERISTIC_GROUP call function 'COPA_READ_CHARACTERISTIC_GROUP' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_record_type = cest1-vrgar tables et_char = lt_char exceptions invalid_char_group = 1 no_char_group_assigned = 2 invalid_characteristic = 3 others = 4.

RKE_EXIT call function 'RKE_EXIT' exporting i_exit_id = keex_c_exit_id-modify_chartab i_count_params = 5 changing x_param_1 = g_erkrs x_param_2 = l_tkebb-branc x_param_3 = gt_lines[] x_param_4 = gt_fieldtab[] x_param_5 = lt_char[] exceptions error = 1 others = 2.

RKE_SHORT_TEXT_ALL call function 'RKE_SHORT_TEXT_ALL' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_pa_type = '1' importing e_subrc = l_subrc tables it_dynp_fields = gt_char it_check_fields = lt_check et_text = lt_text et_error = lt_error.

CHECK_AND_CONVERT_NUMERICS CALL FUNCTION 'CHECK_AND_CONVERT_NUMERICS' EXPORTING dmzei = g_dec_point dtype = 'DEC' efeld = i_line-value IMP_DECIMALS = '5' IMPORTING ERROR = l_error IFELD = i_line-value MESSG = l_messg.

RKE_EXIT call function 'RKE_EXIT' exporting i_exit_id = keex_c_exit_id-convert_ikzdur i_count_params = 2 changing x_param_1 = g_erkrs x_param_2 = i_line-value exceptions error = 1 others = 2.


call function 'RKE_SHORT_TEXT_ALL' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_pa_type = l_pa_type i_date = cest1-budat importing e_subrc = l_subrc tables it_dynp_fields = gt_processed it_check_fields = lt_check et_text = lt_text et_error = lt_error.

RKE_DEPENDENT_CHAR_GET call function 'RKE_DEPENDENT_CHAR_GET' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs it_characteristics = lt_check importing et_dependent_char = lt_dependent_char[].

G_CONVERT_INPUT call function 'G_CONVERT_INPUT' exporting converted_length = -leng convexit = -convexit datatype = -datatype input_length = -outputlen input_value = i_value importing converted_value = e_value exceptions date_does_not_exist = 1 date_format_unrecognized = 2 illegal_length = 3 input_is_not_numeric = 4 conversion_failure = 5 others = 6.

RKE_F4 call function 'RKE_F4' exporting i_erkrs = g_rkb1x-erkrs i_pa_type = g_rkb1x-pa_type is_dynp_info = l_dynp_info tables it_dynp_fields = it_char.

RKE_HELP_EXIT_H_TVGA call function 'RKE_HELP_EXIT_H_TVGA' tables shlp_tab = lt_shlp_tab record_tab = lt_record_tab changing shlp = l_shlp callcontrol = l_callcontrol.

NUMBER_GET_INFO call function 'NUMBER_GET_INFO'" interne Nummernvergabe exporting object = nrk_objekt subobject = g_erkrs nr_range_nr = tvgai_tab-numki toyear = cest1-gjahr importing interval = interval exceptions interval_not_found = 6.

NUMBER_CHECK call function 'NUMBER_CHECK' " Verproben exporting object = nrk_objekt subobject = g_erkrs nr_range_nr = tvgai_tab-numke toyear = cest1-gjahr number = cest1-belnr importing returncode = nrk_ret_code exceptions interval_not_found = 7.

NUMBER_GET_INFO call function 'NUMBER_GET_INFO' " Intervallgrenzen exporting object = nrk_objekt subobject = g_erkrs nr_range_nr = tvgai_tab-numki toyear = cest1-gjahr importing interval = nrk_intervall.

NUMBER_GET_INFO call function 'NUMBER_GET_INFO' " Intervallgrenzen exporting object = nrk_objekt subobject = g_erkrs nr_range_nr = tvgai_tab-numke toyear = cest1-gjahr importing interval = nrk_intervall.

COPA_READ_VALUE_FIELD_GROUP call function 'COPA_READ_VALUE_FIELD_GROUP' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_record_type = cest1-vrgar tables et_vfields = lt_val exceptions invalid_value_field_group = 1 no_value_field_group_assigned = 2 others = 3.

KEDR_TRACE_WRITE call function 'KEDR_TRACE_WRITE' exporting i_trace_handle = global-trace_handle_deri.

RKE_TIMESTAMP_CONVERT_OUTPUT call function 'RKE_TIMESTAMP_CONVERT_OUTPUT' exporting i_dayst = sy-dayst i_timestmp = l_cest1-timestmp i_tzone = sy-tzone importing * e_date = help_dat e_time = help_time.

RKD_SHORT_TEXT_SINGLE call function 'RKD_SHORT_TEXT_SINGLE' exporting applclass = 'KE' characteristic = int_value criteria = i_fieldname i_rkb1x = g_rkb1x mode = 'T' importing characteristic_text = e_valuetext exceptions others = 0.

COPA_KEAB_TRACE_WRITE call function 'COPA_KEAB_TRACE_WRITE' exporting i_trace_handle = global-trace_handle_bean.

COPA_CHECK_CO_AREA call function 'COPA_CHECK_CO_AREA' exporting i_gjahr = cest1-gjahr i_kokrs = cest1-kokrs importing e_tp_active = l_tp_active exceptions others = 1.

KEDR_TRACE_WRITE call function 'KEDR_TRACE_WRITE' exporting i_trace_handle = global-trace_handle_pcst.

READ_EXCHANGE_RATE call function 'READ_EXCHANGE_RATE' exporting date = cest1-budat foreign_currency = cest1-frwae local_currency = l_waers importing fixed_rate = l_fixed_rate.

COPA_ERKRS_FIND call function 'COPA_ERKRS_FIND' exporting bukrs = cest1-bukrs importing erkrs = erkrs1 kokrs = cest1-kokrs.

K_KOKRS_READ call function 'K_KOKRS_READ' exporting gjahr = cest1-gjahr kokrs = cest1-kokrs importing e_tka00 = lc_tka00 exceptions not_found_gjahr = 2 others = 3.

RKE_CURRENCIES_GET call function 'RKE_CURRENCIES_GET' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_bukrs = cest1-bukrs importing et_v_curr = gt_v_curr.

RKD_SHORT_TEXT_SINGLE * call function 'RKD_SHORT_TEXT_SINGLE' * exporting * applclass = 'KE' * characteristic = int_unit * criteria = l_line-reffield.

RKE_SHORT_TEXT_ALL call function 'RKE_SHORT_TEXT_ALL' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs i_pa_type = l_patype i_date = cest1-budat importing e_subrc = l_subrc tables it_dynp_fields = gt_char it_check_fields = gt_not_checked et_text = lt_text et_error = lt_error.

RKE_SUPERIOR_CHAR_GET call function 'RKE_SUPERIOR_CHAR_GET' exporting i_erkrs = g_erkrs it_characteristics = lt_not_checked importing et_superior_char = lt_superior_char[].

RKE_CHECK_ORG_ELEMENTS call function 'RKE_CHECK_ORG_ELEMENTS' exporting datum = l_cest1-budat datum_bis = l_cest1-budat erkrs = g_erkrs bukrs = l_cest1-bukrs gsber = l_cest1-gsber prctr = l_cest1-prctr vkorg = l_cest1-vkorg vtweg = l_cest1-vtweg spart = l_cest1-spart werks = l_cest1-werks exceptions assignment_not_allowed = 1 bukrs_erkrs_wrong = 2 bukrs_kokrs_wrong = 3 kokrs_erkrs_wrong = 4 no_kokrs_assigned = 5 no_kokrs_for_bukrs = 6 prctr_erkrs_wrong = 7 prctr_kokrs_wrong = 8 prctr_not_valid = 9 vkorg_bukrs_wrong = 10 vkorg_erkrs_wrong = 11 vkorg_kokrs_wrong = 12 vkorg_not_exist = 13 werk_bukrs_wrong = 14 werk_erkrs_wrong = 15 werk_kokrs_wrong = 16 prctr_not_found = 17 others = 18.


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